Chapter 14: City's a Hell

1115 Words
They were just simple students. Both Lester and Holland live in a simple village, in a small province in the Philippines. Having lived in a small, boring place, the both of them dreamt of living in a city. Because in the city, there the thrill never ran out. On a small light emitting Diode television—which only their neighbor has the capacity to buy—there they saw the fancies of the city. Inside the four corners of a box that can record the this-that of the world, they saw the fancy of the city lights, the tall buildings that in their village was only a tell-tale, the never running out beautiful sceneries and most specially … the people’s smiles. It was the city smiles that had demonically attracted them to go to the city. The smiles of the people in there were bright, white, with full composition of teeth, and … shining. Compared to the teeth of the people in their village, when smiling, traces of red and black stains could be found on their supposedly white teeth. Those were smiles of the ignorants, they believe. But when they were finally able to go to a city, and live and study there, they felt that the shackling chains on their body were released. Unlocked. Free. Of course, it only lasted on their first weeks of living in the place. As time passes by, they have been discovering small spots of flame in the city. Until days come, weeks come, months come, they discover that a city is a beautified spot of hell. Crimes, treachery, threats, lust, lies, greed, and pretensions. Those were only a few of the things that they discovered as they fully dove into the city. To the point that they fell into the devil’s trap. Or … was it a trap made by devils? Or a natural thing which humanity white-washed as a trap? A sin. Lester and Holland were friends from the start. They were both the ‘dreamers’ of their small village. Both of them are extremely smart that their competitions in school were unstoppable. People were thrilled about their competition, for both of them knew what to do, what to act.  At some certain points, Lester would win, then at some point, it was Holland. Yet, despite people thinking that they are real-life, dramatic competitors of each other, a hero and anti-hero (either of the two fits either of the roles) people think that they were the hope of the village. They were the first among them who could be rich, and make their families live a beautiful life. Contrary to the view of other people, however, they were not enemies. They treat each other as friends. It was perhaps because of the fact that only the two of them could get the vibe of each other. Both are males. Both are intelligent. That is why when they were having conversation, they could not help but to use deep terms which their classmates or of people on their age could not get to understand.  With the remarkable intelligence and performance of the two, they had received four simultaneous scholarships, in order for them to study their senior high school at the expense of wonderful facilities and complete equipment. One is to fully pay the tuition of their school, three were to offer them money for their lodging, everyday expenses, and school miscellaneous expenses. Living in the city is for them, heaven. Until one day, at the apartment room next to the one they are renting, they saw something peculiar through its slightly opened door.  Two men, kissing, caressing each other’s body. It was a surprising discovery that Both Lester and Holland found. From the limited societal knowledge that they have as they both lived in a small, faraway village in a province, they had not realized that the thing they had witnessed could actually happen.  Of course, they knew about gays. One of their classmates was being insulted because of her femininity in the way he moves and speaks. Both of them despised their classmate’s treatment towards him because it was not the community’s problem why he was like that. He was all true and natural to himself, and it was not a problem. They have just also recently discovered that gays were part of a larger, empowered community. The community that raises rainbow flags. LGBTQIA+. But despite that, they have limited idea that two men can actually agree to each other to kiss ... and perhaps more. That night, they were completely bothered by the scene that they could not sleep. The heat escaping out of their body was making them awake. All night. Until they have just found out that they were copying what they have witnessed.  They were kissing each other, hugging and caressing, cupping each other’s faces, muscles, and… manhood. They were being driven crazy by each other’s sensational touches, that they do not actually know how they were moving, and kissing, as if they have the long idea about this. They do not. It was the first time they had done it. It was just as if they let their animal instincts move on their own.  When they finished discovering through their curiosity, they despised what they had done. Even despised each other. They both agreed that the thing they have done would not happen again, anymore. Because it’s wrong. But it repeated, again and again. Enjoyed it, again and again. Now, they were walking on the forest, afraid and shaking. Two handsome men with composed and lean bodies, holding each other’s hand. Afraid. “Lester, I think we should not take that direction,” suggested Lester as he looked at the front, towards the cluster of weird, titanic plants waiting for them to come. “Man, if that was where the Titan Arum could be found, we’re just missing the chances.”  “But look at it. Those plants looks danger.” “Danger’s where the treasure was mostly hidden, was it?” Holland said.  “We’re not looking for Yamashita’s, man.” “Don’t worry, I’m here to protect you. We’re not going to be eaten by any monstrous plants here.” “That’s easy to say,” said Lester. Holland tightly squeezed Lester’s soft hand. He looked at him, and said, “Trust me, Lester. We’ll be alright.”  He came near him, and pecked a kiss at the man whose hands he was squeezing at. Lester does not move, and willingly accepted the kiss.  Little did they know, a bunch of eyes clustered as if  grapes were looking at them… hungry… craving… with the urgent desire to devour.
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