9.Isla’s and Adam

1310 Words
"One is loved because one is loved. No reason is needed for loving." ~ Paulo Coelho Isla POV: I felt like I had been running for hours, I heard two voices screaming in my head constantly telling me to stop and to calm down, the fact that there were two voices in my head scarred me even more. But I just couldn’t stop. Something was constantly driving me forward, I was overwhelmed with all these feelings, and then the feeling of freedom was just so intoxicating. While running an intoxication mixture of musk and hazelnut, hit my senses and I almost stopped to search for it. I tried to follow the scent but everything was just so knew, I had trouble focussing on it. I finally smelled water and decided to run to the source. I stopped at a beautiful small waterfall, I had never seen it before. The water was running down the stones and gathered at a small clear pool and then stated running again across the stones down the hill. I walked over to the pool and gazed into the pool. At first, I wasn’t sure at what I was looking at, then the voice came again, “My name is Alpine, little one. Just relax let me speak to you, I will make things clear” I immediately started running again, the smell of musk and hazelnut was getting closer now, but what I just saw scared the s**t out of me, so I just kept running. Unexpectedly I felt someone, or something pounce on me. It was the same big brown dog I saw in the woods that night. I was erratic and just started fighting with everything in me. I heard the voice of Alpine in my head screaming to stop, but I just couldn’t. I then heard a calming and soothing voice in my head. "Stop Isla baby, just stop." Relax, just relax, I won’t hurt you, the voice washed over my senses and it calmed me and made me feel safe. Adam POV: I felt a little bruised after the altercation with Isla, I have never felt so much power in a she-wolf, my ego wouldn’t be able to handle much more of this. “Isla just relax, I can help, come on baby just relax” I said soothingly. She finally stopped and sniffed the air. I felt a little insulted as I heard through the link that she kept referring to me as the big brown dog. “I’m not a dog, Isla. I’m a wolf and so are you”. Isla tensed immediately. I decided to just bite the bullet and keep on talking to her. “Has the wolf spoken to you yet” Isla sighed and let out a little whimper when she answered. “yes” “Good, did she tell you her name” Isla gave single syllable answers. “Alpine” I smiled to himself “A beautiful name for a very beautiful wolf” Isla wolf purred with pleasure. I could feel Gerwulf trying to get out, but I had to keep him under control as this was a very delicate situation, and Gerwulf was a lot of things but delicate he was not. Even if I was in his wolf form, I had always been able to control his mind, but I knew if he really wanted to he could just break out. He kept whimpering and growling begging for release, he wanted to meet his mate. I couldn’t blame him; she is very beautiful. I had never seen a wolf this beautiful before, but I should have guessed because Isla herself was stunning. “Sit down, we can talk some more, and later I will take you back to David” Isla immediately perked up. “Can you take me now” I shook my head, and for the first time I saw anger in her, and I loved the look on her. Her wolf was a true Alpha and didn’t like the word no. She huffed and finally decided to sit down. “Go ahead, say what you gotta say, lets get this over with” I laughed to himself but didn’t dare show her my amusement I knew that would piss her off “Ok I’ll discuss the basics with you, then I will explain our situation to you” She just nodded her head. “So, let me start, as you might have guessed you’re a wolf, or more accurately you have a wolf spirit inside you. The reason you freaked out as much as you did is because wolves are usually prepared from birth, when we turn at 16, we are prepared for our first change. And before you ask, I don’t know why you only turned now, I have my own theory but will confirm when I speak to your brother and mother. Your brother is also a wolf, but his situation is a little trickier and if my suspicion turns out to be right, your story will probably not just end here.” I stared at her, not really knowing how to bring up the next subject. “You heard your wolf when she called me mate, well I am your mate, meaning we are destined for each other, we have been made for one another, the Moon Goddess placed us together as we are a perfect fit, and I will protect you with my life and hopefully you will soon feel the same” "I can feel my wolf feeling attracted to you, and I remember in the room I felt sparks. But I am not ready for whatever this is." I smiled again her honesty was refreshing, usually she-wolfs did a lot to get close to the beta's of the pack. "Don't worry we'll take this slow" She stared at me with her honest trusting eyes “Can we go back now, I am feeling tired, and want to find out what is going on” “Sure, no problem, that is another effect of the first turn, you feel exhausted. Ok let’s go” We ran back home and about 30 minutes later the house came into view. We entered her room, and she ran to David’s whom wasn’t in his room. She gave me some of David’s sweatpants and took one of David’s shirts for herself. She turned her back and changed to her human self and put on the shirt. Isla's POV" When I turned around, I really saw Adam for the first time. He was very muscular but that would be obvious, tanned except for some scars that ran across his back and stomach they were a lighter colour, he had longish brown hair that touched his shoulder, but he kept on sweeping it back with his hand. His eyes, oh my his eyes are a hazel green colour, it felt like he was looking right at my soul. And then he had to go and smile, very white straight teeth and two very cute dimples. He was hot and I couldn’t stop looking. Alpine was purring inside me, and I couldn't blame her, he was very hot and his smile was making my heart skip a beat. I could literally feel the sparks fly between us. I walked across to him and tripped over one of David's shoes, within seconds he was with me making sure I didn't fall. "Careful beautiful" I almost through myself in his arms right there and then. Even without the mate bond this guy would drive me crazy. He swept his hands through his hair and all I could do was follow his movements. “Well, maybe we should go down to your brother, he must be worried” "Okay let’s go” even to my ears I sounded like an i***t.
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