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“Oh, what about Hailey?” She looked at me with those bright green eyes. I got lost in them. If only she knew what she did to me when she looked at me like that. Adonis has already got to kiss her. She just didn’t realize it. I wonder if she would let me. “Fired. She got one-month severance pay, and we will admit to the fact that she worked for us. She’s gone.” I whispered. “Is that because of me?” She asked, searching my eyes. “Everyone at all our buildings knows who you are. New hires are given a file, and it has five pieces of paper in it along with pictures. The long and short of it is if you're in this file. Anything that is being done gets dropped until the needs are met. Your needs weren’t met. We found blood, your blood all over my office.” I said, gripping her leg a little tightly as I remember that day. “Seb..I’m sorry. I didn’t mean for that to happen. Was there much clean up?” she asked me in a low voice. “I’m going to redecorate my office anyway. New carpet, new furniture and a new couch for my office. Maybe a new rug in my office. It all depends on if you come to visit more than once every seven years,” I said, laughing. “How much is that going to cost? You can take it out of the money you guys give me for school.” She said earnestly. I kissed her head. “Darling, it will be a drop in the hat. It’s nothing. Don’t worry your pretty little head about it. Speaking of school, there is no way you are going to be going this semester. Adonis is going to phone the school and let them know about that. There is nothing that any of us won’t do for you.” I got down to her ear and gently took the lobe in my mouth, playing with my tongue on it. “You are also not a disappointment. You will see that prezioso (precious one). Someone wanted to start a war with the family. They just used you as the way to do it.” I looked down at her to see what she would say if anything about what I had just done. She looked at me with wide eyes. I gave a half smile, “Want to piss off Adonis?” I asked, laughing. She nodded yes. “How exactly do you want to do that?” I picked her up and took her into the kitchen to sit on the island. “Well, m’ lady, wait until you see what’s for breakfast.” “What’s that?” she asked, tucking some stray hair behind her ear. I went to the freezer and grabbed a tub of ice cream. “Seb? Can you put my hair up please?” I put the ice cream on the counter and quickly went behind her to put her hair in a low bun. It was then that I noticed the mark behind her left ear. She was branded. I wonder if she even knew. I gritted my teeth together. I took a deep breath and went back to the ice cream. I grabbed two bowls. “Is everything OK? You seem tense.” She began to tap her fingers on the counter, and she bit her lower lip. I used my finger to gently take her lower lip out of her teeth. “Principessa, you have to remember you can’t do that right now. You will pop stitches. So here is your caramel sundae. Oh, and there are bananas in there to make it healthy. Whip cream as well.” “Adonis is going to stroke out Seb. I will get in trouble for this.” She says, smiling. “So eat it before he comes into the kitchen.” I responded, smiling fondly at her. “Before whom comes into the kitchen?” asks a sleepy Adonis, reaching for some coffee, “What is that?” “Nic wanted something different for breakfast, soo caramel sundae with whipped cream and bananas.” I say matter-of-factly. “Cute. Fine, you can have ice cream for breakfast.” Adonis said sourly. He went and kissed her forehead and gave her a small side hug. “Who’s having ice cream for breakfast?” Michael asked as he came into the kitchen. “Does Adon-” he didn’t finish the question. He saw the same mark behind her ear that I did. I caught Michael’s eye and shook my head no. He nodded in understanding. “So what’s the plan for today, cupcake?” Michael asked Nicolette. “Finish telling you guys what happened. Sleep. Watch TV. Have nightmares. Figure out why Seb and Mikey are looking at me funny. Be in pain. Be pathetic. Troll Sonja. Try not to be in your guys’ way.” She said, sounding down. “Darling, you are never EVER in the way.” I said. Never think or say anything like that again.” “So what movie series have you started?” Mikey asked playfully, grabbing some coffee. “Fast and Furious. I’m not really up for the usual girly movies. At least with this series I can ignore my own drama. At least for a bit,” Nicolette said. “I'm done with my ice cream breakfast. Could one of you please take me upstairs to get dressed, if it’s not too much trouble?” “Do you have a preference?” I asked. “No. Whoever it’s going to bother the least.” Nicolette says. “I will do it, princess. I’ve had my coffee, so I can carry it wherever you want, whenever you want.” Mikey said, picking her up,” Alright let’s get this party started. Whose clothes are you wearing today?” “Well, since you're carrying me. Yours.” She said, smiling. Once they were out of earshot, I went over to Adonis. “They branded her.” I growled. “They f*****g branded her. Behind her left ear.” I didn’t get to see exactly what it was, but it’s there.” “I felt it last night when she fell asleep on me. I wasn’t in a good enough location to see exactly what it was.” Adonis said, not looking at me, “Maybe our new friend downstairs can help us out with that.” I pulled out my phone to text Mikey. You’re on Nic duty again. We are going to ask our friend about that mark behind her ear. If possible, can you get a picture of it so we can look it up? She asked me to help her get dressed. I don’t know if I can handle this. She is so sweet and so innocent. So broken. I’ve never seen her like this. I just want to take her in my arms and help her to forget everything. Mikey responded. Headed to the basement. Keep our girl occupied. Let us know what else you find out. I texted. Out.
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