Chapter 6. The humiliation, a naughty nanny. ~▪︎~▪︎~▪︎~

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The local news had picked up the story of Jamie's attack and how Max, her boyfriend had saved her. It came across Karen Turner's work news feed. Her boss had asked her to call him. She tried to call Max first. It must be a mistake. Max didn't answer his phone. Karen's phone rang, it was her editor "Phil" Phillip Roberts. "Hey, Karen, how is Mexico?" He continued without waiting for a response. "Well, I am hoping that you can give us the scoop on a story that broke about your son Max and his girlfriend Jamie, so sorry to hear about the attack." Karen was silent. She was fuming now. Phil said,"Hmm, maybe a bad connection here," he tapped the phone. She said, "Phil, Jamie was my boys and Max's nanny, maybe the report came in wrong." "Well I can send you the clip from last night, here take a look," he said. She heard her phone ding. She watched the police interview that he had sent her of the news report. She had tried to call Jamie, no answer. She was piss*d. "Phil, the bigger story is the predator living in my home, acting as a nanny. I need to investigate this more. If this is true, please respect our privacy while we sort out all of this mess." Phil nodded. He didn't care at all for Karen, he hung up the phone. He picked up the phone again, dialing, "hey Kyle, yeah- it has been a long time, I got a lucrative lead for you guys"...he passed the story on to the gossip magazine. He thought he could make quite a bit of money on this hot little story. Jamie had asked Max to get her some dry toast. She was feeling a bit better, but still weak. He had been watching over her all night. Her phone rang, it was Karen. Jamie said, "Max, it's your mother, I cannot take her call right now."- rubbing her sore throat. He nodded. "Me either," he said solemnly. He had messed up last night. He was scared now. It was all crumbling apart. This sweet world of love that they had been living in. Jamie was preparing to be fired. She wasn't prepared for the next call, however. It was a reporter from the Sun times, he left a voice message asking for her to give a response on a story that they had just broken about her and Max. A true love story, they had called it. She knew that they were a local rag magazine. Jamie checked the story on line. Smoking hot news! Nanny being attacked, saved by one of the boys that she was caring for, during the police investigation, the boy identifies his nanny to the police as his girlfriend. Now the Naughty Nanny is being investigated by police who are actively interviewing all of the children in the home. The parents of the 3 boys have declined to comment. Jamie swallowed hard. She showered and dressed. Police officers came to the home and asked both her and Max to come in for questioning. It was all over. Jamie was so embarrassed. Max was angry. "None of this is true, I'm not a child !" The detectives contacted child protective services and they reached out to Tim Turner, learning that he had Simon, and Aaron with him. He made an appointment with them to interview the boys about possible abuse by their nanny. Tim was shaking now. He apprised his lawyer. Jamie was taken to a small room. A man came in and dropped a file down on the cold table. "Tell me Jamie, tell me about your relationship with the Turner kids." He read her her Miranda rights. She nodded, tearful now. She was totally honest. "Max and I became lovers the night of his 18th birthday." Max had told them the same things. He was adamant that he was of legal age. The concern was the gossip that she might have molested the two younger boys and had been grooming them. She was mortified. After the police had found no grounds to arrest her, they had let her go. The damage to her reputation was done. She left and went to a hotel. Max texted her around 100 times. She finally texted him back. She asked him if he could bring her her things. He agreed. He packed up all of her clothes and drove his mother's car to the hotel. Karen was still in Mexico. Max came to Jamie's room and pulled her into his arms, holding her tight. "I'm so sorry, it's all my fault. I am the one that seduced you my love." She cried bitter tears on his shoulder. "I knew better Max, I was after all, a guardian of all three if you. I was the one who broke trust with your whole family." She asked him to go, to give her some time to heal. He reluctantly left. The photographer that followed him took pictures of them kissing goodbye. Max went home, alone. Seeing the updated pictures, Karen called Max. He had told her the whole story, he was a bit embarrassed to tell his mother about everything. She was quiet. She promised him that she would be home tomorrow. He hung up the phone. His heart was breaking for Jamie. Jamie Clarke got a call from Tim Turner's lawyer the next day. He had asked her to come down to his office, downtown. She agreed. Jamie dressed carefully. She wore a black skirt and white blouse. She walked into the law office of Gaff and Stern. The secretary told her to have a seat and wait, Mr.Gaff would be with her shortly. Jamie was nauseated. She wanted to hide. A tall older man with a brown three piece suit brought her back to his opulent office. "Have a seat Jamie. We need to go over a few things here. My client Tim Turner has asked us to represent him in this situation." Jamie sat back,"Oh, did he now?" She was feeling angry at him, since her last encounter with him, he had been hitting on her- what a jerk. Mr.Gaff handed her a yellow package. She opened it slowly. It was an outline of a civil law suit that they were planning to serve her with. Breach of trust, negligence, pain and suffering.... on and on. His lips lifted in a sneering smile. She pushed it back towards him. Her life was ruined. He softened his smiled. "Good news for you young lady, Mr.-and the former Mrs.Turner actually don't want to pursue this law suit, it would be quite embarrassing for the boys, and the whole family. He handed her envelope number two. She opened it. It was a nondisclosure contract. There was a check for $500,000. Mr. Turner wants to quash this. He doesn't think it's fair for Simon and Aaron, or Max for that matter to be subjected to a lengthy trial. See you have choices. Envelope number one or envelope number two. She nodded. He was a real shark this guy. Tears of frustration streamed down her face now. She had no choice, she loved those boys, all of them. She would not subject the boys to a trial. She held her hand out for a pen. The disclosure had a "no contact" agreement between her and the family. In return they would put this to rest, try to salvage her reputation. It was binding for the next 10 years. She cried for Max- tears of sorrow, he would be crushed. Mr.Gaff handed her a tissue. He gave her a set of house keys. "Mr.Turner has provided living arrangements for you in Canada. Do you need time to get a passport?" She shook her head, she had her passport. "One more thing." She turned to look at him. "I need your phone." She was just realizing that she couldn't tell Max anything. She handed the lawyer her phone and slowly walked away. A black car pulled up. A man jumped out. "Hello miss, I believe that you need a ride to the airport?" She nodded. Her eyes were red from crying. Her life was ruined. Max tried to call her over and over. His mother told him it was for the best. She tried to tell him that it was just an affair and that Jamie wasn't the right girl for him. She left out words like, liar, betrayer, psycho b*tch. Things she really wanted to say. She was satisfied at how her ex-husband had handled it all. She would look for a new nanny , an old one that her sons wouldn't fall in love with. She realized when they had all come home to her, that they were all mourning her loss. They wouldn't eat, they were moping around all day. She kept them out of school to protect them until this all blew over. She even tried to call Jamie to let her say good bye, she was desperate now. Her ex-Tim hadn't told her that they had taken her phone away. He thought it was better that she never come back, stupid girl. Max was suffering worst of all. It took months for him to get a plan together to go and search for her. He packed his bags and headed south. He hired a private investigator with his mom's credit card. When she saw the charges, she canceled her card. The investigator told Max, "wherever she is, she doesn't want to be found. She isn't even using her bank cards. Her things are still at that hotel, I gave the desk clerk a hundo, and picked up her stuff. It's like she just vanished. Never to return." Max was overwhelmed with grief. His heart had turned to stone. He vowed he would find her. He would somehow hurt her as much as she had hurt him.
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