
My Mate’s Betrayal

first love

When the Northern Pack was under attack during the night , the attackers took the alpha’s mother and sister in hostage . Isaac was left a note , which indicated that if he wanted to save his mother and pregnant sister and see them alive again , he’d had to give them his most prized possession — his mate , Alison . He betrays her , keeping the secret from her .

What will he do and will she forgive him when she finds out the truth ?

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The Attack
ISAAC’S POV — I run up the stairs , my legs moving faster than ever . His words ring through my ears repeatedly , ‘ But don’t worry about running home to your precious Alison , she is long gone .’ The picture of his deceiving grin on his face makes my blood boil , but I could not stop thinking about it . I push the door open , it swung back fast and hard , the blood drains from my face as my eyes roam the empty room . She’s gone . She’s really gone . My shaky legs carry me over to the bed , where I had left her , a note now laying in the place where she slept next to the necklace I had a tracker build inside . How did he know ? He couldn't have known about the tracker . This is all wrong , this isn't how it should have gone down . ‘ I won’t call it a fair trade , but having her will make up for your betrayal . Have a nice and lonely life , Isaac .’ I crumble the piece of paper in my hands and my knees buckle underneath me . With my head resting against the mattress , guilt creeps up my spine towards my heart and I swear I could feel it crack . This is my fault , this is all my f*****g fault . I let my mate get taken by rogues , even if it wasn’t my intention , but it was still my fault . I never should have let this happen . Two days ago , our pack was under attack , the note said that they were looking for Alison , but I guess when they couldn’t find her , they took the next best thing , my mother and pregnant sister . They demanded a trade , they wanted Alison in return for my family and I thought I could do it , I thought I could save them all . But I didn’t and now they have my mate . I would never have given Alison if I knew this was going to happen . He wasn’t suppose to know about the necklace , I should have gotten her back before she could wake up . I should have been faster , I should have had a back up plan — but my ego ruins everything , I thought I could do it on my own , I thought I could save my mother and sister and still save my mate on time too . I couldn’t lift my head as someone knocks on the door , only shut my eyes and pray , pray that she’s safe , that she’s unharmed . “Isaac ..” my mother’s soft voice fills the room and I squeeze my eyes shut . I can’t do this , I can’t live with myself . I can’t live without her . I could feel her eyes on me . “Is she ..” she asks , her voice cracking . “She’s gone mom .” I croak out , my voice breaks and so does my heart . How do I go on knowing that I am the reason my mate got taken ? My mother kneels beside me , wrapping her arms around me comfortably , but it did not feel comfortable like usual — I felt trapped . I shove my shoulders back , widening them as I break free from her grasp . “Don’t .” I shake my head . I can’t bare to look at her right now , the shame coursing through my body is unbearable . What kind of man lets their mate get taken ? I should have left her with guards , I should have let someone watch over her , but no — selfish old me wants to keep everything to myself , how stupid was I to think that I was protecting her ? “Isaac , calm down .” My mother’s calm voice does nothing to sooth the burning rage in my veins . I pace up and down , my nails digging into my palms harder and harder as I glance at the things lying around , her things . “Mom , I can’t .” I groan , raking my hands through my hair , tugging it . I betrayed her , when all I should have done was be honest . I never should have listened to my father when he suggested the tracker . Look at where we are now . — ALISON’S POV — Waking up to a single room cabin with an en-suite bathroom and a small kitchen made me feel stupid . When did Isaac bring me here ? “Isaac !” I call out , but as I sit up , I struggle as my hands are tied behind my back . “What the f**k ?” I mumble . I scoot over to the edge before getting off the bed , my head feeling slightly dizzy as I glance around . “Isaac ! This is not funny - or kinky !” I chuckle , shaking my head at his stupid plan . This is a new joke . He can’t think that this would do anything to get me in the mood . I freeze as a masked man figure enters through the door and my smile fades . “Who are you ?” I frown , my heart slightly jumping because it is not Isaac . “Your freedom .” I could hear the smirk in the man’s voice , it sounds so familiar , but I can’t put my finger on who it is . “Where is Isaac ?” I grit out , pulling on the cuffs but I flinch as the metal nips at my skin . “Oh , he left you .” The man shrugs as if it were no big deal . Where do I know him from ? I shake my head , anger bubbling in my chest . “That is a big fat f*****g lie ! He will never do that to me .” I glare at the man . I had the urge to rip his tongue out just for that lie . “Well technically , he did . He traded you off like nothing to get his mom and sister back .” I roll my eyes at his statement . This is all a lie . “Sure .” I shrug sarcastically . He is talking so much bullshit . “Don’t believe me ? You will find out soon .” His voice sounds so calm , but I could hear the promise in his tone . He was not joking . But he must be a lunatic to think that I would believe anything this man says . “I was in my room .” I mutter confused , my eyes fixed on the tall frame in front of me . “So ?” He c***s his head , his voice challenging . “How did I get here ?” I felt highly confused . “Your boyfriend drugged you and while he was getting mom and sister back , I came to collect the prize possession .” I could hear the smirk on the man’s face . “Don’t look so stunned , you didn’t know who your mate really was .” Pity was clear in his voice and I wish I could shove it up his ass . “He isn’t like that . You’re lying !” I yell at him . I could feel the tears wanting to spill , but I wasn’t letting him win . “Think what you want doll .” His body tenses and it hits me harder than a bolt of lightning . It’s him , how did I miss that ? How did I not recognize him ?

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