Nicolette and blood

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NICOLETTE POV It was a good night at the ball. I had a lot of fun. When we got to the limousine, I decided to have a little fun with Adonis. I stripped down and put on some spandex shorts. I splayed myself on the seat. I wanted to have some fun. I was tired of tiptoeing around all of our feelings. I decided to make the first move. I kissed him like there was no tomorrow. When we got back to the house, I decided to be a brat and get a piggyback ride. He obliged me. My intent was to test all three of them by making them dance with me while I was in my underwear. That is not what happened. I see Seb and Mickey tied to chairs. They are hurt and there are four assholes in this house. I grab Adonis’s gun. What these pricks don’t know is that none of my boys go anywhere without a gun, and I’m a dead shot. I also wondered where the rest of the security team was and if they were OK. Thug 3 came toward me not saying anything. He was creepy enough that the hair on my arms stood up, and I had goosebumps. I took a deep breath as Adonis distracted them. I squeezed his side to indicate I was ready and then stepped out. “Hey asshole. I’m not going with you!” I shouted. It distracted them long enough for Adonis to tackle thug four to the ground. I shot thug three and turned to thug one and two thugs. I saw Tony in the shadows behind everyone. He put a finger up to his lips. I nodded subtly. “Enough little girl.” said the thug, one holding a sharp knife to Seb’s throat. I aimed the gun at his head. “Asshole, don’t do it. I will shoot you and not think twice about it.” I said, gripping the gun tighter as my hand became slick with sweat. Tony came from the back and tackled both the thug and Sebastian. I shot thug two. In a matter of moments, it was over. I went over to Mikey. Adonis had knocked out the guy he was fighting with and zip tied his hands behind his back. “What the hell was that?” Adonis asked out of breath. “We were attacked from within. Someone knew enough of our security protocols that they were able to create a back door and get into the system. They threw a black ball that exploded and knocked us all out. I have a headache to end all headaches.” Tony said, “I failed. I am so sorry boss.” I looked at Tony as he was helping Sebastian into a more comfortable chair. “Tony, you didn’t fail. You helped my family. I am forever grateful. Now, boys, you need medical attention. Who’s the doctor on call?” Sebastian looked at me and then at Mikey. Adonis had gone to get the first aid kit. “We can’t stay here. It’s not safe.” I said softly, holding the gun at my side. Sebastian held his arms open, and I walked to him in an almost catatonic state. “Shh baby girl. Shhh. You are safe. Now, sweet girl, go upstairs and get some clothes for yourself. We can’t exactly go to the hotel with you looking like that.” I looked down at myself. I had other plans for tonight, but now we have to go on the run. I went to my room and looked in the mirror. There was blood on my face, but it wasn’t mine. I rubbed it and all I managed to do was smear it more on my face. I began to scrub my face. I figured since I was by myself I could take a moment and freak out. I felt strong arms wrap around me and hold me still. “Shh sweet girl…shhh. You’re OK. You’re OK.” Adonis turned me toward him. I wrapped my arms around her neck and cried on his shoulder. He had stripped down to a white wife-beater and shorts. He carefully maneuvered me to the shower. He turned it on and stepped under the water with me. I just let him do what he wanted. I was numb. I have fired a gun before, plenty…at targets. I shot someone, an actual person. I shot him dead. These assholes had my boys tied up and hurt. At some point during the shower, Adonis had stripped me and washed me. He carried me out of the shower and wrapped me in a big fluffy towel. “How do you feel?” Adonis asked me hesitantly. “I don’t know. I shot someone. I’ve only ever shot targets. I feel like there is so much happening and I can’t get my head around it all. I guess I’m in shock.” I said, scrunching my face up, “Scared. Mad. Numb. Frustrated. I had other plans for tonight. Ones that were going to be more fun than all of this.” Adonis carefully took my face and kissed me senseless. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back, pressing my body as close to him as I could get. I wanted more. My center core was wet and aching for him. I needed him so badly. Without warning the door burst open and slammed against the wall. I screamed as it bounced against the frame of my bedroom. Adonis moved so fast. It was another Russian. Adonis quickly got behind him and broke his neck. “Grab your go bag Nicolette. We need to move quickly.” Adonis said in a soothing voice. I moved quickly. I grabbed some sweatpants and a hoodie and put them on. I went downstairs to Sebastian and Michael. I did my best to put on a brave face. My boys looked at me with worry written all over their faces. “Please don't ask. I will break if you do. Wait until we are safe.” Adonis came downstairs with three bags. We all got into the armored SUV. Tony had two other SUVs ready. They all matched. When we left the house, each driver took a different turn. I sat between Michael and Sebastian holding their hands tightly.
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