Chapter 8: Chaos at The School Cafeteria

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Tristan Fauxier along with Rain and the twins had went to the cafeteria which Professor Buenavista told them to go to. Tristan asked where was the cafeteria could be located, and found out that it was at the left most part of the left wing’s building, first floor. They all followed the trail of the mob of students all going to the cafeteria for their breakfast. Having not able to eat everything in the food box last night, Tristan now felt the hunger crawling to his stomach. The food box had miraculously disappeared when he woke up this morning. Following the trail, Timmy went near Tristan, and whispered something. “Be careful at them.” Tristan looked at her with his usual querying look. “Who?” “Them. The Goons. They’re bullies.” Following her claim about the goons, Timmy placed her index finger towards the direction where a group of students—their classmates—were brusquely walking. They were the first among the groups in their class who was heading towards the cafeteria, showing off as if they could unhesitatingly break the neck of anyone who would argue and disagree with them. “I never know that bullies exists in this class.” “That’s right, man. One of them, the leader-s***h-declared-alpha-waiting-for-his-sexy-she-wolf bullied Tammy yesterday.” “Were they?” Tristan looked at Tammy who was having a casual conversation with Rain. “What did they do to her?” he asked. “Tammy was looking at the beauty of the building. Even me, I was fascinated when I first saw it. The architecture was just … fascinating, man. It’s fascinating. Unfortunately, Tammy was blocking the way of the goons. Their leader shoved Tammy off their way, and did not even feel guilty when my twin fell on the ground. The man even said that weak beings like her were not deserving of a spot as a scholar.” “But wasn’t it what this class needs are highly intelligent students? Those with high GPAs, and performs exceptional in class?” “True in case. And those bullies, painful to accept, has an exceptional intelligence. You would not see them here if they do not know the value of pi in its eighteenth decimal value.” “That’s the first I heard people like them.” “Well, bullies are stereotyped as fool and stupid and brainless. That’s why they were revolutionary,” Timmy said, laughing. Reading through the joke of Timmy, Tristan also laughed. “Such a revolutionary bullies,” he said. When they finally reached the cafeteria, the students, lead by the group of the bullies, started to fall in line, to pick some of the food in the buffet table. It was fascinating to see that the students of Classroom Zero were composed and disciplined. Everyone of them falls silently in line, waiting for their turn of getting the food—except of course, of the bullies. Since they were the one who firstly fell in line, they were also the one who finished first the food in their plate. Having no hesitations seen through them, they would cut on the line, and would go to the buffet table as if it was their own. “These kinds of bullies are hard to deal with, man,” said Timmy. “I once dealt with the kinds of them. To admit, they’re tough,” Tristan told, reminiscing the time when he’d have to deal with bulky men similar with the bullies they have in this class now, and how he’d have hard time giving them the lesson they deserve. “Whoah! you mean you fought a bully like them once? You punched them in the face courageously?!” The cafeteria exploded in silence. Tristan’s eyes grew in shock after what Timmy unhesitatingly did. From her shock, she unthinkably shouted the question she had just recently asked. The whole cafeteria heard her. Her voice boomed and echoed in the corners of the room, and reached the bullies who, at the moment, was scooping food on the table. Shattering plates had made Tristan and Timmy jolt their shoulders. As Tristan looked at the direction where the plates shattered, he saw the bullies’ raging eyes piercing through him, ready to incinerate his soul with their demonic gazes. “s**t,” Timmy said when she realized the wrong thing she had done for the part of Tristan. “Yeah, s**t,” Tristan nodded. Hearing what Timmy said, the bullies started to head towards their direction. Tristan had felt a cold lump stuck on his throat as he watched those bulks of muscles coming through him. He was certain that at that moment, there would come a brutal torture—if, he would let them. The alpha of the group was as usual, the one on the front. The face of the group. Showing off his muscles, and his rugged long hair, he went to Tristan. Tristan had two choice: fight or flight. Or deny—which, only a cowards would do. To flight means not cowardice. He believes that there were time that one would indeed see a perfect timing to flight. Or escape, in its real matter. To recognize that you’re losing, or that you could not fight is actually a strength—of mind. To accept defeat is the courage too of improving. But Tristan remained standing. Unfettered. He chose fight. “That’s a good thing I heard,” the alpha of the bullies said. “That Lesbian, I mean. She’s tactless. And stupid.” To be honest, Tristan wants to deliberately agree with the alpha’s claim. Timmy was stupid. But instead, she said, “I’m sorry about her.” “And you?” “Me?” “You wouldn’t say sorry to me?” Tristan looked on the ground. Finally raising back his stare, he looked at the alpha of the bullies without any sense of shakiness, or fear, for the matter. “I’m sorry,” he said. “Man, you don’t look genuine. That sucks.” He released his anger which he hid along with his smile. The sting of his stare looked dangerous. But, actually, Tristan hadn’t have any worries—or fear—from his glares. “What can I do for you to believe that I am sincere?” The man’s smile grew slyer. “What else? Kneel in my front. Kiss my shoe.” “We’re not on a drama, Sir. I wouldn’t do that.” “Oh, really? Then what do you want?” he c****d his head forward, his mouth near Tristan’s ears. “Do you want to f**k my fist?” “I am not a s*x-o-maniac, sir. Fisting’s a brutal way of s*x too.” The leader of the bullies laughed. “You’re funny, dude. I wonder how—” “Tristan.” The leader had not finished what he was about to say, when from out of nowhere, Rain came, and dragged Tristan away of the erupting tension. Tristan understood that Rain was just trying to protect and save him from the threat of the goons. From that, he wanted to thank the woman. But when the underlings of the Alpha blocked their path, and chased after them, the apocalypse of the peaceful cafeteria had erupted. Two men in their front attempted to catch them by means of constricting them with their boa-sized arms. Yet, Tristan and Rain had a useful advantage over them. Compared to them, they were relatively small in their sizes. Being small, they are fast and agile. So, naturally, they would be able to escape. They both ducked from the attempted constricting of the men’s arms. Having escaped, they ran. It was too unfortunate, however, for the door of the cafeteria has been closed by the one of the bullies already. “Here!” Rain shouted, dragging Tristan towards another direction. They head towards the cluster of empty tables and chairs being covered with white clothes to make it at least, elegant. But, they don’t have anything to go hide into, nor find any useful things that they could use to escape from the sly wolves. Tristan looked at Rain, and nodded. Sighing, Rain irritatingly closed her eyes, and bit her lips. “You’re making a scene. Do you know there’s a consequence over this?” “I don’t know. Besides, this was not my intention.” “I know,” she said. Looking at the back, they saw the bullies rushing towards them. Having fully decided, Rain and Tristan faced them. One of the sinewy man abruptly came towards Tristan, and aimed a punch. He ducked sideways. He noticed that the critical point at the man’s flexed elbow was exposed. At the Humerus, he teared his Ulnar Collateral Ligament. Having a small background on martial arts, plus human anatomy, Holder quickly stroked his fist towards the man’s elbow with a concentrated, yet controlled strength. As his knuckles met the man’s elbows, a crack of his bones was a music to his ears. The bully screamed. Using the edge of his palm, he silenced the man by walloping him on his throat. Then a direct punch on his face had made him unconscious. Rain, on the other hand, has a different fighting style. There was a reason why she wore that peculiar and funny suit which she says a suited attire for gardening. It was way better to be used for this kinds of scenario. Fighting. Her agility was top notched. She had been using all parts of her body—her feet, her back, her arms, her head. She made sure that every joints found in her anatomical features shall be used. She was a master martial arts user. Despite her using every muscles on her body, it was noticeable that her speed and reflexes were incomparable. Similar with Tristan, she has been using her knowledge about human anatomy to quickly pinpoint the criticals of her opponent’s body. The room turned into turmoil. Violent. But the students who does not have a business to the wrath that is happening, never bothered—nor think to bother—on joining the brutality. Even Tammy who was now shaking in fear. Even Timmy, who was now slyly smiling, looking entertained as she witnessed the high-class live action of fists and bloods. 
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