Going to the hospital

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ADONIS POV I was at my desk looking over reports. Sebastian had a big meeting that was going to earn us millions. Mikey was with him, being a runner if needed. I always let Sebastian run these meetings because he was the better talker and thinker. He had been preparing for weeks. My sister Nicolette was her friend Sonja’s for the week. They both had time off from their colleges, so they were spending the week together. I looked at my phone and frowned. Usually Nic messages me to let me know she’s safe, still no word. I looked at a picture on my desk. It’s literally the only personal thing on there. It's a selfie picture with Nicolette in the center and us three boys surrounding her. We are shielding her from the sun. It’s one of the few where I’m smiling. Nicolette had just gotten done tickling me. I was on my way to get coffee and an apple from the stocked break room when my phone went off. It was a text message from Sebastian. SOS my office Nic. What the hell? She was supposed to be on the other side of the city. How the f**k did she get here? I dropped my apple and ran to my brother’s office. My office was on the eighth floor. I took the stairs three at a time. I got to the tenth floor just after Michael. I smelled a distinctive smell. Blood. I would know that smell anywhere. Currently, it’s all over Sebastian’s office. I looked at Hailey and frowned. She didn’t look at me or anywhere else, for that matter. When I entered, Michael had his gun pointed at the door. “Put that thing down.” I rolled my eyes. I heard a moan and looked in that direction. It was my beloved sister. Her head on Michael’s lap. I looked in the mirror above Sebastian’s couch. My face is clean-shaven. My black hair is shaved on the sides. My 6-foot height is wrapped in a fitted suit. My two brothers and I work out regularly. We are all six feet tall. The only difference between us is our eye color and minor personality traits. Also, Sebastian had more tattoos than Michael or I. There is one thing that we all have in common, however. That would be that we are all protective of that girl lying there. We have an empire at our disposal and this girl here is the center of our universe in more ways than one. We are all equally deadly. My sister is innocent. I took off my jacket and put it over her body. I couldn’t bear to look at her. It was grim. She looked like s**t. We will find who did this and destroy them. The doctor comes in and tells us we need to leave for Nicolette to get an exam. We all say no. Bianca pushes us to the door. One of the few people to stand up to us. I smiled grimly. “I want a report.” She nodded. Once outside the door, my brothers and I looked around. We found all the blood. Sebastian had me call Tony, our head of security. I knew where this was going, so I told him to bring a box. Sebastian had some words with Hailey, his secretary. She was fired, and I could tell by the way that he was gripping the desk that he wanted to throw her out the window. That couldn’t happen. We had rules. No women or children, although this time I was seriously willing to bend the rules for this b***h. Once Hailey was gone and her access revoked, the door opened. Bianca was there. “She needed x-rays. Your sister is smart. She got two of her attackers' DNA under each hand.” She pulled me aside. “There are also human bite marks on her inner thigh. We took a mold of them. The results will be given to you guys as well. I know you will want them. Only you can get her to go get x-rays.” I smiled a small smile at that stubborn girl. “She will get the x-rays. Please make sure that there is minimal staff there. We will use the back door as usual.” Bianca nodded in understanding. We all walked in there. Nicolette had an IV in her hand and two bags above her head. “Hi guys, she looked up at us feebly, “Sorry if I ruined your day.” “Little one, you can interrupt us any time, any day. You know this. It took ten years for you to come here. Why did it take you getting hurt to come here?” I asked gently. “Adonis?” She looked at me or in my general direction. “I’m so sorry. I was so stupid.” She began to cry. “No sweet girl, you weren’t stupid. Never.” I said softly. I went over to her. Slowly. “What do you need right now?” “To go back in time?” She asked low. “For now though, can I have one of your shirts? Mine's gross.” I laughed a little, moving her hair from her face. “Whose shirt do you want, little one?” She opened one eye and quickly closed it. “Can I have your shirt? Seb’s jacket? Mikey’s tie?” We all gave her what she asked for. “She put on my shirt slowly with Sebastian’s jacket over it. She took Michael’s tie and used it to tie it around her waist. “Little one. We need to go get x-rays for you. No arguments.” I said carefully. Michael carefully picked her up, and we went to the waiting car. “Helping Hands Hospital.” I told the driver.
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