
1824 Words

(Uriel) I waited until Aksana fell asleep before I put my clothes back on and headed downstairs. Ever since I arrived at Aksana’s parents’ house, I felt like I was being watched and when we left Aksana and the others also felt it. I head outside as Omar, Oliver, Janice, Javier, and Laura walk towards the pack house. “Did you guys find anything?” I asked. “No, whoever it was must have masked their scent” Janice said. “If you like we can run the perimeter a few more times” Omar said. “No, you have all been busy and tomorrow we start everyone else’s training. You guys rest” I said. “Yes, your highness. Have a good night” Oliver said. They all went inside, but I stayed outside for a few minutes. It wasn’t long until the person I was waiting for came out of the tree line towards the

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