Change clothes

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Chapter 014 Change clothes Halvir came out of the river after catching three big fish, each weighing between 5-10 kg. After bathing and getting the fish, Halvir climbed to a drier place, placed the cleaned fish on the leaves, and gathered sticks for a bonfire. Anindira had also finished bathing and immediately went up to catch up with Halvir. ''You didn't change your clothes?'' Halvir asked with his usual expression. Still, with his straight face, he saw Anindira, who was drenched in wet clothes, and that made him surprised. ''Ehmh... that... later at home, I'll change clothes,'' Anindira replied, looking down shyly. ''Why do you have to wait until later?'' Halvir asked with an unhappy face, ''Have the clothes I gave you, you brought already?!'' Halvir asked probingly, ''Don't you like them? I'll find another one later, one that suits your taste…'' Halvir said in a slightly high tone, but still tried to keep his intonation so Anindira wouldn't be afraid. ''Halvir, sorry... No, it's not like that...'' said Anindira, surprised, ''I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you...'' said Anindira again with a worried face, ''What you gave me is already more than enough, I'm very grateful, I sincerely say it,'' said Anindira explaining, she was afraid Halvir would be offended by his actions, ''It's just... That... Here... '' Anindira said with her head down and her voice stammering. He hesitated because he had troubled Halvir so much. ''What's wrong?'' Halvir asked and he felt sorry for seeing Anindira's nervousness, ''Come on, tell me!'' Halvir shouted firmly, ''I, won't know if you just keep quiet... say it whatever you feel,'' said Halvir who then shouted a warning to Anindira to say whatever she wanted. ''Well... Halvir... That... There is no place to change clothes here, I... It's not comfortable undressing in the open place,'' Anindira said with a blushing face. Anindira's answer jolted Halvir and embarrassed him. At the same time, he had forgotten that Anindira was a woman. He had been too comfortable with her for all those months. All these things made him forget that the one with him now was a woman, not a man. He, who had lived alone for forty years, was not used to special attention from those around him all of this time. Most of the girls always seem uncomfortable with him, he doesn't interact much with them, except with Ezra and Zia. ''Sorry!... No, that... I'm sorry Anindira, I… completely forgot...'' Halvir was a little awkward, but there was still no expression on his face. Halvir immediately got up and looked around and led Anindira behind a big tree with thick bushes. ''Change your clothes here!'' shouted Halvir, commanding, ''Don't worry, I'll be on guard here,'' Halvir said to Anindira, then stood in front of her. ''Here?!'' Anindira shouted, answering Halvir while frowning. ''Eum!'' shouted Halvir and answered with a nod, ''You will get sick if you don't change your clothes immediately. Don't worry, I'll be on guard for you here,'' Halvir continued. Anindira's forehead was increasingly wrinkled, her face sour and her eyes slightly bulging. She looked at Halvir with a displeased expression, then snorted very curtly in annoyance. Halvir could see that Anindira was in a bad mood right now. However, he casually ignored it. In Halvir culture, Anindira is his, but Anindira, who came from another world, doesn't understand that. ''Why?!'' Halvir asked, he didn't understand, but he knew Anindira was annoyed with him now, ''If you don't talk I won't know…'' Halvir continued because Anindira was silent and just looked at him with an irritated face. while continuing to grumble. ''I'll... I'll change my clothes, but why do you have to be here?!'' Anindira asked curtly. ''If I'm not here, how am I going to look after you?'' Halvir replied casually and innocently. ''AAHH!!...'' Anindira shouted with a frustrated face, ''It sucks!... Does that mean you will see me?!'' Anindira shouted in response, making Anindira even more irritated by Halvir's innocent face. ''What's wrong with me seeing you?'' asked Halvir in response to Anindira's statement, still with a straight face, without guilt. Halvir could see that Anindira's emotions were in a bad state, but his ego, as a man, ignored them as he felt he had done nothing wrong. ''HA?! OF COURSE WRONG!!!'' exclaimed Anindira furiously. Between angry and confused, Anindira responded to Halvir, who looked very innocent even with his ferocious face. ''What must be said as clearly as possible?!... Why must this be explained?... Doesn't he know that a woman can't be naked in public!...'' Anindira exclaimed in her heart. She was irritated by Halvir's behavior now. ''What is wrong?" asked Halvir, "I am your guardian, Anindira..." Halvir said later. ''Hah?! What is a guardian?... Meaning? What?... Ah!... Never mind…'' cried Anindira, asking herself. She was already annoyed and wanted to end this debate. ''OK!'' shouted Anindira curtly, turning Halvir's body to stand with his back to him, ''Don't turn around before I give permission! Understood!'' shouted Anindira ordered. Halvir only nodded after hearing that. After a long debate, they finally sat down in front of the fire and grilled the fish. Anindira was wearing a Halvir top that looked exactly like an oversized negligee on her small body. Even Anindira kept on raising her collar, which was always down and showing her shoulders because her collar was too big. ''Sorry, hold on a little, I know it's uncomfortable... I'll immediately prepare all your needs as soon as possible,'' Halvir said, showing a slightly gloomy face seeing Anindira's discomfort in wearing her oversized clothes. *** Anindira could only nod with embarrassment and a broken heart. If this was in her world she would reject it, but now. This is all she can do to survive. Reluctantly, she has to accept everything face to face, fully dependent on Halvir, who incidentally is a stranger to Anindira. Three months of traveling in the forest gave her more than enough experience and lessons. No matter how strong she was, not even a day would she last alone in that forest. During the three months, instead of facing a smooth journey without any obstacles, many wild beasts were lurking and ready to devour them at any moment. Not once or twice have they been ambushed by wild animals on their way. On several occasions, Halvir had to face packs of wild dogs as well as packs of wolves which always ended up leaving several wounds on his body. Even if there were Anindira's older brothers, maybe they still wouldn't survive. The body size of the wild beasts here was bigger than the size of the beasts in his world. The dogs that had attacked them were the same size as the Siberian Tiger. Not only that, but Anindira had also seen a herd of Mammoths, even Sabertooth had intercepted them and ended up being skinned by Halvir. There are also squirrels and rabbits, so one of their main menus is while in the forest. The more Anindira becomes aware of the situation in this world, the more Anindira becomes attached to and dependent on Halvir. For three months, Anindira began to realize the feelings in her heart. Day by day, admiration grew in her heart, not only for his strength but also for his character. Halvir was indeed naked in front of Anindira many times, and that always made Anindira panic with fear at the beginning of the week, but in the end, it formed an awe that fascinated her.
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