Chapter 12

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They arrive at the hospital , Stella goes to her father, whoes crying,. she hugs him Dad , oh Stella why is this happening? What have the doctors said ? . they have not told us yet . Nancy is crying like the world has ended , she feels like dying when she sees Stella. how dare you come to mock me , you are happy with what has happened to Grace. you evil little devil. Nancy tries to slap her but Moffat grabs her arm . what is wrong with you. how is this her fault ? you and your daughter drugged me last time. I didn't say anything . even last night she drugged me and followed me ,then lost me and followed someone with a black suit. I am not a King for nothing . let this be a lesson . never try to touch my wife or lay a hand on her head. you will be sorry . he pushes her away . And grabs Stella's hand and takes her to the gynaecologist department , They test her and shes 4weeks pregnant. he's so excited, They tell the all family the good news . back at the central hospital , Grace is awake and feels pained ,hurt, betrayed and she wants to end her shameful life . They recommend that she starts going for therapy,. Nancy shouts at the doctor my daughter is not mad . I don't want you to tell her that nonsense ok. They leave the doctors office. Ken hugs her ,she will be fine . Don't touch me . Her you happy that your evil daughter has finally hurt my Grace . Why are you blaming this on Ella ? , it's Grace who drugged her husband . I Know you will always defend that woman's daughter. I have always suffered because of her . you Ken ! you left us to be with her mother . Now I will not left her walk over my daughter like her mother did to me ,NO !! it will not happen.shouts Nancy. Ken leaves the the room. he goes to get some air . ( Why is Grace different from Stella. Why does she always want to hurt Stella. I lost the woman I loved ,I can't lose my daughter too.. I will try to protect my daughter ) . Richard doesn't go to the office he's ashamed to face his colleagues. Moffat enters the company with Stella. He's very happy and smiling brightly. That all the female employees can't help to stare . his pearl white teeth ,those happy eyes . it's a breathtaking scene to watch . I heard that he's married and that's his wife . says the reception at the front desk . . I knew there was something between those two, they are just so beautiful together says another female. I am sure Claire will freak out if she knows who the bosses wife is .. They enter the elevator he pulls her and lifts her up for a kiss. she's wearing pumps and she's looking short and . She's happy to be pregnant because she won't be wearing heels ,but it's now worse cause she has to wear dresses and Moffat is loving the idea of wearing dresses. I will come and get you ,we go to the hospital after lunch . He kisses her lips and puts her down. Stella exits the elevator and goes to her department . Am watching him sir ., Ok I am waiting for the right time . ( he took away my happiness , I will take away his ) . Sir he has made alot of enemies . it seems we don't have to get our hands dirty , Speak up where are you getting at . Mr King , The stone family has another daughter and the wedding was yesterday . He had the daughter drugged and was raped by homeless and mad men That boy has no soul says Roy king ,The Young brother to Robert king. , He is ruthless and a cold blooded killer who doesn't blink twice when killng someone. Richard is walking aimlessly on the streets. , waiting for anyone to call him concerning the wedding. But no one calls him , ( am sure no one knows about my wedding. I should go to the office tomorrow) just has he's about to get in the cab . his phone rings. It's Ken , We need to talk . And he cuts the call. The central hospital,he tells the driver. In the corridors ,he finds Ken and approaches him . Am really sorry for what has happened, but I can't continue with this marriage. My family is against and it has brought me alot of shame and anguish says Richard . I really need to know the truth Richard , I only tolerated you because I thought Grace liked you. Why did you lie and embarrass Stella ? Richard is looking everywhere but not at Ken. Answer me you little twit , shouts Ken , I have nothing to say to you. Ask your wife and my ex wife . They know better .with that and he walks away. Nancy was coming out of Grace's room when she saw Richard walking past the room . , Richard ! were are you going didn't you come to see Grace ? No I came for other business. I really mind if you don't call me anymore says Richard between his teeth. He pulls her by the arm and whispers in her ear . Be careful Ken is getting onto something ,all your deeds will be exposed. Nancy stumbles backwards upon hearing what Richard had said. . Richard walks out of the hospital , I will I face my friends and family , what will I tell them . Grace used me to get to Stella's husband. She drugged him just to sleep with him and claim he ruined her . I could have been a laughing joke , either ways . She got what she deserves so did I .I lost the girl I truly loved just to be with that witch. I could have been there for her when they mistreated her . I could have defended not embarrassing her Oh Stella am sorry. Lucas is looking at Angel and he's scared on how he's going to face his friend Moffat. Angel stirs in her sleep and holds him tight . He growls at the body contact and how dangerously close her lips are . ,they are plump and beautiful , he can't take her again, she needs to rest. he kisses her forehead and holds her and falls asleep again . The phone rings from James . Lucas where are you Claire is throwing a tantrum and things are destroyed at the club says James, I have called Moffat and he's on his way. Upon hearing Moffat's name , Lucas is now awake and alert ,what happened ,why would she act like that, ? she heard that Moffat is married, she was following him and didn't know who the wife was . Now why would she trush the place ? , he looks at the beautiful woman lying in his arms, on second thought you hundle it am really busy ,what!! shouts James . Lucas cuts the call and switches off his phone . . Angel is awake and pretends to be asleep. What am I going to do with you says Lucas has he touches her face ,he kisses her forehead and holds her tight. her head is on his chest and she kisses him on the chest, Lucas is startled by her actions , pulls back and looks at her . They stare at each other . Angel how are you feeling ? asks Lucas as he puts the strands of her hair behind her ear ( is this how handsome he looks in the morning. ) she trails her eyes to his sharp nose and finally on his lips . she's lost in thoughts . he clears his throat to get her attention ,she looks at him and he smirks ,( oh how handsome) ,she moves up to his face level and kisses him . she's never kissed anyone before apart from him . She's kissing him sloppy kisses and he smiles and pulls her hard and starts kissing her back . He starts getting hard and she feels it poking between her thighs, she stops and looks at him. , Isn't this that you came for he raises one eyebrow , she starts kissing him but he pulls back, you are sore down there I don't want to hurt you , but I can't hold back much longer. he gets out of bed butt naked and goes to the bathroom. ,She looks at his huge hard cork and covers her face he chuckles and enters the bathroom . she calls Stella on first ring Stella picks up . Hello sis how are you ? ,are you with Moffat ? , hmm yes ,she knows what she wants to tell her ,so Stella changes the topic fast . Sis you left early something big happened. I will tell you everything when I get home. ok ,Ok thanks . How's Angel ? ,I have been trying her to call her since yesterday but she ignores my calls. Stella holds his hand and comforts him . she's fine ,she said she's missing home . when I call her i will tell her to call you. They leave for the club . They find James and a restrained Claire by two bulky bodygaurds. Let me go you fools .do you know who I am .How dare you touch me . ,Now let go of me. Claire is now enraged when she sees Moffat entering with Stella. Let her go says Moffat . Claire walks to Stella she looks at her and raises her hand to slap her . but she is slaped hard by Moffat ,she stumbles backwards and loses balance . James runs towards them . Claire holds her check and starts to cry . You slapped me Moffat ? , because of her . You raised your hand on me . ? , don't you dare talk bad or raise your voice at her. ,not even your filthy hands . I will chop them off without even thinking twice. Stella is scared . she has never seen him this angry . Moffat notices her trembling ,he composes himself . hugs her tightly and kisses her forehead. don't be scared . I will never let anyone hurt you , not even myself. ok ? she nods her head and he kisses her hair . Claire is crying bitterly at the site in front of her . make sure she cleans up all the mess and damages she has caused in the club . yes sir responds the bodygaurds . they leave the club .,James asks Moffat , have you communicated with Lucas . He refused to come that he's busy .
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