Chapter 9: Fresh Earlobes

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She lives in her own world, they say. Everyone knew that she is a sadist. She is someone who have the fascination and extreme pleasure to abuse, torture, and despair. She has long been famous to her classmates and friends—past friends—of being a sly snake sweetly coiling around the body of her victim, and when ready, unnoticingly constricting and strangling them until despair. Sometimes, death. However, as she moved to this new school perfectly suited for her obsession to chaos, no one knew of her real personality. Looking at the turmoil happening on their front, she was secretly smiling. Morbidly. Like a demon hiding in her den, he looked at Rain and Tristan who had satisfyingly fought the big apes. One by one, those fanged apes in its sinewy form were falling, screaming. Crying. Watching the apes one by one falling, the woman could not help herself but be disappointed. It was a sudden plan, but she secretly expected that Tristan and Rain will be tortured by the apes. Not the reverse. Contrary, she had not expected that the baritonic shrill of the men would be gravely pleasurable to her ears. A sweet spot. She had not heard yet any big footed crying because of chipmunks moving fast and agile in the forest of pain. This was the first time. Hugging her twin sister, and hiding in her back, she said, “I hope Tristan and Rain will be okay.” “Timmy, why did you do this?” her twin sister asked in a low, whispering voice. “Huh?” She pretended that she could not grasp the question of her sister. “T—Timmy, I know you. Everytime this thing happens, I know that you’re the one behind of this. One way or another.” “I don’t get you, Tammy.” Her twin sister sighed. “We’re not in our school anymore. We’re not free. This place, I—It is… It is as restricting as hell. We should change.” She smiled. Wider. Afraid that her smile might be seen by anyone, she hid her face on her sister’s back. She hugged her… tightly. Tammy felt the tightening of the arms of Timmy coiling around her belly, like a snake—as how she was being referred. Feeling the strangling sensation of her sister’s arms, Tammy bit her lips. With her hands trembling, she held the arms of her sister, begging… Begging. “Why would I change, Tammy? If this place is perfect for my obsession, why would I change? It was as if you’re saying to a fox not to eat any fresh and luscious meat in a place filled with herd of sheep.” *** Feeling the tiredness of his body, Tristan let out a loud scream of sigh. His shoulders drooped from the extreme tiredness he was feeling. Seeing that the bullies rushing through him one by one, he felt that fighting these bullies were not going to easily end. He took a glance at Rain from the other side. Just like him, tiredness are making her body fall into a slower pace of action. Her breathing was now uncontrolled, sign that her focus was now only veered into inflicting pain to her enemies. He was about to dodge another clumsy punch from one of his enemies when the sound of the bell ringing inside the cafeteria had made them stop their fight. The closed door of the cafeteria exploded into opening. From there, Tristan saw two guards standing. They were holding highly calibrated guns—a 14.5 inch M-15 Tactical Rifle—that would surely inflict high damage to him and even to the bullies with only single click from the guards’ fingers. It doesn’t matter if they are as big as the goons, or as courageous as Tristan. With that small yet powerful bullet that would erupt from the nozzles, their destination would surely be death. Seeing the medium of death, it was a wise decision to stop their fight. At the back of the guards, someone was following them. She was as if protecting herself with the use of the two guards advancing forward. Tristan realized that the man who was about to punch him before the guards came into action, was the leader of the bullies. He did not recognize it, had he not coughed and spitted clots of blood on the cafeteria’s floor. Tristan remembered that there was a man he had accidentally hit at his chest wall. He was afraid that it may cause a lung collapse or trauma, knowing that he had hit him with a strong pressure. Now seeing the leader of the bullies having noticeable shorter breaths, Tristan was afraid that it might be perhaps him who had received that powerful attack. “This always happens.” At the back of the guards who came near them, a familiar woman had appeared. “When there were no restrictors of the rules, this always happens.” “Professor Buenavista! It was the bullies who starte—” “Shut up!” Professor Buenavista’s enraged scream echoed in every corners of the cafeteria. Hearing the growl of their professor, the students shivered, and went back into silence. Among everyone, Timmy was the one who have to gravely shut her mouth, for she was the one who pulled the courage to talk, and tell what has happened in the area. She fell back, and hid at the back of her also frightened sister. “Don’t you think we wouldn’t see everything?” Professor Buenavista asked. “Yes, you may say that there were no CCTV cameras installed in the surrounding. But do not be confident. Something is watching you.” From her torturing gazes, she looked back to the group of the people who had caused the morning turmoil. “And to you!” She pinpointed her index finger towards Tristan, Rain, and the bullies. “You are all intelligent enough to know the basics of being responsible, aren’t you?” Tristan and Rain nodded. Among all, the both of them clearly understands the rule of being a responsible student. Especially Tristan. After all, he has been receiving the outstanding student awards of their school for four consecutive years already. The bullies, however, did not nod, nor recognize the authority of the professor. Even the leader, he did not do anything but scoffed as the professor speaks. “We wished a clean and peaceful morning breakfast to all of you. But you failed me.” “But you failed as our professor,” said the leader of the bullies. Bearing a rage, he scowled at their professor. “Who gave you the authority to speak, Mr. Jones? I am giving you a warning.” “Who would f*****g care? You’re just nothing but a weak woman who—” A wild bang of gun reverberated in the cafeteria. Some of the students jolted in shock, while Tristan’s eyes grew wide. He clearly saw the streak of the bullet firing from one of the guard’s gun. It rapidly buried to the leader’s flesh. It blew the ligaments of his left toe. Professor Buenavista smiled. “What am I, you say, Mr. Jones?” she walked towards the leader who was now sulking on the ground. He was holding his left foot, feeling the searing pain of the buried bullet. “A weak woman?” Everyone watched the scenario with their mouth deliberately closed. On their eyes, there the traces of fear could be seen as they witness how their professor crawled towards the leader of the bullies. She crept to the ground like a weird insect, travelling towards her prey. The leader of the bullies panted in fear. His eyes wide as he look at the crawling professor with smile plastered on her face. “Get away of me!” He shrilled. “get away of me, demon! Get away of me!” But Professor Buenavista crept—she felt more satisfaction as she listen to the frightened begs of the man. Clearly witnessing the scene, Tristan felt a shiver on his spine—especially at the weird way of crawling by their professor. For him, it was as if the woman was a phantom. He saw how the leader of the bullies met the end wall of the cafeteria, how he continuously pushed himself backwards despite the dead end. He clearly saw how Professor Buenaventura neared bulky body of the man; she grabbed his head; kissed his cheeks; licked his earlobes, and bit—devoured like a chewy meat. “Ahhhh!” The man, restricted from the unbelievable strength of their professor, could not do anything but to scream. To cry. To feel the fresh pain of his detached ear. Tristan stepped back. With wide eyes, he tightly held Rain’s shaking hands. Topped on the now unconscious body of the leader of the bullies, their professor was diabolically chewing a soft, fleshy earlobe. 
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