Chapter 13 Running into Someone Familiar

1550 Words

The lady PR specialist took over the glass and sipped some water before looking up at me. "You must be new here, haven't seen you around." I nodded and she said, "Thank you for looking after me, you’re new and you don't understand but eventually, you will." She struggled to her feet and braced against the wall. "Can you walk back? Should I call someone to help you?" I said. She c****d her head at me and said, "No, I can make it back myself, I have to hurry back or the clients will be angry, you do your job of cleaning the toilets and I'll do mine!" Her words sounded a bit grating on the ears, especially the cleaning of toilets. Sensing my displeasure, she looked back at me with a bitter smile. "My name is Peggy. I used to do your job for a while when I first came here. I persisted f

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