Chapter 9 (unedited)

1940 Words
Anaya's P.O.V The next morning, I woke up with a huge smile. I felt relaxed.  "Wake up! You are getting late!" I heard my dad screaming. I turn around and looked at my mobile and saw it was already 7.30.a.m s**t! I just hurried out of the bed and went to the bathroom. I brush my teeth and took a quick shower. In less than ten minutes I was done. I went to my wardrobe and picked a grey long sleeved shirt with some black jeans and black boots.  Once I was done I hurried downstairs. My dad was already dressed for work and Snoopy was eating. I didn't have much time for breakfast. "At least have breakfast before leaving." My dad told me as I walked in the kitchen. "I won't have time dad, I already late." I said as I grabbed an apple. "Bye Dad." I said as I opened the door. I ran to my car and speed up to school. Thank God there is no traffic today. After a ten minutes drive, I was finally at Campora. It was 8.05, at least it's only five minutes. I took my bag and locked my car then hurried to class. When I entered the class, Mr Gavin wasn't here yet. Thank God! I went and sat in my respective desk next to Andrew. "Hey Ana, I thought you wouldn't come."  "I woke up at 7.30 a.m today" I said and sigh. I could feel my stomach rumble. I hate not having breakfast.  "Wow girl! How come you didn't woke up. You are an early bird usually." Andrew said. He is right but I forgot to put my alarm last night.  Few minutes later, the teacher, Mr Gavin entered the class and we all stood up and greeted him. The class started and I put on my glasses. The class today was very interesting as it had some accounts in it.  After four hours, the class ended and we all started packing our stuffs to leave. Today, I had to go lunch with Andrew. "Hey Ana, I'll have to make some phone calls. Catch you later?" He told me and gave his cutest puppy eyes. "Sure, it's ok." I told him with a smile.  I walked out of the class and started walking towards my locker when I heard someone calling my name. "ANAYA!" I turned around and saw that it was Sana. Soon, she was in front of me panting as she had been running. "Hey Sana, what happened? Everything ok?" I asked her.  "Yeah actually Mr Simpson is asking for you. By the way, have you seen Andrew and John around? I can't find them anywhere." She told me. "I'm going lunch with Andrew but I don't know where's John. He wasn't in class today. Maybe you should try call his cell. You both guys are in the same lecture club, right?" I said as I know both are good friends and I'm sure Sana has his number.  "Yeah, just be in his office with Andrew." She said. "Yes Sana. I'll make sure of that." I said with a smile. "Thank you. I'll have to go, my classes are starting in less than five minutes. Bye." Sana said and walked away. I only waved at her. I took my phone and dialed Andrew's number. After two rings he picked up. "Yes" he said as he picked up. "Simpson wants us in his office pronto. So see you there and then we will go to the parking together." I told him in one breath.  "Sure." That was all he responded. I just disconnected the call and started walking towards the office. I was in front of the office and I noticed that the door was slightly open, Mr Simpson was taking over the phone. I knocked the door and as he noticed me outside and motioned me to come in.  Soon, he ended the call. "You may take a seat Miss Khan." He said and I sat on the chair in front of him. "Well Mr Rollins isn't here yet. We will give him a minute." I only nob and played with my thumbs. A few minutes later, someone knocked at the door. "Come in." Mr Simpson said and Andrew soon entered. He took a seat next to me.  "Good morning both of you. As you know you won an internship at Rollins&Co Enterprises and you will be starting as from next week on Monday. The basic information will be sent to you by mail by this evening. Any questions?" Mr Simpson said and looked at both of us "Sir, I would like to withdraw my name from the selected ones." Andrew said in a low tone. Why does he want to do so? He never said anything about it. I won't let him. It's the best opportunity for us to work with one of the most famous business in America.  "Well, Mr Rollins. You will have to give a letter sign by your tutor with the reason why you don't want to be part of the internship." Mr Simpson said. Andrew kept quiet for a while. "Ok." Andrew finally said. "Well, Miss Khan. Don't you have any question?" Mr Simpson said looking at me. "No sir." I responded quite quickly. "So, it's all I have to tell you. Wish you the best of luck for the internship. And please if you could inform Mr Wong about it." Mr Simpson said standing. "Sure sir." I said and stood up. Andrew did the same too. "I'll take your leave sir. Goodbye."  "Sure. Have a nice evening." Mr Simpson said.  "Goodbye sir." Andrew finally said. He's been quite quiet these days. I wonder why. I walked to the door, opened it and walked out as Andrew followed behind. "What the hell is wrong with you?"  "Well, I just don't want to be part of the internship." "Andrew Rollins, I know you way too much. You are hiding something."  "I'm not hiding anything." He snapped a bit rudely. "Fine." I sigh and walked faster to my car. Not waiting for him. I was about to open the door when Andrew touched my shoulder. "Hey, I'm sorry I shouldn't have talked to you that way." He apologized and gave me his cutest puppy face. "Well, it's not ok." I said as I have an idea. "What should I do to gain your forgiveness, dear highness." He asked. "Treat me a pizza at Luigi' Hut today instead of Chinese food." I said raising my left eyebrow. Andrew giggled "Sure."  I smiled and was about to open the door when he stopped me once again. "Can you do me a favor? Please." He asked me. "What is it?" I said as I turned around. "I don't have my bike today, could you please give me a lift?" Andrew said and gave me pleading eyes. "Of course. But, you won't be driving." I told him. The last time he drove my car, was simply a disaster.  After a five minutes drive, we were at Luigi' Hut. The drive was quite silent as we both enjoyed the music. Of course it was the Maroon 5 playing.  "Good morning senior, a table for dos?" The waiter asked. "Yes, please." Andrew said as the waiter escorted us to our table. He gave us the menu and walked away.  "So have you decided?" Andrew asked me still looking at his menu. "I was thinking about a chicken mayonnaise pizza and bottomless Coke. What about you?" I said looking at him. "Bestie , you've just been reading my mind." We both laughed. "Excuse me, have you both decided?" The waiter asked looking at us.  "Yeah, one large chicken mayonnaise pizza and two bottomless Coke." Andrew ordered and we both gave our card menu to the waiter. And soon the waiter went away. "So why don't you want the internship." I asked Andrew. Trying to know the truth. "Do you really want to talk about that?" He asked me, looks like he really doesn't want to talk about it. "I thought we were best friends and could share anything and everything. But, if you don't want to, I can't force you." I said and smiled sadly.  "Anaya, please." He sigh. "James Rollins, the CEO of Rollins&Co Enterprises is my elder brother." What the hell?  "You never mentioned about having a brother before." I said a bit shocked. That's true I never knew him having a brother. Wait a minutes. James Rollins, I have heard about him before.  "I hate talking about my brother. I know he care for me but at times I feel like I have no importance to him. He is the one financing the uni. It's one of the reason why I left early. I didn't want to see him." He said the last part and closed his eyes. I was left speechless after what he said. How can he hate his own brother?  "Andrew, you know that he is your brother. How can you hate him? Rollins&Co Cooperation is a big industry and there's lots of work behind it. Your brother is doing that for you too. If he didn't care, he wouldn't have been doing all this. I may not know how it feels to have siblings but I'm sure that they are blessings." I told him sincerely. I can't believe I met his brother at the hall yesterday. He is damn handsome. It also mean that I'll be working with him. Holy sh*t! 'Stop it Anaya! He will never be yours.' I mentally scolded myself. "You are right. I should stop avoiding him." He said and smiled at me.  The waiter came with our food before I got the time to reply. "So here is your order. Have a nice meal. Bon appétit." The waiter said and left. "You are most welcome. But right now I'm too hungry." I said and took a slice of pizza. Once I had a bite of it, I moaned in pleasure. This is heaven.  Andrew laughed at me and started eating too. Lunch was quite silent as we were both hungry. Once we were done eating, we chatted about a few things. "What about the mysterious sender. Any news of him?" Andrew asked raising his right eyebrow. It just reminded me that I haven't yet checked my mobile. I took it and read the text. 'Trust me someday we will be more than strangers. I still don't want you beat him. I'm possessive over what is MINE.'  I blushed crimson reading the last part. "What so special about this text for you to blush?" Andrew asked me and I handed him my phone and he read the text and his eyes went wide. "I think that guy is mental. At least we know that it's a boy. A girl wouldn't say 'MINE', that person whoever he is has a very big crush on you." He told me his eyes still on the phone. "So what should I do? I was thinking about replying him." I said honestly, it's true I'm planning to reply him.  "What if he is a psycho or something? You never know." Andrew asked me. "Well, I've dealt with psychos before and he doesn't look like one." I said taking back my phone. "Miss Khan I hope you know what you are up to."  "Trust me Mr Rollins. I know." I said as I started typing the text. 'Stop me if you can. I'll be meeting whoever I want. If you've got enough guts, show yourself.'   I typed back. Whoever he is, I want to know.
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