Chapter 3-Healing

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I was overcome with disbelief and just stood there, unable to move. The girl had her arms wrapped around his neck, and he had one arm around her waist and the other on her thigh. I recognized the girl as Winner, a seemingly nice girl who would always greet me in passing. I realized she had deceived me. As I regained my composure, anger surged within me. "I can tell that this is what you do in your free time," I remarked, my tone laced with hostility. The moment I spoke, Latif and Winner immediately backed away. They both glanced at me with a surprised and guilty look. However, it was Latif who spoke first. "Essel, let me clarify," he stated as he distanced himself from the girl and approached me. "I'm certain you can, Latif. I'm certain you can clarify why you and another girl were engaging in a passionate kiss," I remarked, folding my arms. He fell silent and simply gazed at me. "That's right, you can't, and frankly, I'm not interested." I continued as I moved away from the door, storming off. I sprinted down the hallway, desperate to outrun Latif. Tears clouded my vision as I fled. I never thought he would use me like this. I believed he cared for me, but it seems I was mistaken. The tears I had been holding back finally broke free, but I didn't pause. I kept walking until I reached my locker, where Ella was waiting. As soon as I reached her, I collapsed in tears in her embrace. That evening, I stayed at Ella's place. After shedding tears in her embrace at school, I confided in her about what I had witnessed. She was equally shocked, as she had always believed that Latif and I were meant to be together and would endure. I didn't find Maria's dinner enjoyable, even though I usually love it. I think I was too preoccupied and upset to appreciate it. Ella tried her best to lift my spirits. We spent the night watching movies and eating ice cream, which provided some relief as I was able to momentarily forget everything, but something always triggered the memories to resurface. Latif tried calling me multiple times, but I chose to ignore his calls. When his persistent and bothersome calls continued, I decided to turn off my phone. I had no interest in listening to whatever he had to say. I had no desire to hear his deceitful explanations. The next day, as I was at my locker grabbing my books for class, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see who it was, but when I saw the person, I quickly turned back, feeling my anger resurface. "I understand that you have negative feelings towards me, but please hear me out," Winner said from behind me. I grabbed the books I needed, closed my locker, and turned to face her. "Why should I listen? Weren't you and Latif getting intimate enough?" She hung her head and sighed. "I'm sorry." "Are you sorry for being with my boyfriend or for getting caught?" I asked, holding the books to my chest and crossing my arms. "It's not like that," she started. "Essel, I've had feelings for Latif for a long time, so when he approached me, I couldn't resist. It felt like a dream come true. But then I realized what I was doing and felt guilty, so I tried to end it but I couldn't. You have to believe me, I never meant to hurt you." "Wait. How long has this been going on?" I asked, dreading the answer. She brushed her black hair behind her ears and looked down guiltily. "Three months," she whispered. My eyes widened. "You've been involved with my boyfriend for three months!" I said in disbelief. "I can't believe this." It was all too much for me to handle. "Essel, I'm really-" Winner started, but I cut her off. I didn't want to hear any more. The thought made me feel sick. "I have to go to class," I said, turning away from her and walking to my class. "I can't believe he was cheating on me for three months," I told Ella at lunch. "He was playing with me, using me. I feel like such a fool." "Don't blame yourself, Essel. There's no way you could have known," Ella said, pushing her tray aside as we finished eating and sat down to talk. "Yeah, but that's the thing. I did see the signs. He had been distant lately, but I ignored it because I didn't want to believe he would do something like that," I said, then let out a heavy sigh. Ella looked at me with sad eyes. "I'm sorry, Essel," she said, then suddenly getting angry. "i***t! I'm going to cut off his balls." When I arrived home, I headed to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water. My stepmother, Sarah, was cooking dinner at the stove and turned around to greet me as I entered. "Hi," she said. "Hello," I responded. She turned back to continue cooking, and that was the extent of our interaction. Sarah and I didn't say much to each other. I didn't have anything against her; she was a nice enough lady. However, since my dad married her almost a year ago, our communication had been limited to greetings and small talk. Sometimes, I wondered if she disliked me, even though she had never done or said anything mean to me before. I never knew my mother as she passed away when I was just two years old, so it had always been my dad and me. A year and a half ago, my dad met Sarah, and I had never seen him happier. She was the first woman he had dated since my mom's passing whom he truly loved. I was glad that he was happy, and Sarah was the one who made that happen, so I didn't mind at all. "Is my dad home yet?" I asked as I closed the fridge. "No, he's working late tonight," Sarah replied. "Okay." I was about to leave the kitchen when Sarah called my name and turned to face me again. "How was school?" she asked, surprising me. This was the first time she had actually asked me something like this. "Um... it was okay," I answered, although I was lying through my teeth because it was far from okay. I had to endure two classes with Logan, and it didn't help that he was still trying to talk to me while I was still hurt by what he did. However, I didn't want to go through all that with Sarah, so I had no choice but to lie. "Oh, okay," she smiled a little. "Go and wash up, dinner is almost ready," she said. I didn't feel like eating. I hated the fact that I had no appetite. I despised Latif for putting me in this situation. I gave Sarah a small smile back. "I'm sorry, but I don't feel like eating tonight." "Oh, okay then," was her reply. I turned away and went upstairs to my room. After finishing my homework and preparing for bed, I heard loud music blasting from the house next door. I glanced out the window and immediately knew it was my next-door neighbor, Andoh Michael, causing the commotion. Michael is a popular guy at my school, with almost every girl at Preston High swooning over him. He didn't show much interest in any of them, only caring about one thing - hooking up. Many girls were content with just one night with him, while others secretly hoped for more but knew better than to ask. The longest relationship he's had was a week; Michael is like a wild, untamable tiger. He spends most of his time stirring up trouble and breaking the rules at school, walking around with a carefree attitude. I still remember how annoyed I was when he and his family moved in next door last year. I've made it a point to avoid him, despite having classes together and living so close. Our rooms face each other, so I occasionally catch glimpses of him in his room - sometimes with a girl, other times with his friend Seth Grant goofing off and drinking. As I turned away from the window to avoid being seen, I couldn't help but shake my head at his antics. The next day at school, as I walked down the hallway, someone grabbed my hand to stop me. When I turned around to see who it was, my annoyance grew as I recognized the person blocking my path. "Move out of my way," I said firmly. Latif shakes his head as he gazes down at me. He stands at least five inches taller than me, and I despise the fact that he's looming over me right now. "Not until you talk to me," he insists. I glare up at him. "I have nothing to say to you. Now, move out of my way," I demand again. Ignoring my plea, Latif's demeanor softens as he speaks. "What Winner and I had didn't mean anything. I regret being with her in the first place. Babe, you're the only girl I want. Please believe me." I have to resist the urge to roll my eyes. I don't know who he thinks he's fooling, but if he truly had regrets, he would have stopped somewhere within those three months. He hurt me deeply and I've lost all trust in him. There's no way I'm getting back together with him. "Latif, I can't. I'm sorry," I say. Knowing Latif, I know he won't take no for an answer. I want him to give it up and leave me alone, so without thinking, I add, "I'm already seeing someone else." His expression changes instantly. His blue eyes darken and his shoulders tense up. "Who?" I am unsure of who to mention because it was fabricated, so I choose to remain silent. Luckily, the bell for first period rang, breaking the tension. I breathe a sigh of relief. Saved by the bell!! "I can't handle this right now. I need to get to class." I maneuver around him and walk away. Thankfully, he doesn't try to stop me, so I hurry off to class. ++++++ The school day comes to an end and I'm leaving my final class. Ella had mentioned that she had to leave immediately after class to do some grocery shopping for her mom. As I walk down the hallway, I feel someone's gaze on me. I glance up and see Latif at his locker, watching me. The hallway is nearly empty, so it's easy to spot him. When will this end? When will he understand that I don't want to talk to him? I look away from him as I notice movement out of the corner of my eye. I turn to see Michael at his locker. In that moment, an unexpected idea enters my mind. I'm not sure where it came from, but I must not have been thinking clearly. With Latif still watching me, I keep walking and then head towards Michael's locker. Michael has just closed his locker when I finally reach him. Before he can react, I wrap my arms around his neck, pull his head towards mine, and kiss him.
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