1.23 UOE's Head Chief Sentinel

1661 Words

"Stop crying over that old club and do what was asked you to do!" Laura nagged and exclaimed, kicking the club president who was looking so sentimental while watching his demolished club room from afar, looking so awfully sentimental so she kicked his leg hard which made him turned to her with a grunt and big frown. "What? The council promised that they won't destroy my club room if I found one member. What's the sense of sealing the contract and having you fill out the form? Tsk!" He kicked the soccer ball hard to the wall which bounced back to him and kicked it again five more times in desperation to release his anger. He had obviously grown fond of his not-so perfect club room. "Stop overreacting, your real club was under that old room, they haven't found out about it until now." The

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