6. Investigation

790 Words
" To believe is easier than investigation."    -   Serbian Proverb Adam’s Pov   I was hiding like a criminal in my F250 truck across from their house, waiting for them to leave the house.  Jesus this is not the behavior that is expected from a Beta of the Blue Moon Pack, a position I had to earn.  I followed them Friday Night to see where they lived. When at first I saw the boy Friday night, I wanted to kill him. He was with my mate, I didn't want any other males near her.  But I have bee watching them since Friday night, and on closer inspection I saw that there were some similarities in their looks, and there behavior with each other also screams siblings.  When I felt his aura on Friday, I knew there was something different about him, I'm not sure if she is the same, because I was so overwhelmed by the fact that I finally found my mate, I have been waiting for her and 7 years is a long time.   The feeling of his aura, It was strange,  I've never felt anything like it.  My wolf was screaming at me to bite him.  My wolf was called Gerwulf he was very strong, I have been the strongest and the best warrior in my pack and the surrounding packs for a couple of years now, fighting almost came to me naturally, like breathing, but when Gerwulf came across that fat little human he wanted to submit, and I never submit.   Gerwulf insisted I bite him and since then I have been following them.  Something was going on here, something weird. The boy David has changed, he is a lot taller and a lot more muscular, he even dropped some of the fat.  Something is definitely going on with him, to me it would seem like he is becoming a werewolf, but we usually change at 16 and werewolves are born we can’t be made, contrary to popular believe.  Something is happening here and my wolf is feeling excited about it and he is bursting to come out, I don’t know how much longer I will be able to control him.   I saw the boy leave the house first, I wasn’t sure if I should follow him or wait for my mate to appear and follow her.   My heart wanted to wait for my mate, but I knew I had to find out what was going on here, this boy was clearly a werewolf, or some other magical creature, but I was almost positive he was a werewolf.  I could smell it a mile away and by is aura an Alpha, and there is something else, something more powerful and ancient.  I am going to find out because clearly, I am also involved in some way, from what I can see I was the only werewolf  that recognized his change.  There are other werewolves in the school from my pack and from what I could see, none of them felt his aura and strength.  I feel like I am supposed to protect the boy, I feel responsible for him, for her too,  but she was my mate, I would automatically feel responsible for her, I will always protect my mate, but I also feel protective of her brother. I watched him walking to school, I could sense his wolf, and then just as suddenly the wolf vanished, like he wanted to hide himself, if this kid could do that, he is something special.  I phoned my mom she was the Healer of the Blue Moon Pack.  "Hi, mom, you alright."  I could literally see the smile on her face as she answered me "I'm good son, nice to hear from you again, you know I live 4 houses from you, surely you can visit me, or is that asshole Connor keeping you to busy."  My mom hated the Alpha of our pack, she never addressed him as Alpha, i can't blame her he was kind of a prick.  "Mom, no I actually  have a question for you.  Have you ever heard of werewolves changing at 18 and by a bite" My mom kept quiet for maybe a minute before she answered, I thought she put the phone down, when she finally answered it was not what I was expecting and she sounded short. "No, I have never heard of anything like that, sorry Adam I have to go and get some herbs from the forest, I'll talk to you later" My mom was definitely hiding something.  The last thing I wanted was this mystery, but now I was driven to solve it, if this had anything to do with my mate, and I have a feeling it does, I'm going to solve it and quick.  
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