Training and Attack

1338 Words

(Aksana) While Omar and Janice were teaching some Omegas and pups some offense in human form, I was teaching the other half offense in wolf form. “Now, when you’re in wolf form, you have to find their weak spots. Use that to your advantage. Study them and find out what their strengths are as well. If you know you don’t have enough speed or strength, then use your strongest traits” I yelled as I walked around observing what they do. I watched a particular pair. One is a gray wolf and the other is a white and gray wolf. I see that the gray wolf has a lot of speed and agility. The white and gray wolf has a lot more power, is easily tired out. “Stop” I said to the pair I was watching. I walked to them, their eyes on me. “I see that this gray wolf has a lot of speed, but not enough power.

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