Chapter 10 (unedited)

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Anaya's P.O.V Once I dropped Andrew to his apartment, I went back home. During the whole drive I couldn't stop thinking about Andrew and his brother. I should talk to him later about his relationship with his brother. I was back home in twenty minutes. I opened the door and saw Snoopy running to me and jumping on my knees. I smiled and patted his head and walked to my room, Snoopy followed behind. As soon as I was in my room, he jumped on my bed. I sat next to him and check my phone for any message of the anonymous sender. It may feel weird but waiting for his reply make me feel like a kid waiting for her gift on Christmas Day. I smiled to myself and felt a little disappointed that he didn't text back. I shrugged it off and decided to start practice dancing.  I had already changed into some sports bra and leggings when my phone started ringing. I took it and saw that the caller was no other than Antoine Paul. "Hello Antoine." I said picking the call. "Hello Anaya, we have a problem. As you know most of the pupils are having mid term examination next week. Well, for everyone's benefit I changed the date of the show. It will be on Saturday. Is it fine with you?" I'm left shocked after his words. What the hell!? I won't be ready! 'Come one Anaya, you did worse than that. You are among the top 5 dancer and choreographer. Remember that this is nothing compared to what you have accomplished.' I told myself. "Anaya. Are you still there?" Antoine said bringing me back to reality. "Yes Antoine. I'll be doing the show." I said confidently.  "Génial! I knew I could count on you." He said quite happy of my answer. "Pleasure Antoine. I have to go, I need to practice a lot more that the show has been preposed."  "Sure, you will rock it as usual. No need to stress." Antoine said. "I need to practice tho. Bye."  "Yeah, tomorrow lets meet along with all the dancers and finalize stuffs." Antoine said. "Sure." I said and disconnected the call. I went downstairs and turned the stereo on. Soon, some pop music started playing. I danced on it for fifteen minutes then changed to classical Indian then to modern. I did different types of music. I danced for two hours straight.  I went to my room and started revising the previous chapters. As it was nearly 4.00p.m. I started getting ready to go meet Troy at Henvenium. I went to the bathroom, entered the bathtub and as soon as the warm water touched my skin, I felt relaxed. As I've been sweating, I washed my hair with some shampoo then scrubbed my body with my favorite almond scrub. Once I was done, I walked to my wardrobe and searched for a proper outfit. Finally, I opted for a long sleeved red skater dress which ended above my knees. I applied some eyeliner and nude lipstick. I kept it classy and simple. The weather is a bit chilly so I took a leather jacket along.  I went downstairs and it was already 5.20 p.m. I gave Snoopy his dinner and searched for my black pumps. This house is a mess! I should ask Maggy if she is free this weekend, she could clean the house. I found my pumps at the back of the couch. How the hell did they got there!?  Once I was done, I rushed to my car and drove to Henvenium. I reached there around 6.07 p.m. s**t! I'm late. Damn the traffic. I'm usually a very punctual person but today seems like no. I parked my car and entered the restaurant. As I walked to the restaurant, I was Troy sitting on the cough in the waiting area. As soon as he saw me, he stood from his seat and walked to me.  "Hey Anaya. You look great!" Troy greeted and complimented me. I blushed a little under his gaze.  "Hi. Thank you, you don't look bad yourself." I replied with a smile. Troy was wearing a red polo shirt, a pair of jeans and a leather jacket. His shoes were from Zara's latest collection.  "Thank you sweetheart." Troy said smirking at me. "Sorry Troy. I'm late." I apologized looking down at my feet. "No need to be sorry. Beautiful girls like you should take time to get ready." Troy said smiling at me. I blushed again.  I wasn't able to reply as the waitress walked to us.  "Excuse me, may I escort you to your table." The waitress said giving a seductive smile to Troy. She looked like being in the early 20s but did look much older than Troy.  "Sure." Troy replied smirking at her. We both walked to our table and settled down. "I'll be back in five minutes to take your order." The waitress said and winked at Troy. I feel like being invisible to her, she is only noticing Troy.  "So, what would like to eat?" Troy asked me. "I was thinking about fish and chips. What about you?"  "I will take the chicken tandoori. It's their speciality." Troy said. "I've been eating chicken for lunch so I don't feel like eating it again for dinner." I replied thinking about the yummy pizza I had for lunch.  "Oh, I see. What will you drink?" Troy asked me.  "Water. You?"  "Coke."  "An athlete who drink Coke, what a role model." I said. "Well, I'm not an athlete. I'm just good at sports." Troy explained. "You must be joking. Since I'm at Campora, you've been winning most athletic prices. And all medals in basketball. Seriously, you are a top element in sports." I said truthfully. I never saw such an athletic person in my whole life. "Thank you for all the compliments, I'm really flattered with what you said and specially from you. I thought you didn't even knew I existed!" Troy said and exclaimed the last part a bit dramatically which made me laugh.  "Come on! Who doesn't know Troy Siffer? The most handsome and famous guy at school. And also the guy who owns the hottest car ever." I told him.  "Really? Think I'm hot?" He said smirking at me. Shot! I said he's hot, not that I'm lying just that I shouldn't. I wasn't able to reply him as the waitress came. "Have you both decided?" She asked but her eyes were only glued on Troy. "We will be taking one tandoori chicken, one fish and chips, a Coke and a bottle of water." Troy said. The waitress took the order and walked away.  "Did you notice the way she looking at you?" I asked him  "Yeah, it's not the first time." He said winking at me. "And you, did you notice the way all those men here were glancing at you?" "No." I said looking around. Seriously? Were they?  "You should. They were all about to drool over you."  "You are seriously exaggerating!" I exclaimed. They might be looking. But to drool? Impossible.  He was about to reply when suddenly,the food arrived. We both are silently and once we were done, a waiter came and took the plates away.  "So I wanted to ask you if you could help for the Food&Fun Day next month. You could suggest some games." I said.  "Sure. If you want I can ask the whole team to help. It would be nice to try doing something for the school and at the same time helping those children." Troy said. "Seems simply amazing Troy. Thank you so much. Would they help?"  "Well, with all the descriptions about my popularity. I'm pretty sure that even the cheerleaders will be helping." He said and smirked. "But I have a condition."  "Oh. And what is that?" I asked raising my left eyebrow. I wonder what he is up to. "I don't want any member of your club to help me in it." He said  "Really and why?" I asked. Why don't he want anyone to help him. I mean it's a big responsibility and all. "Because I want you to help me." He simply said and winked at me giving a seductive smile. What the fork!? "Are you sure? I don't know if I'll be able. My name is already on so many activities." I replied. "Try asking Simpson. I'm sure he won't disagree." He said and shrugged. "I'll but I'm not so sure. Even if agrees I'll have to bring a member along with me." I said as I remembered each and every tension these activities are. "Sure. But I want you next to me. You are MINE." Troy said possessively, looking straight into my eyes. What the hell!? What if he was the anonymous sender?! I could feel my eyes get wide and my face to show a terrified expression.  To my surprise, Troy started laughing so much that his face turned red. "Your... Fa.. ce....was....incredible." He said between laughter. I laughed too looking at his face turning red.  I glanced at my watch and saw that it was nearly nine. I should hurry home. I've early classes tomorrow. And my dad is home and he would slaughter me if I arrive home late.  "Troy, it's getting late. I have to go home." I said. "Yeah right. I should hurry home to. My mum would kill me otherwise." Troy said as I stood up. How lucky he is to have a caring mother! I wish I could have one too. After thinking about that I mentally slapped myself. I shouldn't have such thoughts. Kiara might have been weak but Anaya is not. I felt a hand on my shoulder and jumped as it took me out of my thoughts. "Anaya, everything okay? You look zoned out." Troy said in a caring tone. "I'm okay. I'm just a little tired and stressed with the exams, Food&Fun day and the upcoming show which has been proposed." I said and smiled at him.  "Everything will be alright and I'm sure you will rock the show as usual." He said and winked at me. I only smiled and nob. He walked me out of the restaurant and did something I didn't expect. He hugged me and kissed me. Thankfully it was on my right cheek. My eyes went wide but I didn't really mind it.  "Bye Anaya. Hope to see you soon. Call me when you reach home." He said walking to his car "Bye Troy. Have a safe ride back too." I said. I turned around and walked to my car. I was about to open the door when I felt someone pulling my hand. I soon crashed into a muscular chest. I looked up and met with a familiar pair of eyes. Hazel eyes. Mr Rollins?!  I wanted to scream when his large hand was suddenly on my mouth. What the hell!? "Sssshhhh baby. I told you. You are MINE." He whispered in my left ear. I felt butterflies again in my stomach.  He pulled his hand from my mouth and to the most unexpected, he kissed me. The kiss was passionate and dominating. I didn't know why but I liked it. And I kissed back. I don't know why but I didn't. At that moment I just felt it right doing it.  We broke the kiss and both of us were panting. He was staring at me. His eyes, his eyes held so many emotions I couldn't read. God! What's happening to me?  He closed his eyes and walked away. Leaving in me in the parking alone. I wanted to run after him but something stopped me, maybe all those thoughts. Maybe we aren't meant to be together, that's why he walked away.  I closed my eyes and sigh. All these will lead to another headache. I entered my car and drove off home.  Once I was home, my dad and Snoopy were both asleep. I walked to my room, changed into pajama and snuggled in bed. Should I be happy or sad? This kiss, was it real? I shrugged all these thoughts always and went to sleep. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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