Hotel room

1326 Words
SEBASTIAN POV Adonis had sent those wonderful pictures of Nic to our group chat. Holy s**t. She was beautiful. I couldn't wait to have that sweet little body of hers. I went to the kitchen to grab a drink, calling for Mike. The next thing I know, I'm tied to a chair with my mouth taped. I looked over to my left to see that Mike had been shot. Adonis and Nicolette were on their way here, and we had no way of warning them. These guys were definitely professionals. They got past some of the best security there was, including Tony. Their knot tying skills were to be desired. I got my hands loose and went to go fight the nearest one. For my efforts, I got hit with the butt-end of a gun. My head was woozy, and I could feel the blood coming from the wound. I watched as Adonis came in with Nicolette on his back. I watched helplessly as my bella shot one of the guys by Mike. Tony had come from nowhere and tackled one. Adonis was fighting the third one, but I swear there were four, but that may have been the head wound talking too. Tony helped Mike and I with our wounds. Adonis took Nic upstairs to shower and change after she told us it wasn't safe. Without really talking, we all nodded. Time to go to the hotel. If the house had been this easily breached, then it could happen again. While they were upstairs, I looked at Mike, “you good little brother?” “f**k I hate it when they shoot first and ask later. It's a through and through. I’m good…sore, but good. How the f**k did they get in though?” He asked, turning to Tony. “Boys, I have no idea. I will find out though. It happened fast. This was down and dirty. Let's see if they have anything on them.” Tony went and started searching the bodies. “This one has a pager, but that's all.” Tony said, looking at the black rectangle with a small screen. “Like from the ‘90’s kind of pager? Who the hell uses those anymore?” Michael asked. We heard the beeping of the pager at the same time as we heard Nicolette scream. Tony took the stairs two at a time with his gun drawn. In the next moment, I saw Nicolette coming down the stairs with a look I was all too familiar with. She was in shock. Mike and I looked at each other with concern. She held up her hands, “don't ask me how I am until later. I will fall apart.” I was pissed. Our home has been breached. She had killed someone in our home. This was supposed to be our safe spot. She was supposed to be able to do whatever she wanted here. I feel like a failure. I carefully watched her face. She looked pale and on the verge of breaking down. I desperately wanted to take her in my arms and hold her. I wanted to give her back her sense of safety. I wanted to do so many things for her and to her. f**k. Someone was going to die. It was going to be slow and painful. Adonis came down a few minutes later with our go bags. We got into the armored SUV. Adonis drove. She sat between Mike and I in the back with a death grip on our hands. She was effectively cutting off circulation, but I wasn't about to say anything. We got to the hotel in about 45 minutes. Adonis parked in the underground parking lot. He carried all of our bags without complaint. Nicolette didn't say a word the entire ride. I'm not even sure she realized we had arrived. We got into the opulent elevator. Inside it was all mirrors. I looked at everyone's reflection. All of us looked like s**t. The elevator dinged when we reached the lobby. We all exited. Adonis went to get the penthouse keys. The lobby was full of people. I kept an eye out for danger. Almost everyone here was returning from a night out. An overly made-up woman approached me. Her smell alone was very overpowering and made my headache worse. “Excuse me sir, but are you OK?” she asked in a sultry voice. Before I could even respond, Nicolette stood in front of me. “He's fine. You don't need to be here. You are not welcome here, so in short, go away. Your perfume is too much. Leave. Go home and shower. Get that nasty stink off of you. If he needs something which I promise you he doesn't, I will take care of it. Should he require the services of a high-class hooker, you still wouldn't be available. You aren't his type. ” She said with sass, “now go on get.” The lady's jaw dropped, and she walked away, throwing glares over her shoulder at me and Nicolette. Mike and I both laughed. We were still laughing when Adonis joined us. “What's so funny?” “Sassy britches here just told off some hooker type. It was hysterical. She literally just said" now go on get.” I said, hugging Nicolette to my side. Nic just stood there for a moment having a silent stare off with the b***h. As if to prove a point, she kissed my cheek and lingered for a moment. She repeated this process with Mike and Adonis. She made sure that the woman was watching. She then smirked, knowing that she had won. We got on the elevator and this one had cherubs and doves in all four corners. Adonis showed Nicolette how to use the penthouse key. The nice thing about the key is that once it was inserted, the elevator didn't stop on any other floors. We made it to the Penthouse floor, and we showed Nicolette how to get in the room. Once inside, I sat down on the oversized couch. Adonis put our bags in our respective rooms and brought me some painkillers. He gave painkillers and antibiotics to Mike. He brought alcohol over for all of us. Nicolette slammed hers back and then took mine and Mikes and slammed them back. She began to laugh hysterically…I know it was from shock, but I was still concerned. “Nic? What are you thinking? What's going on in your mind?” I asked softly. She began to pace. “So at the ball my security team took some psycho b***h away because she attacked me in the bathroom. Some f*****g Russians hurt you two and wanted to kidnap me again. In this process, you get hurt (she points to my head) and you get shot (she points to Mike). I had to shoot someone, which I don't feel bad about, by the way. You (points to Adonis) had to tackle and kill one person downstairs and one upstairs. There is still some asshole after me, for God knows why. Sonja is still missing. I have a f*****g scar behind my ear and in a few hours we (she gestures around at all of us) have a f*****g meeting with the other Italian families, the Irish mob, and Yakuza.” She paused and looked at each one of us, “Did I f*****g miss anything?!?” She went over to Adonis and grabbed his drink and downed it. “Now that I've got a good buzz going, is there any f*****g else I should know?Because I feel like you three are holding back, and I just can't take much more.” She sat next to me in a huff. Adonis went over and refilled three of the glasses. He said slowly and quietly as he handed out the drinks,“We might know who's behind it.”
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