Chapter 15

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The morning was very cold . It has been raining all night . Stella wakes up and goes to the bathroom, she's excited ,today she's going for work . She just steps in the shower , Moffat enters ,she's now used to bathing with him . how many times have you seen me naked but you always look shy . she blushes and hands him his toothbrush . They take a shower together and he was just teasing her . They leave for the office . Moffat I have been absent ,am scared to face the director . I don't know what he will say this time . Am definitely fired today. Moffat has stopped in his truck and has curved his eyebrow and he's looking at her in bewilderment . She stops when she notices he's stopped too . he smirks and puts his hands in his grey suit pants . he walks towards her . Mrs King you amaze me , this company is equally yours no one. can fire you. unless yourself . she opens her eyes wide and covers her mouth . what am the boss too ? . he pulls her to him and bends down to kiss her . she's embarrassed everyone is watching them . he holds her hand and they enter the private elevator to his office floor . I want to go to my department says Stella. .But come eat lunch with me ok . Ok they kiss and he loves how her dimples show when she smiles. I love you Stella . I love you too Moffat . Today, tomorrow and forever. The word forever has made his heart skip a beat . she leaves for her department. Everyone is just looking at her and they have failed to even greet her . the talkative and flirtatious Trey he's only looking at her from afar . News has spread in the company and they are all afraid to approach her or talk about the ceo's wife . Moffat is watching what is happening and he's loving it . I now don't have to worry about those flirts called men . He now focus on his work . Nancy is hesitating to call Stella . she manages to call her , Stella doesn't pick up on first ring ( what does she want ? , is everything ok ? ) she ignores it and it rings again . she picks up . Hello Stella can we meet , I want to apologise to you for everything . ever since your sister has been hospitalized I have been thinking alot . And Grace has been having sleepless nights wanting to talk to you . My daughter before I go to see Grace at the hospital can we meet . At least it will bring peace to your sister and me . Ok mother I will come in 20 minutes . ,come by the king's Mall . Thank you my daughter ,you don't know what you have done . It's nothing mother . Let me just finish up my work and meet you . Nancy gets the phone in her bag and calls the strange man . Location says the cold voice . King's Mall in 20 minutes . Good , he also calls his boss and informs him of the progress . Good work Mr Grey . He laughs through the phone and he instructs them . no lose ends . What of the mother ? I don't care . But she can be of use to us . I said no lose ends . Yes boss. At 10:20 Stella leaves the king's company and crosses the street to meet with Her step mother Nancy . Nancy looks excited and that she even hugs Stella , something she has never dared to do for the past years they have lived together . Yes mother how are you , how is Grace and father. They are fine ,your sister will be happy to know that you are ok . . The mall is occupied with alot of people and no one notices a grey tinted windows van parked at the entrance . shortly Nancy's phone rings . it's the same man . she answers It's time come out with her now . she's looks around and she's fidgeting with her phone. Stella holds her hand . Mother is everything okay ? , ( what do I have to say to this stupid girl .Nancy thinks . ) yes .I mean no ,it's your father . Before Nancy can even finish Stella is up from her sit and is dragging Nancy she's panicking that she leaves her phone on the restaurant table . They step out and the van doors open and some men push them inside and closes the door , everything happens fast but some people have seen what has happened and they scream . Stella also screams and they point a gun to her head and she stops . They drive away . Nancy calls the strange man , you said I only have to meet with her ,why are you doing this . I am sorry Nancy says the same man. since both of you are going to die let me introduce myself . The other man holds up a tablet and the screen is on , the strange man with golden frames comes up and greets Stella ,hello Mrs King .it's nice to finally meet you . Stella is now pissed .What do you want ? .Is it money Name your price .The man pointing a gun at her slaps her hard and blood comes out from the corner of her lips . Then she hears a very cold evil laughter . then someone else comes on the screen . he looks like Mr King . Who are you ? Am the last person you will see . Am sorry to have to kill you ,but your husband took something from me . He killed my son ,three years ago . I can't let him be happy . So you want to kill me to hurt him . Yes at least you have the knowledge of what is about to happen . just has the are talking the driver shouts . We re being followed . and there's a chopper following us , Oh my I underestimated your husband . kill them shouts the Man and cuts the video call . The man points the gun at Christine . Please don't kill me I have alot of money I will pay you what ever you want . We don't lack money you pig . and he pulls the trigger , Stella screams and pushes the man with the gun and tries to open the door . The man pulls the trigger and shoots the driver. The car looses control and the driver is not unconscious yet , Stella manages to open the door ,just has she is about to jump and the car blows up . that she's sent flying out of the car and falls into the lake . Moffat who is in the chopper screams like someone has ripped out his heart ,he tries to open the door ,But he's held back . and they land near the bridge ,he gets out and runs to the burning van but the bodygaurds hold him back , Stella no ,not my baby no , shouts at the bodygaurds holding him back .That's my baby and my wife . Let me go you bastards . Let me go . He has been trained has a soldier but this is too much for his heart to take . he beats off ten bodygaurds and runs to the truck ,but it explodes and the impact pushes him and he's sent flying and hits his head and loses consciousness . Stella opens her eyes and she's in the hospital . she's seeing strange faces and they are speaking a strange language . A woman in her fourties come and holds her hand. Thank God you are awake beautiful lady ,it's been two days and we were worried about your baby in your stomach , Stella touches her stomach . Where am I ?, who are you ? . she blinks her eyes . The doctor asks her "what's your name miss ? . She looks at the doctor strangely . and blinks her eyes , how many fingers am I holding asks to doctor . ,. Two responds Stella . good now what is your name . Stella is trying hard to remember her name but fails . She can't remember her name ,how are we going to help her mother . Says the doctor Stella looks at the woman holding her hand . mother says Stella , yes yes mother, do you have a mother ? Stella shakes her head . ok Bella get some rest . , has soon has Stella falls asleep , Jessica asks her mother . I think shes from a rich family mother ,the clothes she was wearing , when you brought her in , they are very expensive . Someone will be looking for her soon. but I don't understand what she was doing on the cold lake ,only a miracle that she survived . there's a story behind this beautiful face . . so what will happen after she's discharged ? ,we will help her regain her memory and locate her family . that's good mum , she's young and pregnant . There's a ring on her finger ,she's married , it looks expensive . yes this will be easy now the husband is probably looking for her now . There is a dark cloud on the king's and stones family . Angel was called back home and almost fainted when she learnt of the tragic news . Christine cant stop crying ,when she looks at the little baby clothes she had bought for her grandchild . Robert he's also breaking down when he remembers the first time Stella smiled and laughed when he told her to start working tomorrow . How the family was happy on the news of her pregnancy . What about Moffat ,why my son . cries Christine , my Moffat ,my baby boy , am sorry I can't comfort you . Cause have never been through this , Angel can't stop crying and . I need to see sis.She told me to tell her everything, sis where are you sis . cries angel . At the hospital Ken can't help but cry . he tells Grace of the news about her mother and sisters death . Grace is devastated and cries only for her mother ( i know mum you did it for me so that I can finally be with Moffat . Thank you mum . ) She is crying just for her mother . Ken leaves the hospital and goes home . He remembers the first time she was born . She was a very beautiful baby ,that everyone was envious of their baby girl. He remembers when his wife died , it was only him and Stella , then how she was married off . My daughter was pregnant ,why my little monkey. He's sobbing and crying bitterly . Moffat opens his eyes , Stella he calls her name , he's searching the bed for her he's touching everywhere but he can't feel her . Christine holds his hand and hugs him . Mum where is my wife ? , Stella is by the bridge she needs help . Mum my baby ,my daughter . Robert holds his hand in a tight grip . Son you have been in a coma for 2 months now . Stella is no more . says Robert with tears in his eyes . And comforts his son . Who ever did this to us will pay , don't worry son we are here for you . everyone hugs him and he cries and sobs for 30 min. Dad did you find her body ? , no son I think the blast destroyed her body . But five DNA where identified expect for hers . rest now Moffat and will think of what to do next . Just as they leave Moffat's room they meet Ken . he always visits him , How is he ? , he asks Robert , he's awake now . you can go and see him . Ken opens the door , Moffat is sleeping and opens his eyes ,the moment he sees Ken . He starts to shed tears Dad am sorry , I should have protected her . I should have been there with her that day . I failed to protect my wife and daughter . It's not your fault son ,I brought harm in Stella's life when I married that witch . Am the one to blame . Don't cry Stella would want you to be brave and so would your daughter ok . Moffat nods his head . Christine pulls Angel to the gynaecologist department . Mum what her you doing . You think I don't know . You have been vomiting and behaving strangely . and don't lie that it's because of Stella's death . Angel you are pregnant . So before I find out through the results I need you to tell me the truth. Angel looks down and plays with her fingers and that what she has been doing ever since she was young . whenever she's guilty she plays with her fingers . Christine hugs her ooh my baby . You could have told me . Does Lucas know ? , she shakes her head . mother let's not talk about this now . Moffat will be hurt . Ok I know what you mean .But I will tell your father ok . Thanks mum.
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