Chapter 3 Jennifer’s Probing

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Jennifer was not Michael's first wife. When she was young, she was the prima donna of Everlasting Entertainments. Later, Michael fell for her, and she became his mistress. After his first wife passed away, he took her as his second wife. The irony was that after Jennifer became his wife, Michael took Sylvia as his mistress. It seemed like someone had to fill the spot of being his mistress. It was no wonder Jennifer would suspect Michael and Sylvia’s relationship. She must know her husband well since she got to where she was with the same methods. Jennifer was about forty years old, slightly younger than Daisy. Anyone could see why she was the prima donna of Everlasting Entertainments back then and why Michael fell for her. She was truly gorgeous and had maintained herself well even at her age. She still looked very young, giving the impression that she was in her twenties. She wore a colorful T-shirt that bared her shoulders and a pair of pants. She had a religious-styled bracelet, and the sunglasses made her look like a young diva. When she took off her sunglasses, one could see her captivating eyes. Jennifer had an amorous air about her, and her actions were sensuous and alluring. It was obvious she knew her way around men. This was probably because of her previous occupation and the life she led as someone’s mistress that formed her temperament. This was who she was, and she seemed to enjoy every bit of it. The good thing about her was that she was not arrogant. She was always friendly and did not distance herself from others which, at times, could be mistaken for flirting. Her smiles showed that she was respectful and did not look down on me even if I was only a driver. The first time we met, Jennifer gave me a long, hard look. She then said with a mischievous grin, “I didn’t expect my new driver to be such a handsome lad. I love young hunks like you.” As she spoke, she caressed my chest and appeared surprised. “Not bad. You have been working out.” She nodded repeatedly. “I exercise from time to time,” I replied cautiously. She grabbed my shoulder and said, “You don’t have to be nervous. I’m not that type of cougar that will eat you up.” She was friendly and approachable, like a kind elder sister. She did not have the airs of a chairman’s wife. I helped her open the door, and she then got into the car. The first time I drove her was to a high-class club named Sensuality Spa. Prices there were astronomical, and its target customers were wealthy ladies such as Jennifer. They offered services like spa, beauty spa, massage, manicure, pedicure, and many other services to pamper the ladies. Besides these common services, there were also imported ones such as Thai massages, milk baths, etc. Two handsome blond men stood at the entryway, bowing respectfully to all the customers. Jennifer said, “I visit Sensuality Spa quite often. Women must take care of themselves every day. If not, we will age very quickly. When we become old, no man will ever like us. Men are fickle beings, only beauty can hold them in place.” It seemed like she spent a lot of time on her appearance. That was why she looked to be in her twenties, even though she was already forty. We were inside the car, when she spoke up seductively from the back seat, “Steven, I attended your wedding, do you remember?” “Yeah! I do.” On the day of the wedding, Jennifer sat with Michael all the while. I had noticed her since then because the couple was very affectionate, and she had held Michael’s arm throughout. “How’s it? You should be married for about half a month now. It must be pretty romantic.” Romantic my ass! I was upset but did not show it. “Yeah, it’s fine. We’re all right.” After a while, Jennifer leaned forward and said, “Steven, let me ask you something. In these past few days, did Michael come to your place looking for you, or… Sylvia?” I immediately started thinking hard. It seemed like she had picked up on Michael and Sylvia’s relationship and might also know he had secretly gone to look for Sylvia at Hibiscus Gardens. She was testing me! I pretended to be calm and looked at her with a smile. “How is that possible? Jennifer, Mr. Cowan is a busy man. How would he have the time to come to my place? Don’t you think so?” Jennifer smiled as well, then said alluringly, “It’s hard to say for sure. Although he is a chairman, he would also do things that someone of his status wouldn’t.” “Is that so?” I could not tell how much Jennifer knew about Michael’s affair. She sounded like she knew everything that was going on. Anyway, this could also be part of her mind games. She was just saying this trying to get me to spill. I finally understood Sylvia’s worries. Even though we were married, we had still not gotten rid of Jennifer’s suspicions. The questions Jennifer asked me next confirmed my assumptions. “Oh right, I heard you and Sylvia got married within ten days of meeting each other. Why did you get married so hastily? It seems pretty irrational.” She was still testing me! I was even more cautious now. “Yeah, we got married after ten days. We only had eyes for each other from the start. So, we decided to get married since we’re suited for each other. I was afraid that if I held the wedding off any longer, someone as gorgeous as Sylvia might regret marrying me. Haha.” “Is that so?” She continued probing, “Or is there some other reason behind this?” As Jennifer's queries persisted, I became increasingly agitated, sweat started to bead on my forehead. I could see her in the backseat through the rear-view mirror, her legs crossed, and arms folded across her chest. She had this mysterious, captivating smile throughout. When she saw me looking at her, she leaned forward, and I could see her deep and tempting cleavage. I instinctively gulped. “Haha, there’s no hidden reason. Sylvia and I are probably impulsive. That’s all.” I tried to laugh to hide my nervousness. “Sylvia doesn’t seem like someone impulsive. I think she is thoughtful and rational.” It seemed like she was pretty familiar with Sylvia. “I heard that your family background is just average, and you’ve only recently graduated from your university. Am I right?” She did not wait for an answer and continued, “Sylvia, on the other hand, is exceptional. The two of you seem to belong to different social classes and lifestyles. To be honest, I don’t think the two of you are a good match.” “Sylvia might like me because I’m younger than her.” I started babbling nonsense. I was not quite sure what to say anymore. “To tell the truth, I know Sylvia pretty well. Since I regularly visit your mother-in-law’s jewelry shop, we have gotten quite close. Sylvia is brilliant but haughty. The Sylvia I know definitely wouldn’t fall for you.” She even kindly asked me not to take any offense as she was only speaking her mind. The more Jennifer went on about this, the more nervous I became. I replied feebly, “We must have gotten together by fate. It’s hard to explain what we have.” “Now that we are the only ones in the car, tell me honestly, are you and Sylvia having a sham marriage?” Jennifer asked point blank. What?! She actually hit the bullseye! My brain went into overdrive and forced me to stay calm. I had to make sure I did not reveal the secret. Since she was still sounding me out, she must be uncertain about her assumptions. I must not let her see through me. With a big smile, Jennifer was staring at me in the rear-view mirror. “Fake marriage?” I pretended to be dumbfounded at first before I laughed. “Jennifer, you’re hilarious! Is there such a thing as fake marriage? How could Sylvia and I do that?” I feigned innocence. “Why not? People are capable of doing anything just to achieve their goals. Not to mention fake marriages, you could even have a fake divorce! Isn’t life just a game? You can do whatever you want with it!” Her explanation seemed reasonable. “Sylvia and I are legally married. It’s definitely not fake.” I had to stand my ground. Jennifer was silent for a moment before she asked me, “Is Sylvia good in bed? Is she very different from her usual self when she has orgasms?” I did not expect Jennifer to be this straightforward. I was at a loss for words for a moment then. “Don’t men marry women so they could have s*x constantly? Don’t tell me you haven’t slept together?” She went straight to the point! Her precise intuition was terrifying. Not only did she guess we were fake married but also speculated that we had not slept together. She was incredible at making the right conjectures. I was so darned regretful. I should not have accepted this job as her driver! Now I might give away the secret. I felt defenseless against her constant probing and attacks. “How can you ask me such a question? I feel embarrassed to talk about this.” “Why are you embarrassed? We are all married. There’s nothing for you to hide. Come, tell me. What does it feel like to have s*x with Sylvia? She is gorgeous and said to be the most beautiful woman in Theta Group. You don’t know how many men have fantasized about her. So, how do you feel when you have s*x with Sylvia.”
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