Chapter 4 Money Temptation

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I also knew Sylvia was stunning and that every man fantasized about making out with her. However, I had not touched her, so I pretended to be shy about it. “It’s all right, haha!” By the time I sent Jennifer to Sensuality Spa, my forehead was dripping with sweat from all the anxiety. Jennifer had asked me to park the car outside. I could either wait in the car or walk around the area. There was a food street beside the spa where I could get myself something to eat. I only had to pick her up two hours later. Of course, I had to make sure she could reach me on my phone. After she went into Sensuality Spa, I finally heaved a sigh of relief. I replayed my conversation with her in my mind to check if I had faltered somewhere. I immediately texted Sylvia. Sylvia replied very soon. I texted back. Sylvia was silent for a while before she finally replied. Sylvia never replied after that. While Jennifer was in the spa for her beauty treatment, I walked around the area for a while. I went back to the car to wait for her when it was time for her to come out. After two hours, Jennifer came out of the spa all radiant and beautiful. She looked like she had had a great time. After getting into the car, she told me to take her to the mansion. Not long after I started driving, I was shocked when Jennifer suddenly dangled a bank card next to my face. Was she giving me my salary? This was only my first day of work and according to Sylvia, Theta Group’s payday was at the first week of every month. So, what was going on? “This is for you!” Jennifer grinned and said, “There’s 200 thousand dollars in this account. You can spend it however you like!” 200 thousand dollars?! I was stunned for a moment and clarified, “Jennifer, what’s this for?” I had no idea what this woman was up to. The bank card she held still lingered enticingly next to my face. She grinned playfully as she said, “I will give you this 200 thousand dollars if you answer my one question. You only have to answer me honestly with a yes or no.” “What’s that? Jennifer, you don’t have to do this.” I was starting to tense up. She patted me on my shoulder and tossed the bank card on the front passenger seat. “Tell me now. Did Sylvia pay you to have a fake marriage with her?” Jennifer's veins on her forehead throbbed as she locked her gaze on me. Huh? I pretended to be shocked again. “Answer me honestly. Yes, or no. I think you are an intelligent man. You should know what the right choice to make is.” She then leaned back in her seat and waited for my reply. This was 200 thousand dollars! I could have all this money as soon as I answered “Yes”! For a moment there, I almost gave in to the temptation. Then, Sylvia’s face emerged in my mind. If I told the truth, she would get into a whole lot of trouble. Although we were not a real couple, I had begun to have feelings for her after being together for half a month. I could not bring myself to betray her. Since we had made a contract, I would not be able to face her if I were to break my agreement with her. I could never do it! Sylvia, I passed my chance to obtain 200 thousand dollars for your sake. I will be furious if you won’t compensate me … if you stop me from having my way with you tonight! I tried my best to smile and intentionally looked back at the woman in the rear seat. “Jennifer, what do you think you’re doing? Sylvia and I are really married.” After that, I gave the card with the 200 thousand dollars back to her. Jennifer took the card and was silent throughout. I could not tell what she was thinking. After I returned home that night, I told Sylvia everything that had happened. “She really wanted to give you 200 thousand dollars so that you would admit that our marriage was faked?” Sylvia gasped in disbelief. “Yes. It’s absolutely true! I can’t believe I resisted the temptation and stood my ground against her threats. I didn’t say a word about us. I did that for your sake!” “You must be making this up! C’mon admit it already!” Sylvia tugged my ear again. I immediately regretted not taking the money. “It’s all true! If you still don’t believe me, I will tell Jennifer about our relationship tomorrow and get the card from her. You will be convinced once you see the card!” “Don’t you dare!” Sylvia finally believed me when she saw my unwavering reaction. She frowned deeply and was worried sick. She mumbled to herself, “Gosh… How did she find out?” “What did you say, honey?” I pretended not to hear it. “Nothing! Don’t call me honey. I am not your wife!” Sylvia growled in return. “Oh, all right. I’ll tell Jennifer you’re not my wife then,” I teased her. “If you dare to tell her that, I’ll castrate you immediately.” Sylvia tugged at my ear again, the pain was excruciating. I said as I winced, “How about you let me f**k you tonight? I didn’t even know how to answer Jennifer when she asked me if I had s*x with you.” “Are you threatening me?” Sylvia glared at me furiously. Then she sighed and her tone became much softer, “How about this? Since you resisted the 200 thousand dollar temptation, let me reward you properly.” When I heard this, I sprung to my feet excitedly, wanting to hug her. Slap! A loud and crisp slap was heard. “I am not interested in s*x. Stop daydreaming about having s*x with me, will you?” It was obvious that Sylvia was lying through her teeth. “But since you have needs, let me reward you. Soon, I’ll arrange two young Eastern European models to accompany you on vacation. You can do whatever you want with them. I’m sure you’ll like this gift. How about it?” At the mention of young models, I immediately folded and agreed. “Are you for real? They’d better not be ugly and fat?” I said immediately. She had better not prank me again. “They are both models. Do you think they would be ugly?” Sylvia rolled her eyes at me. “How about you add another Korean or Japanese babe? For variety?” I realized I could request more since the ball was in my court. Sylvia needed my help anyway. Sylvia rolled her eyes again, but she finally agreed to it. She would give me another Japanese model for my compensation. I was pretty excited about it. However, Sylvia wanted me to wait for some time as the models were not in the country. She would arrange for them to come over together. After this was settled, I raised my doubts. “Since you’re afraid that Jennifer would find out about our true relationship, why did you arrange for me to become her driver?” Sylvia told me that she wanted me to work as a driver at the headquarters at first. But somehow, Jennifer found out about this and personally requested that I become her driver instead. Sylvia could not refuse her request, so things turned out like this. Then, Sylvia and I realized what Jennifer’s true motives were. Jennifer wanted me to drive for her so that she could get me to spill the beans by threatening or seducing me. On the other hand, Sylvia could not refuse her request, otherwise, Jennifer would become suspicious of her. Thus, I had to cooperate with Sylvia and put on a show to get rid of Jennifer’s suspicions, once and for all. The next day, when I was driving Jennifer to the mall for shopping, Sylvia sent me a text asking me to play her voice message at the loudest volume so Jennifer could hear what she was saying. Very soon, I received her voice message. When I played it, we heard Sylvia’s honeyed voice. I was red as a tomato. I immediately apologized to Jennifer, but she seemed unfazed. Instead, she said, “You guys are pretty wild, huh? What did you do to Sylvia that she couldn’t feel her legs today? Haha! Get off work earlier today and go home to her. Right, do tell Sylvia that there are some areas that you guys shouldn’t try. It will be rather painful.” I was not sure if Jennifer believed in the act that we put on, but from then on, she never asked me about my fake marriage anymore. She probably believed me after her relentless probing. Or perhaps she realized that she could not get anything out of me, so decided to stop trying. Anyway, I became her official driver and sent her to various places that a wealthy lady would go every day.
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