Episode 48

1025 Words
An hour later the plane touches down in Bahida City. They pick up their rental car by the airport and drive to a beautiful holiday house in which they will spend two nights in. "Mommy who lives here?" Bryan asks after they slip inside. "Anyone who has money to pay rent can live here for a few days," she answers. She and her husband check out the rest of the four bedroomed house. They settle in the master bedroom and allow Sam to choose a room thereafter they pick the smaller room for Bryan. "This place is amazing," Bryce comments while peering outside the window captivated by the beautiful view of the nearby ocean. "It's beautiful," she agrees after pacing next to his side and entwining her fingers with his. He contentedly quirks his lips at her, "how about we head out for some yummy lunch?" He proposes. "Someone is in a good mood, I was expecting you to ask for a nap," "I think I have spent enough time sleeping today, it's the first day of the year lets go and make some memories. We will sleep at night," he grins enthusiastically. "I'm not going to say no to that," she beams. After changing Kiandra's diaper and nursing her, they slide her into her stroller and head out. Their holiday house is located in the heart of town thus there is no need to drive around and besides walking is the best way to get a better view of the town at the same time enjoying the cool outdoor breeze. They check in at a bustling fancy restaurant and a waiter quickly emerges to take their order. As he greets them he never shifts his gaze from Kiana. She is looking tempting and enticing in her black skinny jeans and a floral spaghetti top that displays her perky full round breasts and her lean arms. The waiter's eyes widen in stern amazement when he notices baby Kiandra bouncing in her stroller. His eyes then shift to Bryan then Sam. His mouth drops open as he wonders how on earth it's possible for a mother of three to still look so drop dead gorgeous. Bryce clears his throat to get the waiter's attention and he is jolted out of his thoughts. "Please excuse me...your order will be ready in ten minutes," he announces and slowly begins to walk away with his eyes steady on Kiana. He ends up bumping into a customer who just walked in, "Hey watch it," the annoyed customer scowls at him. "I can't believe how rude that waiter is...leering at me like that in front of you and you didn't even think to do anything about it!" She frowns at her husband with disappointment. He takes a moment too long to respond, "It's not a crime to look as long as you don't touch," he blinks. "Are you kidding me?" She gapes at him. "I don't think we should listen to this conversation," Sam mutters before turning to Bryan, "I think I heard you say you need to use the restroom...let me take you there," he rises to his feet. "No! I didn't say I need to use the restroom," Bryan does not get that Sam is using him as an excuse to give his parents some privacy. "Okay then...will you please accompany me to the restroom?" Sam does not wait for a response, he pushes aside Bryan's chair and scoops him into his arms. As soon as the boys walk away leaving them alone at the table she stares at Bryce expectantly, "well...aren't you going to say something?" "Sweetheart...do you not see how tempting you are in those jeans and in that revealing top? I can't blame the poor man for being spellbound by your appearance and apart from that I'm really hungry I just didn't have the energy to pick a fight," he chortles. Later Sam and Bryan return from the restroom and head back to the table and a few minutes later the waiter delivers their order. Having satisfied their stomachs and charged up their bodies they are now ready to explore the beautiful town. They start with visiting the zoo which has over three hundred species of animals. Among the animals are gorillas, lions, leopards and different kinds of cats and birds. Bryan and Sam are fascinated by each animal they see. Kiana is pleased to see the kids so elated and delirious. "Mommy look at how big that thing is and it looks like an ugly person," Bryan animatedly utters with his finger pointed at the gorilla. "It does look like a person but it's not...that's a gorilla," she replies. "Why is it that big, what does it eat?" He turns to his father to ask. "It eats bananas" he states. "Really?" He is surprised by the thought of a creature so big eating something so small like a banana. "They do eat other things besides bananas," Sam giggles at his confused expression. They move on to other sections of the zoo one by one and time drifts away quickly. Their last activity by the zoo is riding the Camels. Kiana and Bryce take turns to watch the baby and so they take their rides separately. Bryan skips the camel ride, he is terrified of the Camel and its long neck. Even after his parents tried to use candy to bribe him to take the ride he refused and they had to give up. She later announces that there is a Marine world just a few km away from the Zoo and it's their next stop. "No freaken way," Sam explodes with excitement. He runs to her and throws his arms around her. "You are the best parent in the whole world," he declares. She is caught off guard by his show of gratitude it takes her a few seconds to respond by wrapping her arms around him. "I'm amazed...you really thought of the best place for the kids to enjoy themselves," Bryce adoringly stares at her. "What can I say...I'm the best parent in the whole world?" She proudly smirks. "You sure are," he giggles.
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