Episode 52

3115 Words
Kiana wakes up to the smell of burning meat, after showering she had taken a couple of minutes to nap before heading downstairs to prepare dinner for her family but the smell emitting from downstairs is confirmation that someone has beat her to it and it can only be her uninvited guest. She finds the entire family lounging in the living room keeping themselves entertained watching reality TV. The only person missing is Courtney. She trails off to the kitchen and the smell of burning food gets her coughing. "I see you decided to take over my kitchen as well," she clears her throat. Courtney rolls her eyes, "I thought to be nice and put myself to use by cooking dinner for your family," she smirks. Kiana's eyes dart around the room, they flicker to the dirty dishes piling up on the sink and the greasy mess that's on the table and the burnt vegetables that are visible in the kitchen bin. "I hope you go all the way," she mutters. "What do you mean?" Courtney pauses stirring the pot and rests her hand on the right side of her waist. "I'm talking about the mess that's in here," she says, pointing at the sink that's loaded with dirty dishes. "You must be joking...I can't cook and wash dishes afterwards. I'm not a bloody machine and apart from that Seth is old enough to handle the dishes," she mentions. It takes a few seconds for Kiana to realize that by Seth she is referring to Sam. "His name is Sam and he is not a maid in this house. He can't be asked to wash the dirty dishes that I have no idea how you managed to pile up in the sink," she grimaces. "Kiana if you don't want me in your house why don't you just say so?" She grumbles. "I just don't think now is the..." She stops mid sentence when her husband strides in flashing her a disapproving gaze. "I hope you don't mind if I steal your sister for a moment," he whispers to Courtney who gestures to him to go ahead. He turns to Kiana and gently rubs her arms, "Sweetheart....I believe our beautiful Kiandra is longing for her mother," he widens his eyes. After they flounce out of the room, Courtney groans under her breath before getting back to her disastrous cooking. "Please leave your sister alone...will you?" Bryce scolds. "Why are you on her side when you don't even know her at all? I'm pretty sure there is something she is hiding.. her story just doesn't add up," she grouches. "If she is hiding something it's none of your business and you don't need to play detective. This is your sister I expect you to try your best to be polite and kind to her," he raises his finger. She opens her mouth to protest but quickly closes it and reluctantly nods her head, "I only hope she won't over stay her welcome," she murmurs. Later on, dinner is served and Courtney calls them over to the dining table. Kiana's stomach turns peckish at the sight of the food in front of her. She grimaces at the raw-looking sausage meat oozing out of hulled squash. It looks like a tumor and one would think it was cooked by a blind person owing to its very raw appearance. Then aside there is a vomit inducing egg salad, thanks to Courtney using a fork to mash the eggs and adding Avocado in place of mayo by so producing a green gloop. On her last dish of mac n cheese she decided to replace macaroni with zucchini, creating a watery meal that looks more like someone's monstrosity vomit. Bryce swallows hard the lump on his throat as he braces himself for the horrifying dishes in front of him. He takes a spoonful of the mac n cheese and he fights the urge to puke it out and forces it down his throat but he won't dare consume another spoon. Sam and Bryan frantically stare at their parents with pleading eyes, there is no way they are going to eat the food prepared by their aunt who is clearly a bad cook which makes Kiana wonder how she managed to stay married for ten years, were they eating out everyday? "Mommy I can't eat this food it doesn't look right," Bryan blurts. "I can't eat this either...I'm still... full," Sam follows. "Your kids are so rude Kiana...don't you teach them any manners?" She glowers. "You know what...we stopped ....at a takeaway restaurant after our plane landed. I'm afraid we are all still full," she stutters. Courtney keeps her gaze on her for a moment too long, "Well then I guess we can skip to dessert...There is dark chocolate mousse cake in the fridge," she frowns. "I will go and get it," Sam eagerly offers and he immediately rises to his feet and begins clearing the table. He dashes to the kitchen and returns to setup the dining table with saucers and forks thereafter he hurries back to the kitchen and brings the whole cake and sets it on the table. Courtney curls her upper lip with disdain as she watches everyone hungrily devour the entire cake leaving only crumbs on their saucers. "So much for being full," she comments with her eyes narrowed. "What can I say... this family loves cake," Kiana wears a smug expression on her face. "Well then I will leave you to do the dishes," she clears her throat while pulling back her chair. She drops her napkin on the table and strides away. Kiana is ready to go after her but her husband stops her, "Sam and I will help with the dishes," he offers. "Did you see the the mess she left in the kitchen?" She pops out her eyes. Bryce blinks his eyes and rubs his forehead. "It was going to be better if we were actually able to eat the food she prepared," she frowns. "Even a great cook has his bad days sweetheart," he mumbles. "Somehow I doubt she has any good days in the kitchen," she groans under her breath. While Bryce and Sam struggle with the dishes Kiana takes the time to prepare creamy mashed potatoes for Kiandra. After feeding her she gives her a night time bath and puts her to bed. "Uncle Bryce...I was wondering if perhaps tomorrow you can take me to visit my mother?" Sam requests while hopefully peering at him. "Of course Sam...I did promise to take you to see your mother and now that we are back home I don't see why not," he claps him on the arm. Sam steps forward and wraps him in a hug, "thank you Uncle Bryce," he puts on a wide grin. "Thank you for helping me with the dishes, you must be exhausted how about you call it a night?" He says. It's still too early for him to sleep but he understands that his Uncle is indirectly asking for some alone time with his wife. He nods his head in agreement and takes Bryan upstairs with him. "Where is everyone?" Kiana questions when she finds Bryce alone in the living room. "The kids are upstairs probably now asleep and I assume Courtney as well. I thought we could take this time alone to watch a nice romantic movie...what do you say?" He smiles while patting the empty seat next to him, asking her to take it. "Who could say no to that?" She winks at him and slumps into the couch resting her head against his hard chest. He wraps his arm around her after reaching for the remote and pressing on the play button. The movie ends after an hour and a half, it was a beautiful romantic and touching love story. It reminded them of their love and their journey. He leans his forehead against hers and takes her lips into his, they share a kiss that leaves both of them breathless. He looks at her with desire and fire burning in his eyes. He starts taking off the strings of her dress and trails kisses down her neck. When she feels his soft lips press against hers, everything just fades away and she gets lost in the heated moment. His hands begin to explore her body and they feel warm against her soft skin. He pushes her to lie on the couch and he hurriedly rips away his clothing thereafter he parts her legs open and lies in between them. "Oh Bryce...." she moans "Kiana..." he adoringly whispers. He rocks against her kissing down her neck with soft lips and bites. He soon picks up the pace rocking against her harder and harder and she throws her head back, digging her fingertips in the flesh of his shoulders. She pushes her hips to meet his and soon the two of them lose themselves in the misty bliss of pleasure. Bryce collapses on top of her trying to catch his breath. She exhales deeply with his sweat dripping onto her body. Suddenly the door to the living room swings open and the lights are turned on. Bryce jumps off Kiana and frantically fumbles for his clothes to cover his manhood. Kiana quickly grabs a cushion from the couch and uses it to cover herself. They hear footsteps drawing nearer and they silently pray its not one of the kids who has walked in on them. "Oh my god!" they hear Courtney's startled gasp. She nearly laughs at their mortified expressions. "Courtney! What are you staring at...shouldn't you be turning around?" Kiana hollers. Her sister gazes at them one last time and then she reluctantly turns around and trudges out of the room and waits outside while Kiana and Bryce quickly slip back into their clothes with their cheeks flashing red with embarrassment. "I can't believe she would just barge in like that," Kiana groans. "Sweetheart...its not like she knew we were in here getting busy," he lowers his voice. She glances at him and frowns, "why must you always defend her?" "Why must you always think the worst of her?" He reposts Kiana groans under her breath. Once he is done dressing up he paces to her and pulls her into his arms while resting his forehead against hers. "I will give you a minute to talk to your sister....you will find me upstairs," he brushes his lips across hers before striding out of the room. He respectfully bows his head to Courtney as he walks past her. Courtney walks back in, "I'm so sorry Kiana I had no idea that you...." she stammers. "What were you doing here at this time of the night?" She curiously asks. "I couldn't sleep...there is a lot on my mind...I just wanted to find something to watch to distract myself," she sullenly mutters. "Courtney....I know we are not best of friends but you are my sister and I know you may not believe me but I do care about you," she declares. Courtney squints her eyes at her, "why are you telling me all this?" "Uh...well...I just want you to know that I'm here to listen if you ever need someone to talk to," she timidly blinks. Courtney looks her straight in the eye as if to search for sincerity after a long moment she looks away. "Thank you Kiana but I'm not ready to talk about it..." she pauses to peer at her for a brief moment. "Especially not with you!" She adds. "Courtney! You can trust me we are family after all," she insists. "I said I'm not ready!" She roars, when she notices Kiana's stunned expression she quickly apologizes. "I'm sorry...I...I...didn't mean to snap at you," Kiana cannot believe the nerve of the woman to dare to roar at her in her own house but she is not about to waste her energy arguing with her. She reminds herself that her darling husband is waiting for her in their room. "It's fine...I'm sorry for pushing...well I will give you some time alone." She strides away then pauses by the doorway, "I hope you will have a goodnight," she wishes. "Thank you sis...goodnight to you too," she says before making herself comfortable in the living room. She freezes for a moment as she remembers that her sister just had s*x in the very same room she is in. She rolls her eyes and mumbles, "ewww," and follows by storming out of the room. *** The next morning Kiana makes sure to beat Courtney to the kitchen so as to prepare breakfast and not give her a chance to burn her pots while preparing disgusting food. Today is the day Sam gets to visit his mother and he is excited about it. He takes his time to pick a dashing outfit, he wants to look handsome for his mother. He dresses in a navy scotch shirt and black jeans. He tucks the shirt in and wears a belt to tighten his trousers. Later everyone sits down for breakfast, Courtney is the last to join them. She merrily strolls to the table twirling her hair and humming a soft melody. Everyone stares at her wondering what's got her in such a good mood. Bryce and the kids put on wide smiles as they glance at the tantalizing dishes in front of them. After yesterday's horrible dinner they have learnt to appreciate a good meal. "Hmmm yummy," Little Bryan licks his lips after taking a bite of the pancake with blueberry compote. Bryce smiles down at the egg benedict and butterscotch buns on his plate. "Sam...I think you can learn a thing or two from your aunt," he states as he greedily munches the food in his mouth. "Did you just say Aunt?...You know...we never really got a chance to talk last night. How exactly does Seth fit in to this family?" Courtney doesn't hesitate to pry. Kiana flashes her a warning look but she doesn't seem fazed. "My name is Sam," he wrinkles his eyebrows as he corrects her. "Sam..Seth...it doesn't matter...both names begin with an S and they sound just the same," she leans back on her chair and eyes him without a care. Sam gobbles up his food so as to get away from the table as soon as possible. "Isn't anyone going to tell me anything...no need to keep secrets. I'm no stranger...I'm family," she presses on. "We are Sam's foster parents," Kiana informs. "Oh..so he is not your step son...I thought Bryce was his father but then I did realize that he looks nothing like him," she impolitely mentions. "Courtney!" Kiana flashes her a scolding expression. "Please excuse us Sam and I have to go," Bryce puts down his fork before finishing his meal. "But sweetheart you barely ate your food?" Kiana ruefully utters. "That's okay...I don't want to be late...I will grab something on the way," he replies. "Where are you rushing off to?" Courtney suspiciously lifts her brows. Bryce and Sam mutely rise to their feet and race out of the room. "You don't need to know everything...you need to learn to respect people's privacy," she scolds. "Hmm seems like Sam is a touchy subject...I wonder why...you know I'm going to find out anyways so you might as well tell me," she peers at her expectantly. "I will tell you but only if you will be kind enough to wash the dishes," she smirks. "Really! Fine! I was going to wash them anyway," she groans. After breakfast Courtney lazily clears the table and washes the dishes grumbling and frowning every second. Once she is done Kiana keeps Bryan busy with his building blocks and his musical shape sorter that makes enough noise to prevent him from hearing their conversation. Kiana and Courtney sit far away from Bryan but not out of his sight. "Let's hear the juicy story," Courtney crosses her legs and attentively gazes at Kiana. "Bryce raised Sam as his own until he turned five because his wicked ex made him believe he was his before Sam was born," she discloses. "Wow! I can understand why he would believe the pregnancy was his but surely he should have realized that the baby wasn't his after Seth was born. He looks nothing like him," she throws her hands in the air. "Again...the name is Sam not Seth and not every child gets to look like his father!" Kiana frowns. "Hmm that's true...look at you... you don't look anything like dad," she grunts. Kiana scowls at her, "what are you trying to imply?" "Nothing...am just merely stating facts," "It's funny that you should say that seeing you and I look alike and we both have our mother's features. I may not physically look like dad but I certainly did inherit his personality but I can't say the same about you!" She grumbles. Courtney pays no attention to her counter attack, she pretends she didn't hear a thing. "So tell me...where is Sam's mother?" Kiana reluctantly tells her everything just so she can drop the subject and stop asking questions in front of Sam. She listens attentively without interrupting and her facial expressions tell that she is loving every part of the juicy story. "Wow! I think I would love to meet this Janet Jules one day," she grins deviously. Kiana gapes at her, "Relax...I was just kidding...I know you have always been miss goody two shoes but I never would have thought you'd take in the child of your husband's ex...I mean he is not even your step child because he is not related to Bryce at all," she drops her jaw and has a hard time trying to understand her sister's decision. "Sam is a good kid and he has been through a lot, he needed a loving family to accept him and the truth is It's an honor to have him here with us. My kids adore him, they have found a loving big brother in him," she thoughtfully stares into the distance. "You never cease to amaze me," she rolls her eyes. "Now listen...now that I have told you everything I don't want to hear you asking silly questions in front of Sam or uttering offensive things. Leave that kid alone!" She barks. "I'm really touched you would huff at me like that over a stranger....I guess blood is not thicker than water after all," she huffs and follows by striding out of the room. Kiana sighs and buries her face into the palm of her hands. Who was she kidding by thinking she could control Courtney in anyway?
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