Chapter 10

2679 Words

My eyes felt so heavy I groaned softly as Bree knocked on the door, letting herself inside with a breakfast tray. I couldn’t have been asleep for longer than an hour or two, if even. Bree blinked at me and I blushed, wondering how improper it was to groan in exhaustion. Not to mention the dark circles that were under my eyes. I frowned as I looked in the mirror, poking the dark puffy circles under my eyes as she placed the tray filled with food on the coffee table. “Good morning, Prin...I mean Jaelyn,” She said shyly, a blush on her face. I smiled at her, glad she wasn’t mentioning how awful I looked. “Good Morning, Bree. I’m sorry for my state, I had a rough night last night.” I said to her as I sank down into the soft cushioned couch. She smiled kindly at me as she walked to the clos

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