Protecting Her

1110 Words
ISAAC’S POV — I run along the forest , jumping fallen trees , stopping now and then to smell the air . My mother actually gave me a clue and I ordered our warriors to look around where they could smell wolfsbane . When I had asked and pleaded with her to think back , if she might have recognized the place , she sighed , her eyes sad as she looked at me with pity and explained that all she could smell was wolfsbane . The smell alone makes our noses burn slightly and I instructed everyone to look for wolfsbane . With my nose in the air , I take multiple deep breaths as I run , focusing on the scent of wolfsbane and I snort as I find it . “Head north .” I demand through the mind link as I dart into the direction of the poison . Unless we ingest it , it does not harm us unless touching it of course . “The scent is getting stronger .” I chime through the mind link and for the first time in hours , it felt as if I could properly breathe . I run as fast as my legs can go until I halt at the sight of a wooden cabin , hidden between trees and bushes . “Be on the look out , we know this is not a one person job .” I growl through the link , memories of the attack flashing through my mind . My eyes flick over the dozens of rogues , their dirty pelts looks like rubber melted together , the stench that radiates off of them has my nose senses on over drive and their eyes swirl with craziness . It was horrifying to see so many rogues in one place , to smell them was worse . “Alpha .” My beta , Liam , calls me out of my thoughts through the link . “Approach carefully .” I demand as I step forward , the sound of the crunchy leaves cracking under my foot was so loud that it made me bite down on my teeth in hopes that it did not alert someone . A low growl comes from a bush and a few rogues come into view , I grimace at the sight of them and growl back . I shave a stare down with the one in front , his dark brown hair was so dirty , it almost looked black . He stomps his foot to the ground , snapping his teeth at me and even if it is a threat , I take it as an invite and charge at the wolf . Ten minutes of fighting off these rogue wolves and they are all dead , one of my warriors injured , but I did not focus on him as I shifted and pull on shorts from one of the bag one of our warriors carried . I run past the bushes , ignoring the smell of wolfsbane burning my nostrils and I run into the cabin , finding my beautiful mate with her hands chained to her back , her eyes wide as she stares at me . " Isaac ." tears brim in her eyes and my legs run over to her and I wrap my arms around her tiny frame . " You're okay . " I breathe out , inhaling a deep breathe and her scent is hovering all around me . This is home . " How did you find me ?" she croaks out as her voice cracks as a sob rips through her throat . " I'll tell you later ." I cup her cheek , kissing her on the lips , her cheeks , her forehead and nose before I fiddle with the cuffs behind her back . I loosen them and she brings her arms in front of her , rolling her shoulders while rubbing her wrists . " Let's go home ." I breathe and so we did . -- ALISON'S POV -- Isaac's family all hugs me , saying how happy they are that I am okay and I tell them I am fine and just need rest . Isaac leads me back to our room , his worried eyes glancing at me the whole time . " Are you sure that you are okay ?" he asks as his hand rests on my lower back . It felt nice to have him near me , I knew I wasn't in danger with Jax , but I missed Isaac . " Do you know who took you ?" he asks and I freeze , wondering if I should tell him or not . " No ." I lie , he would go and kill Jax and I don't want that . He is my brother's best friend and beta , I knew the guy growing up and having him executed for having a mental illness and a weird obsession seems wrong . " Are you sure ?" he asks and the words flow through my mind , everything that Jax had said about him repeats in my mind like a broken record . " I didn't see , he wore a mask ." I shake my head . " And there was nothing familiar about him ? His voice ? A tattoo ?" , " No , stop questioning me like I'm some sort of criminal ." I scoff , anger rippling through me . " I was just asking ." he frowns and I could tell he was feeling bad . His eyes were sad and he looked confused . " I just need sleep ." I sigh as I enter out room , which is a total f*****g mess . " Sorry , I meant for someone to come clean up . I was just so angry and worried ." he sighs , raking his hand through his hair as he looks at the mess . "It's later's problem ." I mutter , feeling slightly annoyed before I crawl onto the bed , clutching my soft feather pillow in my arms and I lay my head down on it , closing my eyes to sleep . " He traded you in for his mom and sister ." I could only hear the words in Jax's teasing voice , as if he was smug about what has happened to me , but I don't believe him because Isaac is my mate , he loves me too much .
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