Chapter 32

2487 Words

I walked down the hall towards the stairs, making my way down them to the second floor, to Rhett’s room. What Megus said was still vibrating through my head, and every step I took made me worried about my actions, and about my choices. If I marry Rhett, Ashe would be safe, but what if Megus was wrong? What if Ashe wasn’t in danger? This...This was the right choice. It had to be. Even if Ashe was in trouble, I was going to go to him, find him, and drag him back here with me. There had to be some way we could make him a Seelie, there had to be a way I could save him. I had to have hope, otherwise, I didn’t know what else to do. I loved Rhett just...not like that. I know that now. What Aislyn said, how I could have possibly loved Rhett if I hadn’t met Ashe, I felt like it was true but that wo

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