A quarrel

1061 Words
“Thank you. I think I’m blinded.” she said, laughing. “Only because you are a vision dressed like that. Women want to be you and men want to f**k you. None of it is going to happen though. Just enjoy this night. If you get creeped out, just squeeze my arm twice and if you want to leave, then squeeze my arm three times, deal?” I whispered so that only Nicolette could hear me. Nicolette nodded in understanding. We walked in and handed her shawl and my outer jacket to the coat check. Upon entering the center, I watched her face closely. The chandeliers were sparkling. There were waiters and waitresses in tailored coat tails walking around with drinks at the ready. A bar on one side and food on the other. In the middle was a dance floor that was playing waltz music. She looked at me and bit her lower lip. It was almost my undoing. “What would you like to do first principessa?” I asked, suspecting I already knew the answer. “Can we dance? I know it’s not necessarily your favorite thing to do, but I would love to dance.” Nicolette asked with excitement. “Yes Caro (dear one), we can dance as I have a feeling that once we do that we will be inundated with questions and people.” I said, looking around. I could see two dons, two Irishmen, and one yakuza. We went to the dance floor and began a traditional waltz. The light reflected off her dress. I never looked around. I could tell a lot of eyes were on us when we got done. She was an excellent dance partner. We went off to the side to grab a drink. “Who is this lovely little thing?” O’Brian asked me with a soft Irish lilt, staring at my sister like she was a meal. “This is my sister, Nicolette. Nic, this is Keith O’Brian. Luck of the Irish.” I said with no smile. “Ah lad. I can’t tell if you are lucky or cursed. With this beauty around, I wouldn’t let her out of the house. See you at the table tomorrow.” With that, he turned and walked away. He was short for an Irish man. He was older, and he was losing his hair, but he was still dangerous. This has happened several more times. After a bit, Nic looked at me with urgency, “I need to use the bathroom.” I nodded and signaled one of our female security that we had around. “Five minutes, and then I’m coming in after you.” She nodded and headed to the bathroom. I watched until she got swallowed up in the crowd. Don Romano came up to me just then. I wasn’t in the mood to deal with him or talk to him. “Adonis.” “Romano,” I replied, filled with tension. “Is that scrumptious piece yours?” Roman asked, taking a swig from his glass. “Indeed, she is. That is my sister, Nicolette.” I stated with a calm I didn’t feel. Don Romano frowned. “I knew both your parents. There are you, Sebastian, and Michael. They never had a girl.” I sighed, not really wanting to tell this story, but I know Romano would push until he has everything that he wants. “She was adopted and then sent away. My father decided that he needed a female bargaining chip should the need arise and that he had to have a stronger alliance later on. He kept her hidden in New York. After her adopted mother passed away,she came here and has been here ever since. It’s not exactly something we advertise.” Don Romano stroked his goatee. He was as tall as me, but not as built. He was one year older. His brown eyes were quick to notice things around him. Nothing this man said or did could be trusted. Nothing this man said or did could be believed. I also know that he was good friends with Mclintoc back in the day. I looked at my watch. Five minutes were up. “Excuse me Romano, I need to use the restroom.” I said, leaving, not caring if he minded or not. Getting closer to the bathrooms, I could hear shouting and what sounded like the beginning of a fight in the women’s room. I ran in there to see Nic huddled down in a corner under the lavish sink and her bodyguard in front of her subduing another female. “Sir.” she said to me, but not taking her eyes off the woman. “Can you go on my belt and get my handcuffs?” I handed her the requested handcuffs. “What’s the issue?” I asked, looking at Nicolette. “Quit f*****g moving, or your shoulder will be dislocated, and we can go round two.” The security officer said to the woman. She used her walkie to get two others in there to help move the woman. At that point, she was put in the handcuffs that I retrieved. “Miss Nicolette needed the restroom. I was in the process of clearing it so she could when this psycho came out of one of the stalls. I told Miss Nicolette to get under there and wait for backup. Then I proceeded to beat her. I have no other information at this time.” I nodded, “take her to the house, see Tony and put her in the basement. You did well. Thank you for protecting my sister.” I went over to Nicolette and carefully picked her up from the floor. “You OK?” I asked. “Yeah, but I still need to pee.” She said, laughing nervously. “So go. I will be right here.” I said, crossing my arms over my chest while she went into the stall, “You still need to talk to me while you're in there, so I know you're OK.” “Oh yeah? You think it’s going to take me long to pee? All I have to do is lift my dress a little and hover.” Nic said laughing, continuing to laugh, “I'm not wearing any undies.”
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