gala event

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I typed so fast. I was looking for the IP address. Michael came in. “You are typing like there is a fire.” I didn’t even look up. “Can she hear us?” MIchael looked around. “Nope. What’s going on?” “I set up a program to see if her pictures end up on the dark net or regular net or anywhere. It just dinged. I’m trying to find the IP address, so I can shut it down. Don’t tell her. Don’t even tell Adonis. She will sense it off of him and figure it out. She’s slowly getting better. Let me see if this works. Maybe I can block her pictures so no one sees them.” Michael came and looked over my shoulder. “The hits just keep on coming.” Adonis came in at that moment, “She’s sleeping.” he paused and looked at both of us. “Why do you both look like that?” “Sister’s pictures are starting to show up on the dark web. I’m trying to block them and find the IP address that sent them.” I never stopped moving my fingers over the keyboard. “Got you…and delete.”I looked at my laptop smugly. “Put pictures of my sister on the net and find out.” “Please tell me you got the IP address.” Adonis said through gritted teeth. “No.” I said. “I could either delete the pictures or chase the IP. I chose to delete the pictures.” “Fuck.” Adonis said in a low voice, “He’s a dead man, along with everyone who is helping him.” “Agreed,” I said. “Seb? Mikey? Donny?” Nicolette called in a panic. “Shit.” I say. We all hurried to her. “Are you OK princess?” “It’s started.” she said, showing us her phone. I slowly took her phone and looked at her screen. There was a video on it, with a price. In a digital voice we heard “Let the bidding begin, it starts at one million dollars. Her address will be revealed. Happy hunting.” Adonis stood with his fists clenched. Nicolette began to cry silently and shake. Michael just looked around at us, not sure what to do. “Nic, no one is going to take you.” I wanted to say more, but she was staring off into space looking at nothing. I gently took her phone and connected it to my computer. I tried to hack the system to stop the bid. Every time I stopped it one way, it just reappeared another way. I couldn’t stop it. I couldn’t even see who was bidding, just that it was happening. I looked at Adonis, “We need more security.” “Already on it.” Adonis replied, “I texted Tony.” Michael nodded in agreement. “How long until the meeting?” I asked Adonis. “Next week,” Adonis replied. ONE WEEK LATER Nicolette was recovering nicely. She was slowly walking around. The doctor had told her to come back in three weeks' time to see about the stitches and staples coming out. Adonis had increased security. Wherever they went, they had an armed escort. Nicolette and the guys did everything together. If they went to the office she went with them. She would hang out at the office and help do paperwork and what not. Currently, she is being fitted for a gown for a gala. She was going to be Adonis’s date. Sebastian and Michael are getting ready for the big meeting that is going to happen the next day. The seamstress went up to the 10th floor and knocked on the door. “Yes? Who is it?” Nicolette asked as her security moved toward the door with guns drawn. “It’s Mrs. Smith dear. I have your dress. It just needs to be on you so that I can see if any final alterations need to be made.” The door opened wide. Nicolette was smiling. She loved this dress. One female security personnel stayed with her and the rest went out. Mrs. Smith pulled out the dress and laid it out along with the custom shoes. Nicolette put on her strapless bra and stepped into the dress. She carefully pulled the gown up over her hips and into place. Mrs. Smith zipped it up in the back. The gown was long, reaching to her ankles. It was a silver strapless skin-tight dress with black and red accents. Per Adonis’ request that the red and black swirl around and go into a rose with thorns that went down the right side of the whole dress. On the left there was a slit that went from hip to ankle. Her shoes were slip on that were silver that had beaded roses with thorns surrounding them. Due to her foot injuries, this was the best solution. She had a silver shawl that had red and black threads that went through it that shimmered in the light. She twirled around in the office. “How do I look ladies?” Mrs. Smith looked at Nicolette, “ You look stunning my dear girl. You will knock their socks off.” “We are going to have to double our security around you tonight,” said the security guard, smiling. “Our job just got that much harder.” Nicolette smiled and laughed a little. “Poor Adonis. He’s not going to know what to do.” Nicolette stayed in the dress as Mrs. Smith left. “Now to do makeup, hair and jewelry.” Nicolette looked at Sebastian’s desk that she had taken over with all her stuff to finish getting ready. She did her hair in a twisted updo. She did light makeup and accented her features. She put on teardrop diamond earrings with a diamond choker that had a red rose as its centerpiece. It was a gift from Adonis. She had a red diamond bracelet, followed by a red and black diamond bracelet, followed by a black bracelet on her left wrist. It was all made to make her stand out. Once she was done, she carefully sat on the couch to wait. After two swift knocks that were distinctly Adonis's, Nicolette carefully made her way to the door to open it. Adonis was finishing putting his cuff links in his shirt, so he hadn’t looked up yet. ADONIS POV Tonight was a gala that Nicolette was going to go to with me. I wasn’t sure if she was up for it, but when I asked her, she seemed very excited about it. I got ready in my office wearing a full black tuxedo. The cuff links were red roses and my pocket kerchief was silver with an embroidered rose and black thorns. This was all by design. Some of the other dons were going to be there tonight. I smoothed my hair back and began to make my way towards the tenth floor to pick up Nicolette. I hope she is ready and that she will have a good time tonight. I walked up to the door. The four security guards for Nicolette parted. I knocked twice on the door and as Nicolette opened it I was fixing my cuff link. She was waiting for me to look up. When I did, I couldn’t help myself. My jaw dropped. She looked stunning. She looked absolutely amazing in that dress. It was stunning. I pulled her to me in a hug. I know it was inappropriate, but I let my hands roam down her sides. Her curves were enhanced in the dress, and it hugged her in all the right places. I should have gotten more security for tonight. She grabbed my arm as we went to the elevator. Oh f**k there was a slit in it. She was going to be my undoing. This was going to be the best/worst night of my life. When we got on the elevator, I took a picture of the two of us and then a full body shot of her. I sent both of those pics to the group chat with my two brothers. Holy s**t, Adonis. Can we trade places? :Sebastian Our girl cleans up nicely. She is drop-dead gorgeous. I agree with Seb. Can we trade? :Michael Tell her we are thinking of her. Just don’t tell her the thoughts we are thinking… Michael I laughed at the last one. I think she’s catching onto how we all feel about her. The elevator smelled like her perfume. It was a subtle scent that reminded me of cotton candy. It wasn’t overpowering. She was going to have this entire gala eating out of her hand. I couldn’t wait to watch it. We got out on the bottom floor and into the waiting limousine. Before I had her get in I checked the driver and had security check the car so that she was safe. All I wanted was for her to have fun tonight and enjoy herself. I got her in the limousine and then I got it in. On the way to the venue we each had one glass of champagne. We got to the event and there was a red carpet laid out. I got out and held my hand out for her. There were photographers everywhere. As soon as she got out, the flashes increased. There were whistles and shouting for her to look this way and that. I carefully guided her into the event center.
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