getting x-rays

1431 Words
NICOLETTE POV I know my brothers are going to want answers. I did too. I know they are part of a whole underground world that they try to keep me out of. I have never been to their office before today. I’ve only been involved in their lives for a short period of time. It's only been seven years. We all share some weird DNA. I thought I was the only child that was adopted until I found paperwork that stated otherwise. The guys took me in once we got some things figured out in our own ways. I was actually adopted by their dad. He was some kind of mafia boss or something and since he had all the boys, he needed a girl as a bargaining chip for negotiations. We have no clue as to who my real parents are or my adopted mom. Now I’m in the backseat of a car on my way to a hospital where I am going to get x-rays. I don’t want them to know the damage. I was lucky to have escaped. Knowing my oldest brother, Adonis, he already had the medical report. One of them is holding me and apologizing. I know all three of my giant brothers are pissed. Mikey is holding me. I opened one eye and whispered “Can I get someone’s bright glasses please?” Without a word, some appeared on my face. I can tell they are Sebastian's “Thanks Seb. Can you turn down the sun too?” Sebastian laughed a little and held my hand. “Sweet girl, there are many things that I am capable of, and can do. That one is a stretch. When you have your x-rays we can have the lights dimmed.” He hesitated a little, “Do you want one of us in there with you, my brave girl?” I nodded, not saying anything, “Please. I don’t want to be alone right now. Please don’t leave me.” “Shhh… Baby G. None of us are going anywhere. You are safe sweet girl. You are safe. I promise you that.” Mikey says, rocking me slightly. The movement hurts me and I scream a little from the pain. Mikey looked down at me. “Do you want some pain medication?” “NO!” I shouted as forcefully as I could. “Please no. no…no…no” “Shhh.. OK, no pain medication. I need you to calm down though. You are literally being held together by glue, staples, and stitches.” Mikey whispered to me as he gently kissed my forehead and wiped away the tears from my face. I held Sebastian’s hand as tightly as I could. Once we arrived at the hospital, Mikey took his jacket and put it over my head. All that could be seen was from my knees down. I could hear his heartbeat. I started to calm down a little. I know my brothers will keep me safe. They promised they would. As he moved, I could tell we were in the hospital. There is a distinctive smell and sound to hospitals. This one was no different. I stuck my hand out of the coat blanket, searching for Sebastian. I needed to know he was there. He gave me his giant hand and began to rub the back of mine. I started to relax a little more. Adonis checked us in and we waited. I began to fall asleep against Mikey's chest. I heard my name get called. “Sweet girl, we have to take the coat covering your face off. Keep your sunglasses on. It’s very bright here.” Mikey whispered. He counted to five and slowly removed the coat. The bruises looked ugly. I could tell by Mikey’s heart rate increasing. He was my youngest brother and the hothead among the three of them. “Oh mi dio” I heard one of them say. I was too distraught to think about which one said it. Adonis carefully picked me up. “My turn, baby girl. He walked over to the x-ray tech. “Sir, you can’t go in there with her. Only the patient can go in there.” He stated loudly. Adonis laughed a low laugh, “You're adorable. Firstly, who is going to stop me? Second, I fund this hospital, so I will do whatever the f**k I want. Third, you don’t have enough staff to stop me. This is my sister, and she has requested not to be alone. Therefore, youngin she won’t be. Am I clear?” Without moving, Adonis stared at the tech, “Sebastian grab my friend from my back. I don’t think that should be in the room.” Sebastian moved and took the gun from Adonis’s back. “Thanks bro. Now lead the way or find a new job. Yes, I'm that powerful. Normally, I don’t flaunt it or tell insignificant people who we are, but we are in a hurry and my sister needs this done. So f**k off.” Adonis started walking through the hall carrying me. I was grateful. “Room three. Nothing metal. It has to be taken off and put in a plastic container.” The tech said nervously. I furrowed my eyes. His voice was so familiar. I was trying to place it. Adonis looked down at me as I was biting my lower lip. “Little one, if you need something to bite, I can get you something. Don’t bite your lower lip as there are four stitches holding it together. What’s wrong?” I pulled Adonis down to me and whispered, “His voice sounds familiar. I think he was in that basement with me. I know this is going to sound weird, but I need to smell him.” Adonis looked at me. “I've got you. I have to go get him. Are you going to be alright here for a few minutes?” “Yes, but please hurry.” I replied hastily. Adonis left, and I held my breath for as long as I could. He came back less than five minutes later holding the tech with one arm twisted behind him and grabbing a fistful of hair with the other. He forced the tech down to me. I inhaled deeply and started to shake. Adonis saw my reaction. He went to the door and whistled for the other two. Within minutes, Michael and Sebastin were there. I was still lying on the cold table. “Che-check his shoulders. If I’m right, my teeth marks will be in one of them. I bit into him hard and made sure he bled.” “What are you doing? You can’t do this?” I heard the tech say. The next sound I heard was something getting hit and a breath being forcefully exhaled. “Mikey don’t kill him.” I managed to get out.“Don’t worry big sis. He’s fine. All I did was knock the air out of him. I know how hard to hit.” Mikey came over and leaned down to me. He kissed my cheek and held my hand. I had begun shaking again. He kept whispering to me that I was safe and I was ok. I heard the undeniable click of a knife. “Mikey what’s going on?” I ask “Sebastian is cutting the scrub top off this coward to see if you bit him. If you did then he goes to the basement. If you didn’t then we will give him a lot of compensation and be done with it.” Mikey shrugged his shoulders as he rubbed my cheek with his free hand. “Well look at that. Our dearest sister bit you. She has a very distinguished bite. I know her pattern.” Adonis said slowly. “So why the f**k would you come here knowing that you were going to be her x-ray tech? How f*****g stupid are you to touch what is ours?” I began to cry as everything that happened in the basement came flooding back. Mikey sat on the table and carefully picked up my head and put it on his lap. I gripped his pant leg tightly. He hunched over me to the point I could feel his body heat and gently started to rub my back as best he could. “I’m the one who got her out. She would still be there if it wasn’t for me.” The tech guy rambled. “You should be thanking me.”
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