Episode 47

2082 Words
Sam wonders why his foster parent Kiana is knocking on his door so early in the morning when he is trying to get some sleep after a long night. He ducks out of bed and walks over to the door. With his mind churning he pauses by the door for a long moment before finally sliding it open. "Is everything okay?" He peers at her attentively. "Yes.. everything is just fine...I'm going to take a bath...would you mind watching over the kids and preparing breakfast while I shower?" She changed her mind about telling him to pack and shower so as to avoid answering difficult questions. Bryce will explain things to him once he wakes up and she hopes she can count on Sam to be able to pack and shower quickly afterwards. Sam is puzzled by her request and he would have loved to question her about it but he feels he is not yet that close to her to dare to question her requests. After a long moment of silence he slowly nods his head. "Thank you Sam," she breathes a sigh of relief. She is happy Sam didn't throw her any questions. She abruptly turns away from Sam's door and walks away before he changes his mind and decides to ask questions. She playfully sings and dances in the shower while scrubbing her body. She is excited about flying to Bahida City with her family. She has never been there before and she is thrilled to share the first hand experience with her beautiful family. Hopefully Bryce will lose the grumpiness after getting extra sleep. When she walks in to her bedroom she is pleased to find Bryce awake. "Thank heavens you are finally up. I would have hated having to be the one to wake you up." She peers at him with a neutral expression. Bryce stretches himself as he yawns, "Come closer," he pats the empty space on the bed that's next to him inviting her over. She walks over to him staring at him with curiosity showing in her eyes, "what is it?" she impatiently asks. He reaches for her hand and interlocks his fingers with hers. "I owe you an apology," he catches her gaze and keeps it. "What for?" She is left openmouthed. "I failed to show you the gratitude and enthusiasm that you deserve when you told me about the trip to Bahida. That's a very sweet and thoughtful idea and it was wrong of me to open my mouth to complain," he sincerely apologizes. Kiana is moved by his unexpected apology even though she believes he doesn't owe her one. "Awww I guess I should let you sleep more often, sleep seems to work like aspirin in your body," she playfully punches him on the arm. "I love you," he tenderly whispers after laughing at her joke. "And I love you too Bryce Adams," she gives him a quick kiss on the lips. She paces to her closet and pulls out stylish jeans and slips into them. "Let me quickly shower," he jumps to his feet and heads for the door. "Wait!" She yells after him and he freezes for a few seconds before turning around and striding over to her. "Yes," he lifts one eyebrow. "Sam! He hasn't packed or showered," she arches her brows and pulls her lips forward. "And why not?" He widens his eyes. "Gee! Isn't it obvious?" She throws him a look that shouts he should dig into his mind to get an answer. He takes a moment to scratch his head and it doesn't take long for his expression to change as a realization washes over him. "I have to tell him we are no longer going to see his mother," he exhales deeply. "That's right and I would advise you to get to it right away. Time is no longer on our side, he needs to start packing and hit the shower asap," she urges. "Where is he?" "He is n the kitchen, I asked him to prepare breakfast while I shower but I'm sure he is done by now," she responds. "Please don't make a habit of asking him to handle your chores, he is a child," he grunts. "Excuse me?" She gapes at him ready to start a fight. "I don't want him to feel as if he has to do things in the house to earn his stay or be in good books with us," he wrinkles his brows silently praying his wife will understand his point. She blinks at him before letting out a sigh, "Sam is not five years old anymore and for as long as he lives in this house I will expect him to help me out where he can and not because he has to earn his stay but because children are supposed to help their parents with house chores," she preaches. "Of course...you are right," he concedes not wanting to drag on the conversation. "If it makes you feel better this is the first time I have asked him to handle breakfast. As for the first time he practically begged me to let him cook. The kid told me himself that he loves making breakfast." She shifts her shoulders up for a second. Bryce silently acknowledges her response and without uttering a single word he strides out of the room. When he gets to the kitchen Sam is putting finishing touches on his pot. "Hey Uncle Bryce," he greets after meeting his gaze. "How are you Sam?" He responds as he walks past him to scoop into his arms baby Kiandra who is already reaching out for him. "Hey there daddy's little princess, are you cooking yummy food here with your big brother huh?" He trails his finger on her soft chubby cheeks and she bounces happily in his arms. "Where is Bryan?" He questions with a worried look in his eyes. "He rushed to the restroom about two minutes ago. I think he has an upset stomach from all the sugary foods he ate yesterday at the Jacob's house," he mutters. "Oh no! He can't have an upset stomach not when we are going on a trip," he groans. Sam gazes at him with confusion, "Is Sam coming with us to see my mother?" He narrows his eyes. Bryce grits his teeth and grimaces, "we need to talk about that, take a seat," he says as he pulls out a chair for him. Sam reluctantly sinks into the chair with his eyes lingering on him. Bryce shifts uneasily and nervously rubs the back of his neck. The last thing he wants to see is Sam's disappointed face. "Sam...I'm afraid we won't be going to see your mother today. We will have to do it some other time," he spits it out. "What!" There is disappointment, confusion and anger in his expression. "But you promised," he is on the verge of tears when Bryce takes his hand into his. "I know I promised Sam and I know how much you want to go and see your mother today. The reason we can't go today is because my wife planned a surprise trip to Bahida City. I only found out a few hours ago," he explains. Sam takes a moment of silence to consider Bryce's words. "So we are going to Bahida City huh?" He tries his best to stop the impressed smile that begins to slowly build on his face. "Yes and there is no need for you to suppress your excitement," he slaps him on the shoulder. Sam grins for a short moment before turning his grin into a smirk. "I would pick visiting my mom over Bahida City at any day but since I have no choice in this matter I might as well look forward the trip. When will we be coming back home?" "After two or three nights am not so sure," "Promise you will take me to visit my mother when we get back?" "I promise Sam and thank you for understanding to be honest I thought you'd be flustered by the news. I guess I'm the only one in the house who still takes you for a child. You have proved to be mature and understanding... I'm impressed," he grins proudly. "Thank you Uncle Bryce...well I better start packing my bags now," he runs off and disappears. Bryce is tempted by the sweet aroma from Sam's cooking, he glances over his shoulder to check if he is still alone in the room thereafter he slowly slides away the pot's lid and reaches for one piece of meat and just as he is about to grab some, "Busted," his wife hollers. He is startled by her hollering, his heart jumps and he gasps for air. "You almost gave me a heart attack!" He complains. "Serves you right for planning to steal from Sam's pot" she laughs. "Hmmm not that I blame you, it smells good in here," she comments as she paces to the stove to check what's in the pot. She wiggles her nose at the rich and colorful beef stew with potatoes, carrots and other vegetables. "Sam should definitely take up culinary arts when he gets older," she mentions with an impressed tone. "Well if he has a passion for cooking then I guess you should get him to cook more often, try out new dishes and get to polish his experience," he suggests leaving his wife stunned. "Wow! I didn't expect to hear that from you" she doesn't hide her surprise. "I know...I guess I just realized that Sam is not five years old anymore," he responds thoughtfully. "And what made you come to that realization?" She curiously questions. "I spoke to him about the Bahida trip and visiting his mother on another day," "And....?" "Let's just say he did not respond the way I feared he would. He wasn't broken or flustered, he understood and he got excited about the trip." "And you thought he would cry his eyes out, tell you that you suck and sulk at you all week?" she giggles. "Pretty much," he admits. "These kids are more capable than we think and I hate to admit this but it looks like Janet did a good job of raising Sam," she mumbles. "My money is on Sam's father," he shakes his head. "Of course...you know better than I," she accepts. "Mommy...." Bryan runs to his parents on the hallway who were heading to the living room. "Morning my little Prince," she crouches to his height and picks him up. "How is your tummy now?" His father questions with concern. "I think I'm okay now," he flashes them a convincing teethy smile. Bryce soon leaves them and dashes to the shower. A few minutes later they all sit down for breakfast and follow by helping each other clear the table, clean the dishes so as to leave the house dirt free. The children eagerly throw their bags in the trunk and fasten their seatbelts once inside the car. A short trip later they are parked outside the Jacob's house and Bryce honks the car horn to announce their presence. Everyone stares at the door expectantly and two minutes later Selena bursts out. "Hey guys," she warmly waves to the children while making her way to the driver's seat of the Adam's seven seater range rover which joined the family car collection a week after Sam moved in with them. Bryce has moved from the driver's seat to the back seat. Selena is driving them to the airport and their car will remain parked in her house until they come back. She is to use the car to pick them up from the airport when they return. "It feels good to have friends to count on, we would have called a cab to the airport if not for you," Kiana casts her an appreciative smile. "I'm always happy to help....I think this trip was going to be more fun if my family and I were joining you," she confidently states. "Definitely...it was going to be awesome to have Paul and Lena  around," Sam agrees. "Aww I'm glad to know you enjoy their company," Selena responds as she steers. The chatting in the car makes the long trip to the airport seem short. Before they know it Selena pulls over and they pull their bags to the check inn point with over excitement threatening to kill them.
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