7. I really hate School

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Experience runs a valuable school, but fools learn in no other. ~ Italian Proverb David’s Pov   On my walk to school, I was overwhelmed by strange smells and I could already hear some of the kids talking at school and I was two blocks off.  As soon as I reached the school gate,  I smelt the most intoxicating smell ever, the only way I could describe it was it smelled of home, but just as quick as I smelled it, it disappeared, I was intrigued, but  not for long as all my other senses were now also in overdrive.  I am also starting to get paranoid as it feels like someone is following me, I decide to ignore this strange feeling.  As i walked into the school building, I started getting weird looks from kids passing me and some of the girls were flirting with me openly.  I actually heard someone say, “who’s the new guy, he’s hot”.  I am starting to freak out now, if these people I have known me for my whole life and  can’t even recognize me, then some major changes have taken place and I can’t explain any of this except with a growth spurt and even to me that sounds ridiculous.    My first class is with Mr North who teaches AP Math, I have him for two periods.  I’m first in the class and I go and sit in my usual position at the back of the class.  Kids come in and look at me, but they don’t say a word.  That’s one thing I love about being a nerd, you learn very quickly not to get involved, so everybody in this class just minds their own business and concentrates on the course work, even my teacher doesn’t really give a f**k who is and who isn’t in his class.   My next class I’m not so lucky, because it is English and yeah, I’ve got that class with Alex and the rest of the Cobra Kai gang.  English is on the other side of the building so when I get there everybody is already seated. Miss Franklin is the English teacher, her lessons are very robotic, I get the impression she was a great teacher in her younger days but got beaten down by the system and just gave up.  As I walk in, she actually recognizes me, which surprises me “Mr David, please take your seat”.  As she says it everybody literally looks up as one man.  Shock is written all over their faces and in some faces, I see appreciation.  Alex and his goons are even more shocked. Alex and the gang immediately start whispering with each other, I can only guess but I think the whispering is about me, the whispering doesn't last long as the insults soon start.   “O lookey lookey if it isn’t the little rat that got beat up on Friday night, decided you could use some steroids, you know they will test for that on Saturday, dumb s**t.  Even with all the roids in the world you still won’t be able to beat me, you just can’t buy talent like hormones, asshole” One of his cronies, Devon, decide to have a say as well “Maybe you could bring your sister to fight for you on Saturday as well, oh and she is single now so maybe later I could take her out, show her a good time, she will maybe give it up for me” “I won’t hold my breath for that” Alex chimes in, “she is saving it till she finds the right guy.  The little tease”   I feel myself starting to get angrier and angrier.  Lucky for me Miss Franklin steps in and immediately calms the situation.   “Just quiet it down, Mr Alex, or should I go get the principal”      I left school just after English class, I haven’t seen my sister, and I was starting to get worried about her,  I wanted to check if she was okay.  I ran home and the streets where empty so I decided to check out if I had any other abilities.  I ran home, I was fast, I was really fast.  I loved all these new senses, I wanted to go to the forest and just check them out, but first I must see it my sister was fine.  I could sense something was wrong, call it a twin thing, but my sister was feeling stressed, I could feel her emotional turmoil.   When I got home, I immediately felt the heaviness in the room.  Something was wrong and I needed to get to my sister fast.  I walked upstairs to her bedroom and knocked lightly.   “Isla you here” “just go away Davey, I’ll speak to you later”   I stopped just inside her room.   “I’m coming over Isla” “No, I said no, just f*****g leave”  her voice sounded deeper and was that just a growl I walked closer.  I was shocked.  Isla was lying on the floor in fetal position.   She was breathing in and out loudly and her whole body moved with every labored breath she took, she looked like she was on fire, her skin was really red and sweaty.  She screamed loudly, it almost sounded tortured. “What the f**k is going on Isla” “I don’t know, I just need something, and I don’t know what, it feels like I hear everything and smell everything”’ “What do you you mean”   As soon as I asked that question the door burst open and I big guy ran in, he looked kind of familiar to me.
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