Chapter 21 (unedited)

814 Words
Anaya's P.O.V Sunday went in a jiffy and to make it short, Andrew invited me for dinner but I turned down his invitation as I had been eating out on the eve. I went to be bed quite early as on the next day my internship starts. I really hope not to meet James.  I woke up around six in the morning and went for my thirty minutes jogging. Once I was back home, I took a bath and dressed into a black pencil skirt and a red blouse. The pencil skirt ended below my knees and my red blouse was tucked into my skirt. I accessorized my outfit with my watch that my dad gifted me and a pair of earrings. I kept my make up simple which is eyeliner and red lipstick. You can never go wrong with red lips. I was now ready for my first day of internship. Please God, make all go well.  I silently prayed for.  I left home around 8:20 and reached Rollins&Co Enterprises around 8:55. There was a huge traffic and I'm glad I reached at least five minutes before. I parked my car and as I got out of it, I saw a lot of the employees rushing inside the building. They were all dressed in smart suits. I remember seeing the same scene when I was in India, when I used to go to my dad's office. I straightened my skirt and walked in the immense building. The inside was so luxurious and looked expensive. I'm sure it is. As I was walking towards the receptionist, I noticed a familiar face, it was John Wong. "Hi John. How are you?" I asked as I approached him. "Hi, I'm good and you?" He replied smiling but still with a little of shyness. "I'm good thanks, since when are you here?" I asked. "Five minutes before you. Where is Andrew?" He asked making me look around. I really don't know where he is. "I don't know. Maybe he will be here in a few. Anyway, have you asked anyone where we should go?" I asked him. "Yeah, they asked us to wait  here as the C.E.O's personal assistant isn't here yet. I guess she will the one guiding us." John said.  Before I was able to reply, my attention veered to James Rollins entering the building with his five bodyguards. It really looked like one of those climax scene of movies  where the hero makes his appearance. s**t! What am I thinking about!? Mr Rollins walked towards us, arising a weird feeling in me. He was now in front of us and I must say, he looked handsome in his Armani suit. s**t! What am I thinking about!? Once again! "Good morning Mr Wong and Miss Khan. Nice to see you here on time. Don't forget that I don't tolerate any lateness. Maria will be here in a few. Is your friend aware that you are all starting today?" He asked in a stern tone.  John and I didn't knew what to reply.  "Someone talking about me?" Andrew said behind his brother. "Bro, what a nice surprise!" Andrew said as James and him were both face to face. I could feel the considerable change in the atmosphere.  "I expected you earlier than that.I thought you would get conscience of responsibilities. Maybe I was wrong. You are still a child." James said to his brother, a little loudly and sternly.  "Not all of us has the qualities of a C.E.O, we are rather busy living our lives and enjoying with our friends." Andrew  said in a provocative tone. Please Andrew, drop that right now! Please God make him. I silently prayed for, not wanting this to go further and create a scene.  "This is the point of view of losers." James said with a smirk. I knew this was the limit for Andrew. I walked forward and grabbed Andrew's arm, not wanting any move from my best friend which he will regret later. I shook my head as he looked at me.  "Sir, sorry to disturb you. Maria won't be coming today." A receptionist said to James. He only nob in response. I found it rude but then I remembered that it was James Rollins. "Looks like you will be the one instructing us. A point to take into consideration, do you tolerate absences?" Andrew said. This game between them is really irritating. I've never had siblings and neither cousins, they should feel themselves being happy to be brothers.  "Sawyer, please ask Jennifer to show them their department and to give them the directions too." James said to one of his bodyguards, not answering Andrew's question. "And I hope from you to be at the level of Rollins&Co Enterprises." He said before walking to the elevator.  This will surely be an amazing experience! God, please help me...

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