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Kaya's POV I woke up from my deep slumber when I heard someone calling out my name. I get dressed and walk outside I saw I mam standing just outside, near the swing. I walk towards him. "Gideon, what are you doing here?" "You need to make a decision right now... you can either go back home to live your eternal life or tou can stay here with your husband and face certain death." Gideon replied. "We already gave so much time for you to decide. When you married him we thought that you already made a decision. Why are you prolonging you death?" he continued. "Give me a little more time. I need to protect him." "He's another problem, you gave your purity to him and that made him involved. Did you perhaps fall in love with that mortal? Either way you can't protect him from what is certain. " "Just leave us for now. I'll come up with something" I replied. "Your father is coming. Time is a luxury we can't afford." With that he disappeared. Mia's POV I watch Kaya speaking with a strange guy in our garden. It's in the middle of the night what are they talking about? From what I see it's something serious. All of a sudden the mad disappeared in the thin air. a lot of white smoke came out and ge was gone. "What the hell?" Kaya looked up to me with anger in her eyes I felt afraid. I was about to run when Kaya blocked my path. "How did you.. ah... you... did..." I'm stuttering. "We need to talk". says kaya. We went to my room and she carefully closed the door. "What you saw was Gideon, he is one of God's mightiest warrior. You're smart I know you heard about his story in the bible." I was intently looking at kaya while she continues. "I'm a descendant of Angel Michael the warrior angel. I am an angel." I laughed. Hysterically. "What are you talking about your human, I can even touch you." She sighed. "I need you to keep this from Gunther. Something is upon us and I need to prepare, I'll be leaving at dawn, I need you to stay with Gunther for the mean time. " "Where are you going?" I asked. "I need to find a way to protect him. I was only given two options and either way all of you will be in danger." she replied. "Please watch over him for me. I promise to he back once everything settles down." After that she retires to their bedroom probably to say goodbye to Gunther. Gunther's POV I woke up from a strange dream where Kaya gave me a kiss. Ica still vividly remember the touch of her lips and the tear that left her eye, I stand up crying, I feel like I lost her. I reached beside me and notice that Kaya is not there. Strange I'm always the first to wake up. I got up to eat breakfast since it's still early, Chuck is already at the table but no signs of Kaya. I checked every room in our house but I couldn't find her. I askes my mom but she didn't know anything. Mia joins us in the kitchen her face was down and my heart aches. What is happening? "I'm sorry Gunther, Kaya left." "What the f**k are you talking about?" I screamed. "She needs to do something and she needs to leave right away, she left at dawn" "Why didn't you tell me? Did she tell you where she's going?" Mia looked down unable to answer my questions. She started crying and I wanted to cry as well. I run outside hoping that I can still see Kaya. No one was there. Why does she have to go, I feel like this happen to mw before. Oh right! This is the same feeling that I had when my father left. Why would they do that? Why would she pretend like everything was okay yesterday and suddenly leaving me the next day. I kneeled down on the concrete porch it hurts my knees but I don't care. The pain that I'm experiencing inside is much worse. Worse than anything that I felt before.
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