Chapter 4-I Kissed A Player

1493 Words
Michael released a startled exhale, then - as I had anticipated - returned the kiss. I sensed a smirk on his lips and knew he was relishing the moment. Part of me wanted to break away, but I resisted. I had to go through with this. I suppressed my pride and self-respect and persisted in kissing the last person I ever thought I would kiss. The Player of Preston High. Michael placed his hands on my waist and drew me closer to him. I could feel his entire body pressing against mine. Deciding it was time to put an end to this, I broke the kiss and moved away from him, creating some distance between us. Michael looked at me with an arrogant smirk on his lips. "Well, well, well, what do we have here?" Michael said. "I knew you couldn't resist me, Sweet Cheeks, but next time, give me a heads up. I'll be more than happy to oblige." He winked at me. I couldn't help but roll my eyes at his arrogance. This is exactly why I try to avoid him at all costs - he's just too full of himself. "Don't flatter yourself. I'm only here for one reason," I retorted. "Of course, you want me," he replied smugly. Before I could reply, the sound of a locker door slamming caught my attention. I turned to see Latif storming away, and couldn't help but smile. Mission accomplished. Michael followed my gaze and let out a chuckle. "I see what you're doing. Putting on a show for your boyfriend?" he teased. After Latif left, I distanced myself from Michael and crossed my arms. "He's not my boyfriend anymore, and yes, I want him to believe that I've moved on." He raised an eyebrow in amusement. "So, you used me?" I studied his expression. He didn't seem offended at all. In fact, he appeared to be enjoying himself. "Yes, because you were here," I replied, then added, "And now I regret it because you're nothing more than an arrogant jerk. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go. This was a mistake. I'm sorry, it won't happen again." "It's fine, I don't have a problem with it. You can rely on me whenever you need." He grinned, "Feel free to request my help." I grimaced in disgust. "You're repulsive! Just pretend that I never kissed you." I stated, before turning my back on him and walking away. I don't understand why I kissed him. Oh God! What was I thinking? Now I realize it was a terrible idea. Pushing all thoughts of Michael out of my mind, I departed from the school and headed home. "So, you just went up to him and kissed him?" Ella inquired the next day at school. We were in our homeroom, seated and waiting for the bell to ring. "Yes," I confirmed. As soon as I arrived at school, I told Ella about what happened the day before. She was beyond surprised. "Wow, you must really want Latif to back off," Ella speculated, sounding surprised. Ella and I have been best friends since freshman year, so she knew me well. She knew I wouldn't do something so impulsive without a reason. "So, what did Latif do?" "He stormed off," I replied, feeling a small sense of satisfaction. Ella smiled. "Serves him right. Hopefully, he'll stop bothering you now." I nodded in agreement. We were quiet for a while until Ela spoke again. "What was it like kissing a guy like Michael?" I looked up at her, surprised by her question. She saw my expression and quickly raised her hands in defense. "I'm just curious." "Well, not that I was paying much attention, but he was actually a great kisser," I answered after thinking about it. "Wow, who would have thought?" I just shrugged. Certainly not me, because I've never thought about Michael in that way before. The bell rang shortly after, and Mrs. Hilton came in for roll call. With just one minute left until the end of school at 3 o'clock, I quickly gathered my papers and haphazardly stuffed them into my binder. Finally, the weekend had arrived. As the bell rang, I stayed seated, hoping to avoid the rush of students heading for the door. Once the coast was clear, I wearily waved to the teacher, got up, and made my way out of the classroom and into the dim hallways. Friday, the last school day before the weekend, was a cause for celebration. School had been a dreadful experience, especially when endured alone. I let out a heavy sigh as I opened my locker and tossed my books inside. Looking at my reflection in the small mirror attached to the door, I noticed my brown hair tied up in a ponytail, revealing my face. My two brown eyes stared back at me, and I couldn't help but sigh at the lack of effort I had put into my appearance every morning. "You can continue searching, but it won't alter your appearance," a voice taunted from behind me. I spun around to confront Comfort Sanders, also known as the girl who had tormented me from the moment she could speak in complete sentences. I loathed her, but I couldn't deny that, despite her artificial appearance, she was the epitome of what I wanted to look like. She was stunning. Her golden locks flowed elegantly down her back, framing her slender jawline. She was dressed in a floral blouse and a knee-length pencil skirt, showcasing her slim legs, and she completed her look with ballet flats. Her face was delicate, and a natural tan graced her complexion. She exuded the aura of a Mediterranean goddess. "What are you looking at?" Comfort snapped, though there was a slight smile on her face. It was clear from her eyes that she knew I was envious of her. She enjoyed the idea that I would do anything to resemble her. Instead of stopping the bullying, it only fueled it, giving her the opportunity to display her beauty to someone she saw as "pathetic" like me every day, intensifying the envy I harbored. Comfort let out a small chuckle to herself. "You're really pitiful," she said in a high-pitched voice, glancing down at her nails. I felt tears welling up in my eyes at her words and I scanned the surrounding area. Students stood by and observed as the situation unfolded - most just walked past and ignored my distress, but a few looked on with empathy. Still, none of them spoke up for me. This was always the case. No one came to my defense. No one would be my savior. But I refused to shed a tear. I had made a promise to myself that I would never give anyone the satisfaction of seeing me appear weak or vulnerable to their teasing. I was determined never to show any signs of breaking down. Comfort frowned at me, as she always did when I didn't react like her other targets. Then, she unexpectedly reached out and knocked the rest of the books out of my hand. She smirked, pleased to have made her mark, and walked away, the sound of her shoes tottering as she left. Everyone averted their gaze from me, clearly disinterested. The source of entertainment had departed, and I found relief in no longer being the center of attention. As I gathered my books, I observed where their focus had shifted and couldn't help but roll my eyes in response. In the hallway, the school's 'golden boy' strolled alongside his friends. A group of girls subtly smiled in their direction, undoubtedly vying for his attention, while the guys greeted him with smiles as if he were their closest companion. In fact, everyone seemed to wish to be his best friend. I noticed a black-haired boy standing to the left of the 'golden boy', with bored grey eyes and a permanent scowl etched on his features. His name was Stephen. I observed him looking at the people around them with disdain. He casually dismissed any girls seeking his attention and instead focused on texting on his phone, occasionally glancing up to deter anyone trying to approach them. I averted my gaze from the absurd scene before me and concentrated on retrieving some books from my locker. It was the final day of school, and if I didn't bring my books, I wouldn't have anything to study over the weekends, leaving me with nothing to do. The only thing I did outside of school hours was study, and... I shook my head to dispel my thoughts. I closed my locker with a bang and turned around, emitting a small startled sound at the sight before me. Standing right in front of me was The 'Golden Boy', with his hands tucked into his pockets, a smile on his face, and his gaze fixed on me. I blinked.
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