1.22 Contain of Memory Card

1620 Words

"Calm down. I said 'might' I didn't say 'must'. According to Principal Barker, at least one of us has to surrender ourselves to make them believe that we are not planning into something." She tried to explain, raising her hands as if calming the freaking agent who stood up in an emphatic disagreement. "I don't agree with this too, if, for the sake of subtlety of this plan, we can do that without sacrificing one of us. But that means we need to use the scholars for stealing the attention from us to them. Especially that we'll be needing to stop the sentinels when the phone got tracked. Who can we use?" Laura frowned, she barely knew anyone in the school, well scratch that, she really did not know anyone except the two in front of her and the secretary Hannattitude, other than them, no one

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