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“Why are you sad?” Lakshmi asked me looking at me closely. I hid the tears that were building up in my eyes. “Oh it’s nothing. I like your Sari today.” Lakshmi looked at me uncertainly and then she let it go. “Thanks. I Decided to wear something very nice today. And it paid off! Guess what?” “What?” I asked her. She looked so happy like she was going to burst. “I found my mate.” She told me. “No way!” I said turning to her. “Yes! And it was Abhi.” Lakshmi said excitedly. I was so happy for her. Lakshmi had been dating Abhi for as long as we had known. Abi was the son of a minister in Agra. They were madly in love with each other and had been hoping and praying that they eventually became mates. True to their prayers, it had come to pass “I’m really happy for you Lakshmi.” I told her sincerely. “Thanks.” She giggled, then she turned to me. “So when are you going to start getting prepared to find your mate.” I scratched my arm and mumbled. “I don’t know.” “Urmi. It’s mating season for our year, you know you’re going to find one, so don’t worry about it. We just have to get you prepared. I’m sure Raj is going to be your mate. I know it.” Lakshmi told me. “Lakshmi please you don’t need to try to make me feel good. I know no one is going to choose me talk less of a whole Raj. Stop trying to make me feel good.” I said cowardly. “What are you talking about?” Lakshmi looked at me like I was insane. “You are going to find a mate. Everyone does.” Fortunately enough we got into class and Lakshmi had to stop with her chatter. As usual I went to the back seat to hide myself. Classes started to begin and Prince Raj came in. Everything about him was so perfect. Everything about him stood out. I watched him until I realized I was drooling and I quickly arranged myself before any one saw me and I was made an even bigger laughing stock. Gauri could die for Prince Raj. One day I had made the big mistake of writing about Prince Raj in my scrolls and Gauri had read it and made fun of me along with my other sisters. In their very exact words, how could the ugly duckling be with a swan? After class was over, Abhi was talking to Lakshmi and so I quickly dodged her and ran out. I liked Lakshmi a lot, but she had a funny way of always wanting me out in the spotlight and it was not something I wanted. Yes I was timid, yes I was ugly, yes I was a coward yes I knew all these things and so it was best I avoid disgracing myself any further. I sat down by one of the fountains reading a scroll when I felt my inner wolf calling. My nose went straight up in the air and I caught the scent. I knew what it meant. For us werewolves we found our mates by their distinctive scent and it only happened once in a lifetime. Once a mate, forever a mate. I followed the scent like a zombie until it led me right in front of Prince Raj. I stopped and he turned ultimately to look at me. He knew it was me, the same way I knew it was it. I could not believe my luck, I held my breath as he looked at me. Raj had never ever looked at me before. I felt my heart beat rapidly as everyone turned to look at us. I watched Raj walk up towards me and I felt myself begin to shake visibly. He was coming to me. God I was his mate and he was mine. I couldn’t believe what was happening to me. Then I felt Raj walk past me. I was shocked, stunned. It felt like someone had just pierced a sword right through me. I shakily turned around to look at him. He went right to Gauri and not me. I turned and saw all eyes on me. I realized what had just happened. I had been rejected. No one had ever been rejected before, but I had. Everyone clapped for Gauri and Raj while I became invisible. Then it occurred to me. No one had even noticed what had happened. They had only just seen Raj walk up to Gauri. I was a nobody, absolutely nobody. I gently retraced my steps from the crowd and walked away to find somewhere to cry. * * * RAJ’S POV Raj felt his inner woke awake and he knew what it meant, it meant that he had found his mate. He turned, hoping that it was one of the two daughters of the emperor of India. That way when they were mated, he would be the supreme Alpha over India and best of all, as the son in-law of the emperor of India, he one day would become the Emperor of India. He had goals in his life and he was never ever going to settle for less. He knew that all three sisters were terribly in love with him, even though the eldest Jhanvi already had a mate. Despite the fact that his father was a ruler over a distant side of India, that was not going to be enough, he wanted to be ruler over the entire India. And even though the other sisters were mated, he was going to be emperor after all he was the next Alpha of their generation. He didn’t really like any of the girls. They were spoiled and very shallow, but at least they were beautiful and that was enough compensation for him at least. He turned hoping to find one of the Emperor’s daughters, but instead, he found the weird girl at school. Her name was supposedly Urmi and no one knew a thing or two about her except for the fact that she was very weird, always hiding and never spoke to anyone. She didn’t wear as much luxurious jewelries like other girls and no one knew who her family was. She was always seen trekking to school and her only friend was Lakshmi which was really surprising due to Lakshmi’s status. Edward watched in horror as she came towards him. He could not believe this, he could not let this happen. This thing was his mate?! He had to do something, fast or all his plans were going to fail. Then he saw Gauri standing at a distance. He walked past Urmi, rejecting her and using his wolf’s energy to declare Gauri as his own mate. He heard everyone clap for him and Gauri and then he saw that no one had even taken note of Urmi or what had just happened. From the corner of his eye, he watched her retreat into the dark to hide. He sighed a breath of relief. He had to do something about her. There was no way he could have her running her mouth about him being her mate.
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