Episode 13

1441 Words
“You have been out and about lately,” Mrs Ray comments as her daughter climbs down the stairs looking strikingly beautiful and hence she presumes all this can only be for a boy. “Just going out for dinner with Alissa and a couple of friends, nothing special,” she unconvincingly lies. “So why are you dressed to kill like this?” Mr Ray joins in the interrogation. Kiana can’t help throwing her hands and rolling her eyes. “I heard her talking on the phone with her friends, the best dressed is going to win a prize,” Maliah comes to her rescue thereafter she whispers to her, “you owe me.” Bryce offers to pick her up but Kiana’s plans are to make a grand entrance and wow him so she turns down his offer. Pete is anxious and excited to finally meet the girl that his best friend won’t shut up about and it’s been a while since he last saw him with anyone therefore he believes this girl must be special to have gotten Bryce out of his marriage to his work. “Is that her?” he would ask every time he saw a woman walk into the restaurant alone. When Kiana finally walks in Pete is the first to spot her and so again he asks, “Is that her?” Bryce looks up at the sexy gorgeous woman gracefully modelling into the restaurant and he whispers to himself, “I wish” but to his surprise this woman walks towards them and that’s when he takes a closer look at her and realises it’s no one else but Kiana. His eyes pop out, his jaw drops with great amazement, he can’t believe he failed to recognise his own girl but who could blame him? The woman walking up to them is far different from the girl he knows. Kiana has heads turning as she struts and sways towards their table, Bryce watches as other men lustfully fixate on his woman and he doesn’t like it one bit. He shoves his chair aside and saunters off to meet her half way. He shows off when he kisses her lips and takes her arm into his making it crystal clear to all the other men that she is with him and he is the lucky bastard that they were probably wondering about when they were busy leering at Kiana. “My heart almost stopped,” he confesses to her. He can’t help but scan her body from head to toe her orange bodycon cocktail dress that brings out the attractive shape of her body also has a deep draped neck which exposes her cleavage. It also has sexy waist cuts and an open back display with spaghetti straps. She is wearing sexy strappy stiletto sandals, her hair is worn down and it’s looking long, wavy and shiny. Her make up is done just right, smoked eyes, silver eye shadow along her tear ducts, mascara coats on her eye lashes making them even more thicker and longer. Her brows are high arched and her lips are orange coloured with a matte texture lipstick. “Weren’t you the one who said it’s just dinner and not a ball party,” he teases as he pulls out a chair for her to sit. Pete doesn’t wait for Bryce to sit down and make the introductions. “Hie I’m Pete Jacobs I’m Bryce’s best friend well more like his big brother and this is my beautiful wife Selena,” before Kiana could get the chance to respond Pete continues. “I must tell the truth I have been dying to meet you I have heard so much about you. It’s been quite a while since I saw my friend this happy and you know he hasn’t had a woman in his life since ages ago and……” Bryce conceives he has to interrupt Pete or else he will keep babbling until midnight and might end up saying all the wrong things. “Pete that’s enough! Selena this right here is my shining light, Kiana Ray.” Kiana blushes, they exchange greetings and she and Selena connect right away despite their age difference, for Selena it feels like she now has a chance to have the young sister that she has never had. Of course they do excuse themselves to go to the ladies not just to touch up their makeup but to get the privacy to gossip. Kiana implores Selena to tell her all she knows about Bryce and she is told good things only making her even more certain that she is with the right guy. Selena asks her how they met and if he is treating her like a queen as he should and she assures her she has nothing to worry about. Meanwhile Bryce and Pete are left alone at the table so Pete takes the opportunity to comment on how hot and sexy Kiana is and he naughtily asks his friend if he has banged her. He is boggled when Bryce responds with a “no!” “What! What the hell are you waiting for man? No wonder she is literally begging for it judging by the sexy outfit she decided to wear tonight I think she is out to seduce you.” “Stop fooling around, will you! You know what they say man if you drive too fast you are bound to crash. I think I’m falling in love with her Pete and I have to wait for the perfect moment. She is something special and I need to show her how much she means to me she has to know it without a doubt before I take her into my bed. I wouldn’t want her making love to me with uncertainty or doubts about how I feel about her.” “I respect that very much I think it’s very noble and thoughtful. You are a good man Adams and I hope she knows what a lucky girl she is and if she messes up she will have me to deal with.” While on the road after dinner, Kiana believes tonight is the night Bryce won’t be able to resist her, in her mind he is going to drive her to his place and make crazy mad love to her. He has never invited her to his house as he believes if he does then she wouldn’t leave the same. He can only bring her to his home the day he wants to give it to her. Looking up on the road Kiana is disheartened when she realises they are heading to her house but she refuses to embarrass herself by asking him why he isn’t taking her to his house and why he is not interested in making love to her? Kiana thinks she needs to sleep with him to keep him, she has been told men need s*x and they cannot go long without it and so she is more than ready to meet his needs. Does he think she is too young to please him sexually? Does he know she is a virgin with zero experience? Is there someone he is sleeping with just to satisfy his s****l needs? The thought of the last question makes her sick to her stomach, she cannot bear the thought of Bryce touching another woman. He soon pulls up in front of her gate, “thank you for tonight, I’ve never seen you this beautiful before, you look like a full grown woman,” he pulls her into his arms and kisses her fervently. There is so much tongue and wetness, she observes his manhood pointing up in his trousers. For a minute she thinks maybe this is it but then he pulls away and groans as he bangs the steering wheel with his fist. Kiana has no idea just how much he wants to have her, how much he longs for her or how hard and painful it is for him to restrict himself. “You have to go,” he squawks. She hesitates for a while as she is considering challenging him, he pleadingly glints at her. “Please Barbie I really need to get out of here,” she slowly opens the door and walks out of the car. “I’m looking forward meeting Maliah and Alissa tomorrow afternoon I will pick you guys up in town and we can go somewhere fun, is that okay?” “Yeah sure,” she responds with a half-hearted low tone before she turns and walks away in disappointment.
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