CHAPTER 11 – The strange vehicle

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CHAPTER 11 – The strange vehicle Hazel’s POV I woke up the next morning and checked the time. It was 6.00 in the morning and it was the weekend, I missed my weekend routine. I would usually go for a picnic, mostly by myself but sometimes with my friends since having conversations with them was awesome. Gossiping, talking about their boyfriends, breakups, how they dumped their boyfriends, how they caught their boyfriends cheating were all the topics I had to listen to. I was actually glad when I looked at them and comparing my free life to them. I realized how lucky I was to live without having a boyfriend and without inviting trouble into my life. I wanted to sleep some more since I couldn’t go out with my sprained ankle. Miserable, I cursed the events that led me to my injury. Then, suddenly I thought about Mr. Xavier. What could be he doing at this time? Maybe he’s in a business meeting? Maybe he’s sleeping with a sexy chick he banged yesterday. Wait, why do I care about him? I turned to the other side of the bed to continue my sleep. But no matter how much I twisted and turned, sleep didn’t come to me. So, I decided to wake up. I pulled off the duvet and I checked my leg to see that it was still swollen. Only my toes were visible due to the bandage. Luckily it was a minor sprain, nevertheless, it would take another week for it to heal back to normal. I wouldn’t be able to walk with my sexy heels for a long time. I had to go back to flat shoes and slippers. Thankfully, the school would be going on winter vacation in two days. So, I just needed to manage myself in school until then. I hoped there was nothing left to cover in the syllabus so that I could remain seated in my chair.   I picked my crutches and got up with a struggle. I headed to the bathroom for my morning routine and went I came out, I realized that my curtains were still closed. The window behind the curtains faced the road where everyone passed by, so, I always kept it closed when I went to sleep. Since I was awake, I walked to the window and pushed the curtains open. It was the weekend and most of the neighbors were still sleeping. However, I noticed a new vehicle parked in front of my house, a car I had never seen before.  Did the neighbor buy a new vehicle? But it wasn’t any ordinary car, it was a luxury compact BMW X3 SUV. According to my knowledge, there was no one that rich to afford such a vehicle living in this area. Who could it belong to? Maybe a relative or a friend came for a visit. Nah, why do I care? I closed the curtain, removed my pajamas, and got dressed.   I sat back on the bed, pulling out my phone as I hummed a song and checked the internet. I turned on my Wi-Fi and my phone started to beep uncontrollably without stopping. Surprised by the weird occurrence, I wondered who had sent that many messages and notifications. I checked w******p and saw that many of my friends had sent several messages. I slowly started to open one by one, only to realize that they were all sending me photos of the prize-giving ceremony, pestering me about Mr. Xavier. There were a few photos of Mr. Xavier accepting the flower bouquet given by me and I was smiling at him. There were other pictures of when we were on the stage and he offered me the rose bouquet. I looked intently at the photos taken when we shook hands and stared into each other’s eyes. All my friends started to tease me with messages, asking me if they could also meet him. Some directly confessed that they wanted to have a one-night stand with him. Why are these girls falling for a handsome man just by seeing them for the first time? I didn’t want to reply to those messages because I knew that it would take another hour once they start the conversation. My tummy grumbled and I stood up from the bed with the help of my crutches. I slowly and carefully walked down the staircase. I heard the sound of water flowing from the kitchen, happy that my mom was awake. “Good morning, mom!” I greeted her and sat on the dining table chair. “Good morning, my sweetheart,” she replied with a smile. She was washing the dishes while preparing breakfast.    “I’m sorry I can’t help you, Mom. I can’t do much with this sprain.” I pulled out a nearby chair and rested my sprained ankle on it. “You woke up earlier than usual today, Hazel. Is it because of your sprain? Does it hurt, sweetheart?” Mom approached me, her voice full of worry and concern. “Not because of that, Mom. Maybe it was because I slept earlier than usual last night. By the way, Mom, whose vehicle is parked in front of our house?” I asked out of curiosity. “Which vehicle, Hazel?” she asked, turning to look at me. “The vehicle parked at the other side of the road. A silver color BMW?” I said checking my phone. “No idea, darling. It must belong to the neighbor.” She didn’t pay too much attention to the fact and I decided to ignore it also, but deep down there was a strange feeling that kept reminding me of it. “Dad is still sleeping right?” I asked. “What else does he do on weekends other than sleep?” We both giggled to ourselves in response. “Wow! You made pancakes with chocolate syrup. Thank you, Mom! I love you! You just made my day.” I kissed her cheeks tenderly. “Oh, Hazel, I forgot to tell you something. We have a birthday party to attend at a friend of your dad’s house. I was planning to bring you along as well. But, can you come?” she inquired, looking at my leg curiously. “Mom, I can’t go with this leg like this. Everyone will start to ask about it and I will grow tired of answering them. Both of you should go and enjoy yourselves. Don’t worry about me,” I replied, chewing a piece of omelet. “Okay, I won’t force you, Hazel. Oh and by the way, did you call Mr. Xavier with a date for your dinner?” she asked coyly, making me sigh deeply.  “Mom, just let it go, okay? Even he won’t remember what he said yesterday, so just let it go.” I shook my head and drank my watermelon juice. “Think about it, Hazel,” she advised and stood up from the dining chair. “I’m going to my room, Mom.” With the help of crutches, I stood up and walked away, tired of listening to her talk about Mr. Xavier. I climbed the stairs and returned to my room. My mind suddenly was reminded of the suspicious vehicle. So, I approached the window and peeked out of the curtain slightly. Unfortunately, the vehicle was still there and there was no one inside to be seen. I looked at it for few seconds and then I closed the curtains, limping to my bed. I couldn’t do anything, I couldn’t even go for my morning jog due to this sprain. Instead, I pulled out a book from my shelf and started to read it. It was a book about Sherlock Holmes book and I was a big fan of him. The time passed as I read the book and soon it was already evening. At 7.00pm, mom and dad left for the party. She had cooked dinner for me and left it in the fridge so I could just microwave it when I wanted to. I requested her to prepare me a light dinner because I was planning to watch a movie and binge on some snacks. I was someone concerned about my health, my figure, and my weight, so I controlled my meals and tried to balance them as much as possible. I wasn’t a fan of oily foods, lots of sweets, extremely salty food, high-calorie foods, and many more, so much that I could list it all down. Instead, I loved to eat lots of fruits and vegetables in my salads and soups. My tummy growled signaling me that it was time for dinner. It reminded me of mom and dad, hoping they had arrived at their destination safely. Deciding to call them, I pulled out my phone and dialed their number. “Hi, Mom! Have you reached the place?” The other side of the line was noisy with party music and the sound of people chatting. “Hazel, I can’t hear you clearly. Wait, I’m going outside,” mom said. After a while, I guessed my mom had reached outside since the background noise had reduced significantly. “Mom, did you two arrive at the party?” I asked again. “Yes, sweetheart. We are safe. Have your dinner and take care until we come home, Hazel,” she advised. “What time are you both coming home, Mom?” I inquired. “I think it’ll be around 11.00 pm when we reach home, Hazel. Oh, and I’m sorry sweetheart but I forgot to bring the extra house key. Could you stay awake until we come back home?” mom requested apologetically. “Of course, Mom. It’s already 9.00 p.m now. I’m sure I can keep my eyes open for another two hours. Don’t worry about me, I’m okay. You enjoy the party and come home safely,” I said. “All right then. Take care yourself, Hazel.” I ended the call with a smile on my face. After the call, I went down to the kitchen to have my dinner. I microwaved the plate of noodles and sat down at the dining table to eat it. My mom’s food was always extremely tasty as if she truly had magic in her hands. Eventually, I finished my meal and cleaned the table with my free hand while the other held on to the crutches. I took my snacks as well as my juice and with great difficulty I climbed upstairs to my room, settling on the bed. I turned on my laptop and started to watch ‘Iron Man’. The movie had me absorbed and I was really enjoying it. All of a sudden,  I heard the doorbell ring. I checked my phone to see the time and realized it was already 10.48pm.  Mom and dad must have arrived! I paused the movie and with the help of the crutches, I slowly climbed down. “Coming, Mom!” I yelled as I made my way to the main door. I opened the door to see two boys in front of me. “Who are you?” I asked curiously. That was the last thing I could remember. Within seconds they pressed a handkerchief to my face and forcefully entered the house. I struggled as much as I could but there was no way for me to scream since they had tightly closed my mouth and nose. All I was forced to do was breathe in deeply. Soon the darkness welcomed me.    
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