Episode 14

1173 Words
Today Bryce is meeting Kiana’s young sister Maliah and the fact that the young sister is Kiana’s family makes it a pretty big deal to him regardless of her age. His plan is to take them to an out of town amusement park where there are pools and thrilling fun rides that he knows a twelve year old would love. He needs to wear something that makes him look young but mature and trendy. He settles for dark straight legged jeans, an oak ridge slim fit t shirt, leather wrist band and casual canvas sneakers. Kiana, Maliah and Alissa are window shopping at a mall in town while waiting for Bryce to pick them up. Both Maliah and Ali are eager to finally meet Bryce and get to know him in person. He rings Kiana letting her know that his almost there and he instructs them to wait for him outside at a specific spot. “Oh my word! Is that his car?” Ali gushes as she observes an onyx black metallic Volvo S90 pull up next to them. Bryce hops out of the car to greet the girls, of course he starts with giving his girl a tight warm hug as well as a brief kiss on the lips leaving Ali feeling jealous of them. “Babe this is my little sister Maliah and this my best friend Alissa. Guys this is Bryce, my boyfriend,” Kiana can’t believe she just called someone like Bryce her boyfriend, the thought of it makes her heart leap with joy. Who would have thought little old her would be his girlfriend instead of some hot top model? Bryce extends his hand to shake Maliah and Ali’s hands as they exchange their “nice to meet you” statements. “Okay guys hop in and let’s go,” he motions as he opens the car door for his lady. Kiana is dressed in blue ripped up boyfriend jeans, a printed white t shirt and sandals she also carries a fashionable sling bag on her shoulders. She looks different from the woman she was yesterday today she is just a girl but he loves all of her different looks as long as it’s still Kiana. It takes twenty minutes on the road to arrive at Wonderland Amusement Park. Neither of them have ever been there before, Bryce found the place on the internet. He takes Kiana’s hand into his as they stroll inside, Maliah is overwhelmed with excitement, the place is like a dream come true, she jumps up and down and screams ecstatically before running to Bryce to hug him, “thank you so much for bringing us here, I like you already.” She beams. Kiana is moved and pleased to see her sister excited she thanks Bryce for being thoughtful and for coming up with the best ideas always. He takes out a hundred dollar note and hands it to Alissa and tells her to pay for any rides they want to go on and to buy themselves any snacks they want. This way Ali can watch over Maliah and he can have his woman to himself. “So what do you want to do my Barbie?” he asks as he wraps his arm around her shoulders. “I don’t know how about we start with the bumper cars?” “Hmm okay and then after that the Ferris wheel right?” “Oh certainly not I’m afraid of heights, that wheel is way too high for me,” “the roller coaster then?” “No it’s also up too high,” she pouts. “Well I think that’s what makes it so much fun Barbie, we are going to take each and every ride no buts.” The rides are exhilarating, with their eyes closed they let out screams of excitement as they go high up in the sky. Bryce doesn’t remember having so much fun, he sure feels like a teenager again. It is always fun being around Kiana, she smells nice and her smile brightens his world. He desires to make her happy always because seeing her happy gives him joy. They meet up with the others an hour later and they head to the nearby diner to get some food and refreshments. Maliah can’t stop burbling about how much fun she had and all the fun games she played and the thrilling rides she went on. The four of them chat, share jokes, stories and laughter. It’s been a good memorable day for everyone. The sun has set, the weather has changed its no longer hot but warm and cool. It’s now phase two of Bryce’s plans for the day unfortunately it doesn’t include Maliah and Alissa so he calls a cab to take them back home. “I think they really like you,” Kiana flashes him a wide grin. “That’s great because I like them too,” he responds while leaning down to cup her face into his hands and kisses her slowly. Kiana is exhausted it’s been a very active day hence she unintentionally falls asleep in the car while Bryce is driving, he doesn’t mind that she is asleep he understands she is tired and he is enjoying watching her sleep. She looks beautiful and angelic even with her eyes closed and at least now he knows she doesn’t snore or drool in her sleep. He wakes her up when they arrive at a private park, she gapes at him in adoration as he pulls out a picnic basket from the boot. They wander around to find a perfect spot and when they do she fondly watches him lay down the picnic blanket and cushions. He takes out a portable Bluetooth speaker and plays soft music from his phone. He also brought punch, sandwiches, grapes and strawberries as well as Ferrero hazel nut chocolates. It’s up to her to choose what she wants to snack on. Kiana is swept off her feet, this man is amazing and he is bringing so much life, adventure, love and happiness into her life. Bryce is only gratified to have found someone to spoil and share his life with. His lonely days are over and he now acknowledges that there is more to life than his job which he is no longer married to. His job can never make him feel as happy and on top of the world the way being with Kiana makes him feel. They lie down staring at the beautiful stars in the sky whilst holding hands and exchanging sweet nothings. It gets dark pretty fast and the weather turns a bit chilly. He pulls out another blanket to cover themselves as they take a short nap in each other’s arms. Kiana is very taken and moved, he seems to have thought of everything and he is a great planner, she wouldn’t mind letting him plan their wedding because she doubts she can ever plan things so perfectly the way he does.
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