Adonis story

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MICHAEL POV I brought Nicolette into my room and carefully put her on the bed. I went to my closet and pulled out a dark green button-down shirt. “Let's get you changed, Princess.” “Mikey, I had a fever dream about you guys rescuing me. They took pictures of me. I wasn’t naked, but I was in my bra and panties. Ca..Ca..Can you find them? I don’t want them on the internet. They took pictures before and after. It was awful.” She broke down crying. I held her in my arms carefully. “Hey. Hey. Hey. Sweetheart, it will be OK. We already have people searching for some of the stuff that you have told Adonis about. All the stops are being pulled out. This will not happen ever again. It shouldn't have happened in the first place. We failed you, baby girl. We should have sent security with you to make sure you made it to Sonja’s OK. This doesn’t fall on you. This falls on us.” I wiped the tears from her face. My older sister was so lost and confused. All I wanted to know was how to help her. Her bright green eyes glowed like emeralds. I helped her change into my shirt. It was so long on her that she could wear it like a dress. All three of us were tall. So our shirts hung down on her like a dress. Since it was just us in the house, she could wear whatever she wanted to be comfortable. She wanted long sleeves because she could roll them up and wear them long if she chose. I helped ease it over her bandaged shoulder. “Sis, we need to change the bandage. I need to see how much you’ve bled.” I said softly. “OK.” She said softly. She shrugged the shirt toward the back. I went into my bathroom and grabbed a first aid kit. I changed the bandage and moved her hair in the process so that I could see what was branded behind my sister’s ear. “Sister. Can I take a picture? I want to send it to Adonis so that he can make sure this is healing properly.” I grabbed my phone after she nodded. I managed to take a picture of the branding and the bandage. It was quick work. I sent the picture in the group chat. Here’s what I got. It’s the closest I could get. I still don’t know if she knows it’s there. Also find out from our friend if he knows about the pictures, before they hurt her and after. She was in her bra and panties. Guys, she’s scared of these pictures getting on the internet. I’m slowly making progress in her confidence. She’s changed. Heading to the TV room downstairs. Copy that. Came the reply. Nicolette and I made our way downstairs to continue the fast and furious movie fest. She got comfortable and I covered her up with her blanket. ADONIS POV Just as we were about to enter the basement, my phone went off. I quickly read the message that came in from Michael. I looked at the picture. It was a big Z that ended with the number 33. The tail end of the Z began the number. “I’ve seen this before. Holy f**k. I know whose this symbol is.” I took my phone and threw it against the wall. It shatters into pieces. I burst through the door. I grabbed the tech by his throat and punched him three times in the face. “Do you know who hired you?!?” I shouted in his face. “Do you f*****g know who hired you?” “No. I swear Mr. Caprisi no. I just wanted to pay my student debt off. I got her out. That has to count for something.” He began to cry. “Here is what is going to happen. You are going to tell me every last thing you know. Then my brother and I are going to decide if you live or die. Did you ever hear a name Mclintoc?” I got within inches of his face. Sebastian held me back while the tech guy cried and shook his head no. “No. All I ever heard was the two guys that I was with. They took pictures and then were going to sell them. Then they were going to sell her. That was when I knew I had to get her out of there. When I was getting her out, she was so doped up that she bit my shoulder. I drove her to one of your office buildings and let her go in. Once she was in, I drove away. I took the van and burned it.” “Is that everything? All of it? Every last bit that you know?” Sebastian asked. “I can’t hold him back much longer and if I release him, and you get caught up in that, I am not stopping him.” “Yes. That’s everything.” He began to cry again. Sebastian looked at me. “What do you want to do, brother?” I pulled my pistol and shot him in the head. “Feel better big brother?” Sebastian asked me. “No. I want to bring him back so that I can kill him again.” I said. “Who is Mclintoc?” Sebastian asked me. “He’s an Irish mob, but even they don’t want him as part of their organization. He does too much outside the lines. He has no problems hurting women or children. He doesn’t give a s**t who gets hurt.” I began to pace the room. “Dad wanted nothing to do with him. None of the Italians do. He’s arrogant and careless. He only grabbed Nicolette because of some dumb luck. Although I suspect it was by design. Put the word out and call a meeting.” I said, leaving the room. The heavy metal slammed shut behind me as I left. I didn’t even give Sebastian time to respond or ask more questions. I wanted out of that room. I needed to go find her. I needed to see her. I needed her to know just how sorry I was. I had an opportunity to kill this man a long time ago, and I didn’t do it. I let him live. I beat him to within an inch of his life as a lesson. He decided that my sister was going to be his target. The men I sent to check on Sonja say that she'd disappeared. She’s not at her apartment or her job. She’s not anywhere. I didn’t want to tell Nicolette as I didn’t want to upset her further. I walked into the TV room. She was asleep on Michael. He looked at me and furrowed his brows. I failed. I failed my whole family. It was bitter. “How long has she been sleeping?” I asked with a strained voice.
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