Chapter 20 (unedited)

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Anaya's P.O.V I nearly sprinted to my car after leaving the cocktail and fetching my stuffs. A lot was going through my mind, questions that I might never get answers. My phone was vibrating continuously, maybe my Antione or Shereen. Thankfully, despite all those thoughts pestering my mind, I reached home safely. My dad's car was nowhere to be seen. Grabbing only my phone, I walked into the house. I was greeted warmly by Snoopy wagging his tail and jumping reaching my knees. I walked into the kitchen and got myself a glass of water before going to living room. What happened to me? Why does his presence bother me that much? Why are those sparkles present? What if I'm falling for him? Even if it happens for me to crush on him or even fall in love with him, I would end up hurting myself emotionally. He already has a girlfriend or what we can say a bimbo to spend the night. But, if ever it happens for to fall for that bimbo? "I'm getting parano." I mumbled to myself, putting my head in both hands. "Yes, you are!" I heard someone say. "Dad?" I asked with a little of uncertainty in my voice. I wonder why? "What? You are becoming amnesiac too?" He asked with a faked shocked voice. "No." I said laughing a little. He is the only man who can make me laugh in those mood off moments. "When did you arrive?" I asked, thinking why I haven't heard the door open and someone walk in. "Long enough to see you deep thinking for five minutes straight. What happened? I have never seen students thinking that much during exams." He said with a little of humor and of concert. "Nothing much dad, it's just the show of today which had stressed me and the cocktail which was tiring."  I said not wanting to bother him. "Weren't we supposed to go dinner?" I asked trying to change the topic.  "Yeah, let's go. But I insist on you telling me what happened during this event." He said before standing up.  I only smiled and gave a little nob. He then walked out of the room. After taking a deep breath too, I stood up and walked to my car. I had to take out my bags and also I hate my car being a mess.  As I walked out, I noticed a black jeep in front of the house. I found it weird as no one in the neighborhood had this car. I shrugged it away. I opened the passenger door and took out my bags. I had the awkward feeling of being looked at. I turned around and looked if there was actually someone. But realized that there were any. I quickly grabbed my stuffs and walked to the house. I've been watching too much of paranormal activity lately. I walked inside the house and saw my dad in an important business related call. Deciding not to disturb him, I walked to my room to place my bags. As I walked down the stairs, I realized that my dad was still on the phone and thinking about phone, I took mine and checked my missed messages and calls. I had 5 missed calls from Shereen and 3 from Antoine, there were always a few messages but what captured my attention was the 15 missed calls of Troy. What the hell? As I was about to phone him, my dad walked in the living room and said that we were leaving for the restaurant.  My dad was driving, I took this opportunity to send Troy a text message. 'Heyy, why so many missed calls.'  He replied quite instantly. 'You left that party without informing anyone. Of course I was worried.' I replied him back. 'Sorry about that :('  That's all I could reply as my dad parked the car in front of the restaurant. The name restaurant was Haven. I remember been there once with Antoine, we had to discuss about a contract then. The restaurant's name was 'La Veranda'. It's a French restaurant and the dishes there are tasty.  We walked in the restaurant and took a table for two. The waiter came and gave us the menu card. My dad had a Sole Meunière whereas I had roasted chicken and garlic. The drinks were water and white wine. Although, I keeping an eye on his diet, I couldn't stop him for enjoying which could be our last dinner or meal together before three months.  My dad and I discussed about a few things, he tried to motivate me in taking over his company and become the new C.E.O, but my reply was same as usual. I would say that I've got enough time and that I'll be thinking, he would react the same way as he always do and ask me to think about it. The discussion came to a end as the meals arrived and we both had it in silent. The food was savory and the chicken juicy. When we were done, the waiter asked us about dessert but we dad and I were both too full to have one. We only paid the bill and left. We reached home and were both tired. I bid my dad a goodnight and ditch of us walked to our bedrooms. To my great surprise, Snoopy abandoned me and went to sleep in my dad's room. I walked to my room and had a nice shower. After that, I wore my favorite pink pajama and sat on my bed. I grabbed my phone and realized I had two text messages. One from Antoine and the other one from Troy. I pressed on Antoine message first. 'Hello! The boss of Amborium is here and wants to meet you tomorrow at 10 in the morning at Amborium. Hope to see you there. Antoine.' I felt it weird. Why the hell the boss wants to see me?! Anyway, I will surely find out tomorrow. 'Hi Antoine, I will surely be there tomorrow. Take care. Goodnight'  I then pressed on 'send'. After that, I opened Troy's message and read it. 'It's okay. I was just worried. Anyways, what's up?'  I replied back. 'Right now, I'm going to bed. And you?'  I was only had the time to lay on my bed when my phoned beeped.  'My dad and are group of youngsters from his political party are having a talk. As his son, I'm forced to be there. It's boring af.'  Political meeting? At ten in the evening? Anyway, I can't say much about it. I'm in none of these political activities. 'Don't worry, it's  gonna be over soon. I'm sleepy, Goodnite :*'  'Goodnight Anaya. Sweet dreams. Btw, I was thinking about lunch on Tuesday with the whole team of the fun day so as to discuss about it. I could then find some sponsors and all. Some of my friends and the players of the football team to help too!'  'That sounds great! Will discuss about it with them. Bye.'  I'm glad he is motivated about it and it would be good to have more hands to help. With that I drifted into a deep sleep trying to forget about the cocktail's event but it was in vain as James kept being invading my mind. What if at this exact moment he is thinking about me? What if I gave it all a chance? After my emotional break down, will it be possible? Did Neema's episode affect me that much? It isn't related to any love story but why do I fear it that much? God what's happening?! All these thoughts gave me a headache. I was finally able to sleep. I woke up the next morning around 6 a.m, I then went for an hour of jogging after doing my morning routine of course. After that, I returned home and realized that my dad was still sleeping. I walked to my room and took a bath before dressing into pink short and white tank top. I went downstairs and started preparing breakfast. I made some pancakes and a few minutes later, my dad walked into the kitchen.  "Good morning princess. How are you?" My dad said as he settled at the head of the table. "I'm good dad, what about you? Had a nice sleep?" I greeted back as I served him his pancakes and a cup of tea.  "Thank you. I'm good too and I had a nice sleep. I've noticed that Snoopy enjoys my company. I think it's the first time you had a dog after Sheldon." My dad said. Sheldon was my pet when I was in India. Sheldon was a German Shepard, I loved him a lot and still do. Few months after my mother passed away, Sheldon died too. "Yeah, Snoopy grew fond of you in a short while. Sheldon was awesome dad, that's maybe the reason why I love dogs so much. Anyway, when is your flight?" I asked while taking my bowl of muesli and a cup of black coffee.  "My flight is around noon, there's no need for you to worry. The company's driver will drop me at the airport and also I have a meeting around eleven and all." He said while eating his pancake.  "Oh, I see. I too have to meet Antoine around 10 at Amborium. He told me that the boss wants to meet mine." I told him.  "Really, but why?" He asked. "I don't know. I just hope I'm not getting into some trouble." I said taking a sip of my coffee. "I forgot to tell you, I recently met Himanshu. He shifted to a hospital in the whereabouts. I forgot the name." "Himanshu, how's he? I remember him being the only person who could make you smile while you were upset after the incident." My dad said making me think about the stupid things Himanshu would tell me just to make me smile or eat my meal. He was more than a just a doctor but like a friend. It made me immediately smile to those awesome moments of that horrible chapter of my life. "Yeah right. When you will be back, we should surely have dinner together." I said. "Nice idea. I'm done with breakfast. I am going to pack my my bag." He said before standing. "Okay papa, call me if you need any help." I told him. "Sure." He replied and walked out of the kitchen. I finished my breakfast and washed the dishes. I cleaned the dining table and fed Snoopy. After that, I walked to my room with Snoopy following behind. I realized it was 8.30 a.m. I opened the mail sent by Rollins&Co Enterprises.  Tuesday June 13 13:00  Good evening students. Congratulations as you have been awarded an internship at Rollins&Co Enterprises. Here is what you should be aware of: 1. You will have a schedule of work of 6 hours daily. 2. You will all be given a daily plan to respect.  3. You will also be considered as an employee and will be given a monthly salary.  4. You will also be noted on this internship.  5. You are all officially starting as from Monday the 19th of June. Maria Jenner Personal Assistant of James Rollins. ROLLINS&CO ENTERPRISES Well, I think that's all I've to take into consideration. I got dressed into a grey top and a pair of dark grey jeans which I assorted with a pair of nude heels. The outfit was simple yet elegant. I did a natural make up, that is, eyeliner and pink lipstick. I took my bag and placed my phone in it. I informed my dad that I was leaving, we bid goodbye and I wished him a nice flight.  In twenty minutes time, I was at Amborium. It was nearly desert as it was Sunday. I walked to Antoine's office and knocked before entering.  "Good morning." I greeted. They all wore a bright smile on their face as they greeted back. "Mrs Rao, Mr Udhin and Miss Moore, this is Anaya Khan. The dancer that you spotted lately at the event of last night." Antoine introduced me to them. I could only wear the same smile that I always have in those moments. I took a seat in front of them. "So Miss Khan, according to what we could observe, you perform really well and with elegance able to gain the attention of everyone. And also that you can keep a constant face expression." Mrs Rao said. I could only smile to her kind words. "Shilpa is right. We can see the professionalism that you have and its impressive for you being 21 years old." Mr Udhin said. "Thank you for all your compliments sir and ma'am but why did you call me here." I said, thinking of the worst as their reply. "We wanted you to join social medias." Miss Moore said getting straight to the point. "It will help you to get famous and it would benefit your career as well as the school. You will then be able to get contracts and to become the number one of the top five. If you did pay attention to the countdown you are into, it is not one which will get you to the highest position. We won't ask you much. Just photos of your clothes as the way you dress is quite nice and also a few of your performances maybe videos too. We won't force you to more than that and you may also look at other celebrities profiles, you will then have an idea." Miss Moore said. "I don't know. I'm not sure I'll be able to manage a social life in between the dance school and my studies." I said  "How can you be sure without even trying?" Miss Moore snapped back. "We can do anything as long as we are motivated. If ever you come up with excuses saying that you won't have time or that dancing is only a passion then I would advice you to leave." Miss Moore said and I must say that it was rude. I never received such an answer from anyone.  "Calm down." Mrs. Rao said placing her hand Miss Moore's hand. "So Miss Khan, what's your answer?" Mr Udhin asked.  "Well, I'm not the type of person to give up that easily. I guess I will give it a try." I said with that a pinch of attitude in my voice.
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