Chapter 13: Seven

1088 Words
Born with the ingredients of fear, anxiety, and weak wills, Tammy Cruz has never been treated seriously by anyone, except her twin sister.  At some point, Tammy was envious of her sister because she has been doing great in terms of socializing with people. She never had anxiety, nor felt shy whenever she was about to meet new sets of random, strange people. If she was having a hard time thinking of something to tell so that she could make a lively conversation, her sister can easily pull off her thoughts, and talk to others as if it was usual. As if they were old, normal friends.  If she was having a hard time to ward off awkwardness in her surroundings as new people talk, her sister can do it as if it was her natural talent.  Most of the time, she was envious. But most of the time, she was mad at her. Because she had everything. She just kept her hatred as a secret or else there would be no more someone who would totally accept her as what she is. Sometimes, she loves her sister. She shows it by showing care, concern, and even acting as if the eldest in between of the two. But … Everyone has a dark secret, right?  For her, she just wants her sister dead. Also this uncontrollable shaking of his body. Also her social anxiety. Also her awkwardness.  She wants them all dead.  But looking at the current situation that she was in, She could not help herself but to call the name of the woman she secretly wanted to die.  “Timmy!”  Her eyes were filled with forming pearls of tears. Her body was shaking incessantly.  “Timmy!” Tammy Cruz does not know where she has gone to now. She has been panicking ever since the breathing forest erupted. Her panic even gets bigger when she realizes that she was not beside her twin sister, and that she is alone.  Surrounding her was the dominant green of the forest—the leaves, the vines, the grasses.  She doesn’t want to admit it, but she felt that she was inside a blockbuster horror movie. She and her sister were an avid fan of horror and slasher movies. She admits that she felt dominant satisfaction when she felt the thrill of seeing blood, decapitated body parts, sliced flesh, chasing, and sharp objects. She even felt happiness whenever she sees people in the movie who have been shaking unstoppably as they were being chased by either a ghost or a weird murderer—because at least, they were able to feel the suffering that she has been experiencing. But seeing her sister, the gleam in her eyes was noticeably different whenever the torture scene was happening in the movie they were watching. She was way more different—felt a different level of ecstatic feeling as she watch. “Timmy!”  She crouched. She hugged her knees as cold breeze of the wind blew off to the forest. The mist swirls in the surrounding, but it was not as thick compared to the mists on the starting point of this activity. She pursed her lips as she felt hopeless. She was detached from her sister, and she knew it would be hard for them to find each other back. Especially to this dire, horrible place.  Funny, she does not believe on what Timmy says; that they have a psychic connection that only twins possess. That was a funny conspiracy, but it hasn’t been proven yet. Tammy believes that it will never be going to happen.  Hearing the rustling sound of feet brushing to the grass, she raised her head, feeling a little bit of hope.  “Hello? Someone there?” she asked. “Timmy, is that you?”  Asking whether it was Timmy’s feet who was coming, her voice broke. The feeling of utter fear was wafting through her and to her body, and hearing footsteps somehow made her feel safe.  From the clusters of leaves, someone popped out, and revealed.  It was just disappointing, however, when Tammy realized that it wasn’t her sister. But at least it was a classmate of hers. A man. The man was brushing his hair that has been nestled by leaves and dirt. Looking at him, he is a tall man with a lean physique—not as bulky and muscular like the bullies, but it could be observed that he has been making an effort of building his body. His complexion was of snow's. His eyebrows gliding neat and thick above his eyelids, his nose proud, and his pinkish lips were plumped and looking soft.  As he looked at her, the almost emerald color of his eyes made Tammy fascinated.  “Are you alright?” he asked with a smile peering on his face. Tammy quickly brushed the pearl of tears on her eyes and cheeks. She quickly stood up. “I—I am okay. I just thought you’re my sister.” She lowly bowed, and started to walk again.  “Hey, wait, where are you going?” the man asked. Tammy started to panic. Her anxiety started to kick in on her mind. Series of what ifs flushed through her.  What if…  What if…  What if… “Are you okay?” the man asked, making Tammy move out of her sudden spaceout.  “Huh? Uh… Y—Yes, I—I am okay.” She quickly turned her back to him, and started to swiftly walk.  Never talk to a stranger, not if Timmy was beside her. “Hey, Wait up!”  The man held her arm. Her fingers started to tremble, that is why she pulled her arm, and hid it to her back.  “Are you okay?” the man asked him again.  “I—I am.”  “I’m Seven. I think you’re lost, just like how I was also lost.”  “I—I was separated from my partner, that is.”  “Ah…” Seven muttered. He looked down at the ground, and felt anxious, as if he remembered something.  “A—Are you okay?” This time, it was Tammy who had asked. “Ah, yes. I just remembered something. My partner.” “Wh—What happened?”  “Did you see the woman who was dissolved inside a giant pitcher plant? She was my partner.”  Tammy looked terrified and feeling sorry. “I’m… I’m sorry for that.” 
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