Chapter 41: Unexplored

1382 Words
They walked, passing through the glaring camera down on the ground. With a stealthy move, Tristan and Rain walked towards the right side alley of the building’s first floor they were currently trapped. It is an unexplored alley, Rain had said to Tristan. Walking to the part where the camera would not be able to capture their faces and their whole body (a blindspot), Rain explained to Tristan what they are doing. “This place of the building were unexplored to any of the students of Class Zero,” she whispered. “You mean this place was restricted for us to go?” Tristan asked. From that question, Rain nodded. “We were not allowed to come through here, nor even dare to step inside.” “But we’re doing it,” Tristan said, whispering. As they walk, they have been doing extreme care on their steps. Subtly, they were placing their feet on the ground, and they were careful not to make any billowing noise. One wrong move, one wrong noise, it will surely become their end. “Because I know that we will be able to discover something here,” Rain said. Tristan had agreed to her. “This place of the building would not be restricted for no reason,” he looked at the surrounding. “Whatever we will be discovering here, I know we will both be surprised.” At the direction of the path that they were travelling, two alleys, left and right had diverged. Both of it has the same kind of eerie vibes that no one would not deny. It was dim and invigorated with darkness. The flickering of the lights above the ceiling even added to the terrifying aura that it possess. Somehow, Tristan thought that he was walking on an abandoned hospital—those places similar to the horror he have watched. “Which one will we take?” Tristan asked. Seeing Rain, she was contemplating whether it would be the left or right path of the alley. They have no concrete place to went at, nor targeting to go to. They don’t even have a blueprint of the place, that is why it was so hard for her to choose for the path. “E—Either way,” she said, hesitating. “After all, we’re just going to look around. Any place will do.” From that, Tristan nodded. He said, “Then let’s take this left alley. I’ve got a gut we can find something here.” “Let’s go.” As they started to travel towards the left alley of the unexplored part of the building, Rain caught a glimpse of camera above the walls. Another few more steps, they will be seen through its lenses. Because of that, she stopped. Tristan did so too, and saw that the reason was another camera. “Let’s go to the blind spot,” Rain said. The two of them quickly rested their backs on the wall. They covered their faces with the use of their hoods on the jacket they are wearing. They made sure that their back was sticking on the wall before they started to move again. Slowly, they side-stepped while still sticking their body on the only blind spot of the camera that is waiting to them ahead. When done, they went back into walking normally again. There is one thing which Tristan had observed while they were travelling through the restricted alley of the school. “There were no rooms,” he said. Rain had observed it as well. “This place is nothing but alleys—only walls and cemented floors. But we can find no rooms. “Maybe it was hidden?” Tristan asked, trying to conclude something from the peculiarity that they have observed. “How?” “Uhm… camouflaged on the walls?” “That’s weird, but I think they would not bother to do that thing on this place, Tristan. It seems like you’re concluding too much of a science fiction.” “But we can’t tell,” he argued. After a minute, the alley they were travelling to, had shifted and made a sharp veering towards the right part direction. They went on the corner before the shifting portion, and from there, they peeked. They made sure to look at the setting of the alley before they could go on and travel through it. Their hearts tumbled in fast beat as they saw one thing they thought they would not see. In the middle of the path, there was another source of light aside from the flickering lights on the ceiling. This light had brightly illuminated the dim alley. The light peeking from behind the door was more stable, compared to the eerie lightbulbs on the ceiling. “There it is. A room,” said Rain. There were no cameras lurking ahead. Even in front of the door, Rain could not see any cameras. Seeing that opportunity, she quickly went out from hiding, and said, “Let’s go.” But Tristan quickly grabbed her arms. He pulled her through him and hugged her tight. Rain was about to scream in anger, but Tristan again managed to cover her mouth with his hands. “Shhh…” he tried calming her, “stay quiet.” “Give me five minutes, I’ll be there.” Tristan felt Rain’s body to stiffen when they heard another unfamiliar voice booming in the dim alley. When he somehow knew that Rain understood what he was doing, he removed his hand on her mouth, and his hug on her body. Someone was inside the room and they will be in extreme danger if they will be caught in the act. “Yes, Master Red. I’m at one of my laboratories. Allow me to go there within five minutes.” Slowly, they peeked back to the alley. There they saw a man wearing a white laboratory coat. His hair was shining in copper dye, and his physique was notably attractive. His right hand was placed near his ears, and on that is where he was holding his cellphone. “Yes, sure.” They saw him pressing on his cellphone, and soon placing it at the pocket of his coat. He looked back to the room, and contemplated whether he would close it or not. Soon, he sighed. “I’ll just come back here,” he said. Then, he started walking. Luckily, he walked through the opposite direction where Tristan and Rain was hiding. “We have at least ten minutes,” Tristan said. “Five minutes before that man could go wherever he was going, and another five minutes to went back, going here. If he will have to talk to that Master Red he was saying, we’ll be having more allowance of time.” Rain nodded. It was really fascinating for Tristan to see how she had easily composed and calmed herself despite knowing that earlier, her life was about to fall in pit of danger, because she hadn’t thought that there is someone inside the room—the laboratory, as what the copper-haired man said. “Do you think someone was still there inside the room?” she asked. “I think there is no one. He was contemplating earlier whether if he was going to close the room or not, have you seen it? If that so, it just means he is alone.” ‘”Yes.” “Let’s just gamble through it,” said Tristan. Now, still hiding on the corner, they stared at the back of the copper-haired professor. Tristan somehow knew that the man was attractively looking. And even the way how he walk, he somehow exudes the unexplained aura of masculinity. Somehow, he felt jealous. As he walk, both of them stare at him. Waited for him to be erased off their sight. When the man was now swallowed by the veering alley at their opposite direction, Tristan and Rain went out from hiding. Stealthily, they went inside the man’s laboratory. The bright light of the room had welcome them, making them to forcedly squint their eyes. When they finally adjusted, they quickly scanned the place. Indeed, it was a laboratory. And they only have ten minutes to look through it.
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