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Kaya POV Due to the cold season, my mother and siblings are sleeping on the same bed. My father, as a politician, is always preoccupied with social issues and spends little time with his family. Kaya said to her mother, "Mum, I want the phone, tell him to give it to me." Her mother was preoccupied with the care of her other children. Kaya became enraged and looked at Kosho, saying, "Not today, abide by your words and return me." There was just one smartphone, which everyone was required to use. That is why there is so much chaos between Kosho and Kaya. Everyone else was sleeping, except for her, who was using FaceTime when a message appeared on her phone wishing her, a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. zaan street 2 I knew him since he was Kosho's friend. Thank you, I answered, but since he is sleeping, I will inform him of your message. ~ K Who are you, exactly? ~Z I am her older sibling. ~K Oh! Please accept my apologies for the inconvenience. Can you tell me what name he has in his phone's contact list? ~Z Yes, he saved as Zaan Street 2; but, why are you asking? ~K He claimed he saved my name as Zaan donkey, so that's fine. ~Z No, he lied to you.So, what were you up to?~Z I was engrossed in a book. ~K So you're a book aficionado. ~Z Yes, I am a voracious reader. Do you enjoy? ~K No, I don't think so. I can't finish my school books, and I'm not sure how I'd finish a novel. ~Z Yes, first and foremost, place a greater emphasis on schoolwork. ~ K Do you have a boyfriend? I'm simply intrigued. ~Z I don't have a crush on anyone, but I do have a crush on someone. Do you have a girlfriend? ~K No, I have a crush on someone but haven't approached her yet. ~Z Are we able to become friends? ~Z Mr. Ahmad, yes, I would like to be your friend. ~K We didn't know the time had passed and talked about our likes and dislikes as well as our school experiences till 6 a.m. I have a large number of acquaintances. But there isn't a single boy who is a friend. My father was a severe disciplinarian, so I went to a girls' school. I had a crush on someone but lacked the nerve to speak up, so I took the initiative. However, being friends with Zaan today does not appear to be a bad idea. My other pals are constantly trying to persuade me to become friends with their friends. But I don't feel at ease, so people label me a nerd, which has no bearing on me. After getting home from school the next day, I wore light red Kurtis with black leggings and left my hair open. In the playground, I planned to ride my bicycle. Then, all of a sudden, I felt someone looking at me. I began to look around when I noticed Zaan staring at me with a small smile. I returned the smile. I cycled with Benny, my younger sister. 'I'm going to play badminton there,' she exclaimed happily. She went to play with Zaan and Kosho before I could say anything. I put my bicycle in the garage and awaited my turn to play badminton. As a result of Benny's foul, I'm now playing with Zaan. We began playing after he fixed his gaze on us. He is playing slowly, which has caused him to lose, and it is unusual that he is vanquished by me while smiling. Finally, I won, and he approached me and congratulated me with a sweet smile. I returned to my room and sat in my bed. I received a phone from Kosho after a few hours. I was scrolling through FaceTime when a message appeared, asking, “Hi, how are you?” I was ecstatic when Sandre messaged me; he was a crush of mine who I had been eyeing on the way to school, but I was afraid to approach him. I said, "I'm fine. I assumed you were unfamiliar with me and were otherwise occupied." Yes, I visited my grandparents.~S Ok.~K He then called me and we talked for nearly an hour. For a month, this was our daily pattern, and we got to know each other better by chatting. I was putting my education on hold in order to focus on Sandre. Zaan became a good friend of mine as well, but we kept our friendship a secret for fear of being judged. People in India think that a boy can be either a brother or a spouse, but that a boy and a girl can never be friends.
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