Chapter 9

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Bursting into the school, I ripped the door off its hinges, as I ran straight to Alexander’s class room where his teacher, Mr Clark, was teaching the class. Robert and Quinn were close behind me. I burst into the classroom, looking panicked. I tried to calm myself immediately, so as not to panic. “Queen Violet, what an unexpected surprise. What can we do for you,” Mr Clark asked, just as Robert and Quinn appeared behind me. My eyes searched the room, and landed on Alexander. I waved my hand for him to come to me, as I walked over to Mr Clark. I whispered, “You are aware of the situation to do with my son.” He nodded, before I continued, “We need to take him home, and keep him home, for his safety and the other children’s safety. Can you prepare work for him for the coming months? I will be taking him home immediately, but if you can get the work for me by tomorrow, I will home school him at the palace until this is over.” Alexander had gotten up and gone straight to Robert, he was always more of a father’s boy. Mr Clark smiled, “Of course, your majesty. Feel free to send it to me for grading or marking, if you need to, but I will have it ready for you this evening.” “Thank you, and sorry for the intrusion,” I thanked him. “No apology is necessary. Class say goodbye to King Robert, Queen Violet, Prince Alexander, and Beta Quinn,” Mr Clark instructed the class. All the children waved and said goodbye to us. Alexander waved and said, “Goodbye.” “Goodbye children,” I smiled, waving at them. We left the classroom; Quinn closed the door behind us. The moment it was closed, I said, “We should home school the kids, till this is over.” Robert nodded his agreement. Quinn looked a little unsure if I meant Hunter too. “Hunter, Elisa, and Elijah should all be home schooled with Alexander till this situation is over. Let’s go get them. We can instruct Mrs Gibbons to prepare work for me to home school them,” I added. They both nodded, before we made our way to their classroom. We collected Elijah, Elisa and Hunter without incident. We quickly made our way out of school and back to the palace. We took the kids straight to Robert’s office, which was where I had placed the spare necklaces. Robert and I put necklaces on each of our children. As I said, “These necklaces are to protect you from magic spells, don’t ever take them off, and if someone tells you to take them off, you run. Now, from today, you are all going to be home schooled, until this situation is all over. We need to keep you safe, there are more defences here to protect you than at school.” “Your mother will home school you,” Robert added. “But you are not a teacher, mother, how can you home school us,” Elijah asked. “I have told you before your grandparents, my mother and father, home schooled me after I shifted for the first time when I was nine years old. They did so to protect me. We will home school you to protect you. When things return to normal you can go back to school,” I reminded Elijah. “Does that mean Hunter will too,” Alexander inquired, quietly. I smiled and nodded, “Now, where is my hug?” I opened my arms, as all three of them piled in for a big family hug. Robert even joined in. Robert gently placed a kiss on my lips, before saying, “Elijah and Alexander, why don’t you boys come help me get your younger brothers into this office and we can play a game or two?” They both nodded, screaming, “Yay!!” “But what am I going to do,” asked Elisa. I smiled, “You are coming to help me box up some food and make some meals for the dragons. We have got a lot of work cut out for us, so are you ready for a busy afternoon and evening?” “Mummy, can we make a cake for King Drago, Queen Adalinda, and Prince Drake,” Elisa begged, jumping up and down on the spot. I held my hand out to her, and she took it, as I smiled, “If we have time.” Robert said, “Come on, boys.” He led them from the office, as I followed them, while Elisa walked with me hand in hand. Robert took the boys to the playroom, while I led Elisa down into the pantry. When we arrived, a couple of maids were down in the pantry, with hundreds of crates ready to be filled. The best thing about this pantry is that it was about the size of a warehouse, and located in the basement. From what I understood, it was only a small room, but had a magic spell on it to make the small room the size of a warehouse. The maids that were down there are called Jade and Valerie. Valerie was the oldest maid that worked within the palace. Jade was the youngest maid; she followed Valerie, as she was being trained by her. “Valerie, Jade, thank you for helping us this afternoon,” I said, as my eyes landed upon them. “Queen Violet, Princess Elisa, no need to thank us, we are always here to help. Now, you asked us to meet you down here. What would you like us to do,” Valerie asked. “So, the dragons are running dangerously low on supplies, and they sadly are experiencing an outbreak which is killing many of them. We are sending supplies. Doctor Brown and I did the medical supplies this morning. Our task is to sort out food and household supplies. Valerie, if you could deal with household supplies, cleaning chemicals, sponges, toiletries, etc. Jade, if you could gather crates of bottled water and juice, and load them into crates. Elisa, if you could start on this list of food, these are the ingredients to make lasagnes and soups, to send the dragons. I will start on the food,” I explained, handing a piece of paper to Elisa. “How many crates should we fill,” Jade inquired. “Umm, I think we should do about forty of each. Forty household supplies, forty bottled water and juice, and forty with food. Then some extra crates filled with homemade lasagnes and soups. Elisa, here, has requested that we make a cake for the royal family of the dragons,” I responded, as Amelia mind-linked me to say she was on her way down to help, and that Quinn was with the kids. “We will get right to work, your majesty,” Valerie smiled, before grabbing the crates and heading to the household isle. Jade copied, but headed to the bottled water and juice. I turned to Elisa, just as Amelia walked in, “Elisa, Auntie Amelia, is going to help you get everything on that list. Amelia, did you get that cook book I asked for?” “Yes, I did. Here, you go, Elisa,” she replied, handing the cook book to Elisa. Elisa took the book and looked at it, a little confused. I smiled, “Look for a cake recipe in that book, sweetie. That will be the cake that we will make. All the ingredients will be here, so collect them when you get those items on the list.” “And, I will help you,” Amelia added. Elisa nodded with a lot of excitement, as she ran over to the stack of crates and grabbed two, but they were a little heavier than she expected, so she dragged them along the floor. Amelia grabbed a couple of crates, while I grabbed a stack of them. I went off to fill them with food, while Amelia went off to get everything on the list with Elisa. A couple of hours had passed, and I was half way through the crates of food. Amelia and Elisa came over to me, and said, “We are finished, and we have taken the food up to the kitchen. We are here to help you.” “Aww that is great news, Amelia, could you mindlink Valerie and Jade to see how they are getting on, while Elisa, you can help me,” I responded, which Amelia nodded to and Elisa moved closer to me to help. After Amelia had mindlinked Valerie and Jade, she began to help us, as she informed me, “Valerie is almost done, and so is Jade. I told them to get some help and load the truck up outside. I told them once it is done, they can come help us.” “Excellent, thank you Amelia,” I thanked her. We had completed the food crates within the next hour. Valerie, Jade and the two other maids they had grabbed to help them, came and found us. I smiled, “Could you four get these crates up into the truck? Beta Amelia, Princess Elisa, and I are going to head up to the kitchen to cook some meals to send to the dragons.” They nodded and got to work, while I held my hand out to Elisa, and said, “Come on, let’s go get cooking.” Elisa took my hand, and Amelia followed us back upstairs to the pack kitchen, which was where we made our pack banquets, meaning we had the capabilities in this kitchen to make food for the thousands of pack members we have. If I remember rightly, the dragon population is only about a thousand, we are going to make that amount with chicken and vegetable soup, and lasagne, for each and everyone. Upon arriving at the kitchen, we got to work making a chicken and vegetable soup to start. Elisa was on stirring duty while Amelia and I peeled and diced everything. We left the soup to cook for awhile. We moved on to the lasagnes. Once we made the lasagnes, we moved on to baking the chocolate cake that Elisa had decided on making. Elisa really loved making cakes. She really enjoyed decorating the cake. After it was finished, we put the cake into a cake box, and wrote a note on it saying, “For King Drago, Queen Adalinda, and Prince Drake. Enjoy the cake, love the Lycan royal family. Made with love by Princess Elisa.” We boxed the lasagnes, and chicken and vegetable soups, before loading them into the crates. We called for the maids to help us load the crates of meals on to the truck. After it was all loaded, I sent the truck containing the supplies on its way to the Dragons. “Come on, Elisa, let’s go find daddy and your brothers,” I said, as I took Elisa’s hand. Elisa nodded, as we both left to go towards Robert’s office. Amelia followed us to the office, as Quinn was there with their children. I opened the door to the office and allowed Elisa to walk in, before I entered the room. “Daddy,” Elisa screamed, as she bundled him. “How is my princess? How did you get on,” Robert asked, as he caught Elisa in his arms. “We made lots of soup and lasagne. We made a special cake from us, to the dragon royal family. I am really happy. We made lasagne for us for dinner too,” Elisa giggled, with excitement. “Well, I will call them now, and let them know that the supplies are on the way with a special surprise made by my princess,” Robert boasted. Amelia had gone in and given her children and Quinn each a kiss. While, I gave hugs and kisses to all my handsome boys. Robert stood up, letting Elisa go play with her brothers. He went off to make a phone call really quickly, while I said to the children, “Tidy all the toys away kids, dinner will be ready soon.” The kids all groaned, they didn’t want to have to pack away their toys, but it was dinner time. They eventually began packing their toys away while Robert was on the phone. After they were finished, Robert finished his phone call, and smiled, “King Drago said Prince Drake was incredibly excited to try the food you made and to see what the surprise was.” Elisa began jumping in excitement as Drake’s name was mentioned, which was strange. That kind of excitement is what Alexander and Ivy exhibit for each other. Interspecies mating is something I had never heard of before, so it gave me another thing to add to the list of things I had yet to discover about my daughter. Just as I was about to speak, a mindlink was forced open between Robert, Quinn, Amelia, and I, by a Lycan who was on patrol near the border with the dark witches. The Lycan’s name was Frederick. He said with some urgency, “Your majesties, and Betas, I am reporting activity along the dark witch border.” “Quinn and I will be there immediately,” Robert replied, in the mindlink. “Yes sir,” Frederick responded, before severing the mindlink. “Be safe, both of you. Amelia and I will get the kids to eat their dinners and get them to bed. If you need me, you mindlink me, and I will be there as fast as I can,” I spoke, before they could say a word. Robert wrapped his arms around my waist, and smiled, “And, that is why I love you so much. You always worry about me. Stay indoors.” “I love you too. See you soon.” Robert said his goodbyes to the children, while Quinn said his goodbyes to Amelia and his kids. After they had left, we got the kids to have their dinner, before putting them to bed. Amelia and I sat up waiting for Robert and Quinn to return home. When they finally did, six hours after they had left, we got them dinner and they went up for showers. I followed Robert and asked, “What are the dark witches doing by the border?” “For now, it seems like they are just camping in the meadow just beyond our border. Let’s just hope they don’t make an attempt to cross into our lands,” Robert explained. “War is coming and we need to prepare for it, Robert.” “I know, and we will.”
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