Chapter Four ~ Dinner Tonight?

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Caelan POV     I dropped Amilah off and rushed over to the conference room. Brian was already seated at the table with Karl. I took a seat and smirked at Brian.     “Yeah, today has been interesting to say the least!” I said and Brian smile.     “Karl, do you mind stepping out for a minute? I will link you when we are ready for you. Go grab some lunch or something from the kitchen.” Brian said to Karl and nodded to him to get going. Karl stood up turn towards the door and walked out. As soon as the door was completely shut a huge grin came across my face that mirrored Brian’s grin.     “We can never do anything separate. I swear everything always happens for us at the same time man. I can’t believe we both found our mates today! And they are best friends just like we are. What are the odds?” I said and Brian laughed.     “I was just talking with Karl he said, rumor is Crystal is talking to or dating some kid name Oscar and Kendra is dating a kid name Todd. He said both girls are very smart and usually stay to themselves. They are always seen together around school. Kendra’s parents are stricter than Crystal’s and he never knew either of them was in STEP.” Brian told me.     “How old are they?” I asked.     “Karl said, Kendra just turned eighteen last month and he heard Oscar saying he wanted to get Crystal something special for her eighteenth birthday on May 15th!”     I smiled when I heard her birthday. She and Amilah birthday are three days apart. Amilah will be seventeen on May 12th.     “What are you thinking? I can see that smirk on your face?” Brian asked smirking back at me.     “Nothing, just that her birthday is three days after Amilah’s! I know that Crystal is half wolf, I smelled it but I think her other half is human, which is probably why she couldn’t sense that I was her mate because she hasn’t gotten her wolf yet.” I stated with a look of bewilderment on my face.     “Yeah, I smelled wolf on her and her mom. Her mom is full-blooded wolf so her father must be something else. But what I don’t know because Joel is not her Father.” He said and I looked at him confused but remembered her mother’s name is hyphenated.     “Right, His last name is Peters and her mom’s is May-Peters!”     Just as I was finishing my statement Brian’s phone buzzed with a text message. He looked at his phone and back up at me and smile. When he turned his phone around for me to see I smiled big as I read the text message Joel.     “Hello Brian, this is Joel Crystal’s dad. It was nice meeting you, Karl, and Caelan today. My wife and I as well as James and Marie would like to set up a meeting with you three to discuss some training for the girls to sharpen their skills for the conference. Are you three available to come to dinner tonight? My wife makes the best pot roast and potatoes! We were thinking around 7:30 pm.”     Before thinking I grabbed Brian’s phone and responded.     “Yeah, I think we all can make that. Send me the address and we will get ready to head over in about an hour.”     A few seconds later Joel replied, “Great! Our address is 124 Hamburg Ave, Astoria, OR. See you guys soon!”     Brian and I both looked at each other grinning while he linked for Karl to come back to the conference room. As Karl walked in the room, Victoria walked in behind him. Victoria was one of the she wolves I messed around with, but she was no Crystal. She is a beautiful woman don’t get me wrong. She stood five foot nine with short blonde hair and dark brown eyes. She was decent built with a nice ass and t**s a nice size. Brian spoke before I could.     “Yes Victoria, can we help you with something?” he said harshly glaring at her with hatred in his eyes.     He never really liked her, he felt she only was attracted to me because she wanted to be Luna, and he felt she would make a horrible Luna because she had a nasty attitude, and treated others as if she was better than them.     “I was looking for Caelan not you Brian.” She said glaring at him with disgust.     “That’s Future Alpha Caelan and Future Beta Brian to you Victoria.” Brian snapped at her. I looked at Brian with pleading eyes to let me handle it. His eyes softened when he looked back at me.     “Victoria, what can I do for you?” I asked with slight irritation in my voice.     “Well Caelan,--.” I cleared my throat cutting her off and she glared at Brian before continuing, “I mean Future Alpha Caelan, I wanted to see if you would like to grab dinner with me this evening. I feel we should probably discuss our future with me as Luna since your graduation is approaching.”     I couldn’t believe the nerve of this woman, I looked at Brian and then back at Victoria with disgust in my eyes before saying,     “Victoria, I have no idea what makes you think you would be Luna. We’ve had this conversation before and as I told you before, I will not take a chosen mate. I will find my goddess given mate and when I do, she will be my Luna. Furthermore, I already have dinner plans.” I said sharply and with my voice slightly elevated.     I saw tears start to form in her eyes as she turned around and stormed out of the conference room closing the door behind her. Karl finally took a seat as Brian and I looked at him with smiles on our faces.     “What?” Karl finally asked looking at us both like we were crazy.     “Little Brother, how do you feel about spending more time with Crystal and Kendra while training for this conference? Caelan and I have been asked to train you guys to sharpen your skills so you can get more awards at the conference,” Brian asked him excitement dripping in his tone.     He fiddled with his fingers on the table while looking down to his lap. He finally looked up after a few minutes staring Brian in his eyes then shifting his stare to my eyes before speaking.      “I don’t know. I don’t really know them that well. I don’t think their dads will allow it though,” he responded with hesitation and looked back down at the table.     Brian smiled at me then tapped the table in front of Karl so he would look back up at us before he said.     “That’s just it, Joel, Crystal’s dad asked us to train with the three of you to better all your chances at the conference. We all have been invited to dinner to discuss details this evening. So, what do you say? Would you like to go see what he is talking about and have dinner with them? Joel said, his wife makes the best pot roast and potatoes! I would like to see if that is true.” Brian said with a hint of humor at the end.     Karl nodded his head and a small smile creeped on his lips before he responded, “You guys like them huh? Under one condition, we level the playing field. I will agree if Amilah can join us!” he said with a slight sparkle in his eyes.     At that moment, I realized that Karl had a little crush on my little sister. I wasn’t sure how I felt about it but if I wanted to get closer to Crystal, we needed Karl to play along. Before thinking, I responded.     “Sure, if Amilah wants to join she can. Brian, can you ask Joel if she can come to dinner also?”     Brian pulled out his phone and sent the text. A couple minutes later Joel responded.     “Sure, we would love to meet Caelan’s little sister Amilah. We didn’t get the chance earlier because she wasn’t feeling well. Hopefully she is feeling better,” he said.     With that response, I quickly linked Amilah and asked her to come to the conference room giving it no further thought. About 15 minutes passed before there was a light knock on the door, Karl stood to open the door, and my sister walked in never taking her eyes off of me. She sat down in the middle of the table two seats away from me, and two seats away from Brian. Karl sat in his seat on the other side of the table. I looked at Amilah and caught her staring at Karl before looking down at the table.     “Amilah, how are you feeling little sis?” I said in a gentle tone to her. She looked up at me for a minute before tears started to form in her eyes. I froze not understanding what was upsetting her. Before I could say anything to her, she blurted out.     “It was just one kiss Cae. I promise I won’t do it again. Please don’t tell mom and dad or the Beta’s. I promise it was stupid and I will never do it again.” She started to shake, and tears poured down her cheek. I looked over at Karl and tears were falling down his cheek also like he felt her pain.     Brian looked at me and tilted his head to let me know he wanted to speak in private. We were both shocked at what we just heard, I pushed my chair back, stood up and walked with Brian over to the furthest corner of the conference room.     Brian whispered laughed, “She thinks she was called in here because they were caught or maybe that Karl told you. She is freaking out. Take it easy on her so we all can get what we want. I’ve seen the way them two looks at each other and if the moon goddess doesn’t make them mates, I’m sure she would be Karl’s chosen.”     I looked at Brian and whispered back, “Honestly, I had no idea. But man, your brother kissed my sister. I’m not sure how I really feel about that. He bet not hurt her, if he does, I will kill him!” I said the last part with a bit of humor in my voice.     We both whispered laughed then turned and walked back over to the table and took our seats. Brian was my best friend he knew me better than anyone else. He knew I was only partially serious about killing Karl. But the truth of the matter is, I had no right to step in my sister’s way of happiness.     “Well at least now I know my little brother isn’t gay.” Brian said breaking the silence.     We all broke out into a hysterical laugher and I reached my hand over to wipe Amilah’s tears and caress her cheek grabbing her attention and looking straight in her eyes.     “Well I didn’t expect that. Amilah, why do you think I would be such a horrible brother and stand in your way of happiness?” I asked her in a gentle tone.     She looked up at Karl and then slowly turned her head, so her eyes locked with mine again before she spoke.     “Cae, I don’t think you are a horrible brother. I just don’t understand why you called me here with Karl, you, and Future Beta Brian here also. I thought Karl and I got caught and we were going to be punished or separated. Please forgive what I am about to say but something pulls me toward Karl and I’m not sure what I feel for him exactly, but I know it is more than lust or that of pure friendship. I care for him deeply. I think I may love him even. I just don’t really know what that is. Cae, how did you know Karl makes me happy?”     I stared back at my little sister shocked, she is growing up on me. I smiled and responded.     “You were crying, and you are always so strong. I would only imagine that you would cry so hard if you truly cared about the person, you were crying over and to see Karl tears as well, I only assumed that you two made each other happy.” I shrugged my shoulders up and down and smiled at her.     “But the reason we are all here is because do you remember when Brian and I went to the SES Conference almost 6 years ago?” she nodded.     “Well, this year Karl was invited along with two girls from your school. Crystal May and Kendra Sykes! Do you know them?” She nodded again and let out a sigh.     “Yes, I know Crystal and Kendra, they are always so nice to me and they don’t let the other girls treat me bad.” She said with sad eyes.     “What other girls treat you bad, Amilah? Why haven’t you ever said anything to me?” Karl said firmly across the table and Brian reached his arm across the table to calm him down. Amilah looked at Karl with a softened glare and then at me and I nodded to her to tell us.     “There is this girl name Shelly, she is a popular girl not like Crystal and Kendra though. She has a group of girls that pick on me most of the time in gym class but sometimes at lunch also. Whenever Crystal or Kendra sees them bothering me or calling me names, they always stop them. Kendra and Shelly even got into a fight during gym class because Shelly had pushed me to the ground.” She said timidly while playing with her fingers looking off away from all of our glares at her.     Karl stood up and walked over to her gently placing his finger under her chin and lifting it so she could look him in his eyes.     “Ami, you are stronger than those girls and you are prettier than those girls. You shouldn’t let them bully you. Why have you never said anything to me?” he asked in a gentle and caring tone. Tears begin to form in her eyes and as one finally fell down her cheek.     “You think I’m prettier than they are? I never told you because I didn’t want you to think I was weak and never talk to me again,” she said, as she closed her eyes and more tears fell. He wiped her tears and kissed her on her forehead.     “Of course, you are prettier than all of them. You are beautiful baby, and I would never stop talking to you. You are strong and amazing!” he said in a soft but caring tone as he caressed her cheek.     I smiled when I locked eyes with Karl, but I let them have their moment until we were all sitting in an awkward silence then I spoke, “Well Amilah and Karl, what I’m about to say is not to leave this room. Understood?” I said in my alpha tone and they both nodded their heads.     I looked at Brian and he lifted his hand to signaling me go on.     “Crystal and Kendra are very important to us,” I pointed at Brian and then back at myself, “Crystal is my goddess given mate and Kendra is Brian’s goddess given mate.” Amilah and Karl both looked at us with wide smiles on their faces.     “That is AWESOME! They are really nice girls, and they are both very smart.” Amilah said while bouncing up and down in her seat squealing with excitement. “I’m excited for you brother plus I was praying to the moon that you would find your mate because I absolutely hate Victoria. She is always calling me weak and picking on me.” Amilah said with a distant stare.     “WHAT???” I shouted and instantly mind linked Victoria to the conference room.     A few minutes later she walked straight into the conference room swaying her hips over to me. She brought her lips to mine and kissed me. I grabbed her by her neck and lifted her up in the air until her feet were a few inches above the ground. She gasps and I yelled in her face.     “IF I EVER HEAR THAT YOU ARE PICKING ON MY SISTER OR CALLING HER NAMES YOU WILL BEG FOR BANISHMENT! GET THE f**k OUT OF MY FACE AND NEVER COME NEAR ME AGAIN!” I dropped her to the floor and pointed to the door.     She scurried out of there so fast all I saw was the door close. Brian placed his arm on my shoulder to get my attention then he continued to speak for me while I calmed myself down.     “So Amilah, the reason you were asked here is because we have been asked to train Karl and the girls for the conference and we have been invited to have dinner with them and their parents this evening to go over the details. Karl’s one and only condition is he will go and train if you are allowed to come also. So, what do you say? Can you help us train them and come to dinner with us this evening?”     Amilah froze for a second then threw her arms around Karl pulling him in for a hug. Then she hugged Brian and lastly, she hugged me. With the biggest smile on her face I have seen in a while, she said, “Thanks Cae, I love you so much. This means the world to me!” she then kissed my cheek and ran towards the door.     “Where are you going?” I said to her.     “I’m not going to dinner like this. How much time until we leave?” she asked with pure excitement in her voice.     “Thirty minutes and then we will all meet at Brian’s Jeep” I responded with a smile trying to contain my excitement. Everyone stormed out of the conference and went to get dress for dinner. Exactly thirty minutes later, we were all in Brian’s Jeep, and pulling out the guard gate heading to Crystal’s house. 
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