Halvir challenger

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Chapter 015 Halvir Challenger "Hehehe..." Anindira's strange laugh appeared again on her face, "This is the first fish I ate... " Anindira said while smacking the fish and stuffing it into her mouth voraciously. ''You never eat fish?'' asked Halvir, surprised. "No, I've eaten fish..." Anindira said, immediately refusing, "But, as long as you're with me, this is my first fish..." Anindira continued, with a sweet smile etched on her face. ''Do you like to eat fish?'' asked Halvir. He could tell that Aninidira enjoyed this meal. "Yes, I like it..." Anindira answered innocently. Halvir didn't know that Anindira ate fish more than meat. This is because it is softer and easier to chew on. Besides that, fresh fish tastes sweet and thunders even without seasoning. "I'll find you fish more often than..." said Halvir, he could tell from Anindira's eating and heartbeat. Halvir could easily see Anindira's mood, whose appetite was getting bigger now. ''Eh!..." Anindira exclaimed in surprise, "That's not it, Sis, I eat whatever I'm not picky about... So there's no need to bother changing the menu. Whatever you eat, I'll eat", Anindira said later. She felt bad about always bothering him, she didn't want to be any more shameless by making so many requests. ''Why bother?'' Halvir asked while frowning, ''What do you want to eat?... I'll find it for you, nothing difficult..." said Halvir continued with a look on his haughty face, "I'm not that weak until you have to hold back your urge..." Halvir continued his words with a tone that was slightly elevated, he was annoyed because he felt his ability was underestimated, ''I'll definitely...'' he hadn't finished speaking, suddenly his words were stopped because of someone's arrival. Halvir realized the look in the young man's eyes that had been watching them for a long time, long before he came to him, Halvir knew and knew who the young man was. Among the other youths who only dared to mutter about themselves, he had the guts and came to Halvir with great confidence, even though his heart was beating loud enough to show his nervousness clearly in front of Halvir. A young man with white skin, his stature is the same as Hans's, only he is much younger. His face is still very sincere and innocent, he looks the same age as Anindira. A young teenager who is still very young has short gray hair that gleams like silver and has eyeballs like *Diamonds. His face was very cheerful, full of smiles like most young teenagers in general, but overall from head to toe. His aura is similar to that of nobles who seem elegant and confident. Even the way he wears clothes from animal skins looks beautiful and luxurious, although very simple. ''Halvir!..." exclaimed the young man. He greeted and nodded slightly at Halvir. The young man asked Halvir's permission with his eyes and body gestures, asking permission to be able to join them. “No!” said Halvir firmly, in an even voice. The youth only reacted back a few steps at Halvir's answer. The difference between *Sapphire and *Diamond can be seen here, but not only that, it was their ethics, as Human Beast, Territorial, and Possession had clear lines here. This is a public area that can be accessed by anyone, but Halvir has already sat here first and there is a woman that everyone knows, except Anindira. Halvir is officially Anindira's Guardian. *** Women in this world can also be said to be territories or possessions that will be strictly guarded and will be respected by anyone, especially single men. If the woman is still a child or is still pure even though she has grown up, then her father is her guardian, with the biological father being the first, followed by the hierarchical order of her mother's spouses. Unlike in Anindira's world, it is very rare for a stepfather to love his next child, but not in this world, as long as he is the child of his spouse, then the genes of his mother, who has become their mate, will instinctively imprint their feelings for their children. that girl. The fathers will not distinguish them from the children of their spouses, they are all the same, and they will be considered their biological children. Children are also a priority to be cared for and protected but still with the main order of their mother even though it is their biological child. In Anindira's case, there was a rule that was respected by both men and women everywhere in this world of beasts, although there were some exceptions for the Destroyer Clan. A man who saves a woman who does not have a guardian, then he will legally become her guardian and can propose to be her spouse if the man who finds or saves her is still single and, if the man who finds her already has a partner, only with the permission of her spouse, he can bring her into their household to be guarded, but if he doesn't get permission, it will be handed over to the Clan Leader or Village Head, until the woman who does not the family got a spouse. It was an unwritten law that was applied in this Beasts World. Halvir had saved many women all this time, but none of them had ever attracted him. Previously, some women boldly wanted Halvir to be their spouse. They were impressed by Halvir's rank as a Sapphire. But, Halvir always refused the offer. It also made some men feel annoyed with him. There were too many bachelors in this Beasts World, sixty percent of the men in this World had no chance of having a partner for the rest of their lives except for the Clans of robbers and usurpers. No matter how weak the woman's spouse is when he becomes her first mate, then he who will be the Head of the Family is responsible for deciding everything regarding the woman with the support of the woman's subsequent spouses. In this World of Beasts, territories are invaded by other Clans who are trying to seize and control other territories. Usually, this is done by a group of beasts who have thrown away their honor and pride. Not without reason, they did it. Usually, most of them were clans or villages that had previously been robbed, and out of spite and desperation, they gave up their honor. The absence of women in the Village or Clan encourages them to act recklessly and even to the point of throwing away their pride and honor. A very fierce winter and a lack of food. Amber, which is the main supply to maintain and protect women's physical condition from hunger and extremely cold temperatures, is also one of the things that makes them rob other Clans or Villages. There are also some clans called the destroying clans who are hated and want to be destroyed. They do it not because of compulsion, but because of pleasure. However, all of them always have the same goal, namely, for women to increase their population and strengthen their existence. What makes the destroyer clan so hated, is because WOMEN are only less than five percent of the total male population in this world. Where the existence of women will be very guarded and protected, but by the destroying clan, women can rarely live long. The destroyer clan is very rude and doesn't respect women. They are also cowards and cowards who are very arrogant. Very much different from the Beasts, who are always obedient and loyal to the code of ethics of honor, they are indeed very strong, but they still respect and respect women. After all, there are few women, but they will never force themselves on women except for certain times when they can't control themselves, and that's what they avoid. Because there are almost always attacks and expansion of the territory of the destroyer Clans and their main target is women. There are times when a war occurs, and women who are trying to be removed from the battlefield will be lost or lost because of the situation and conditions themselves. Some occurrences could be categorized as natural calamities. There were areas of small villages whose Clan members' ranks were low, then they were attacked by a group of wild beasts that were extremely vicious. It becomes commonplace during winter, which usually lasts between seven months to a year. Although not always, but often happens, there are times when the winter is prolonged that can last up to two years. When that happens, not only the beasts will starve because they can't find food, but also the beasts will also be desperate because of hunger, and they will enter settlements inhabited by a group or even a village. **For information, the rotation of the seasons in this world does not last for a year but between two and three years *Summer is between three and six months *The rainy season is between three and six months, sometimes it can take up to a year *Spring is between three and six months *Winter is between seven and twelve months, winter and rainy seasons are the most frequently changing times. This World of Beasts is very harsh, natural selection in this world is very cruel, every Human Beast, be it Herbivores or Predators, will be selected mercilessly. ** "I'll go now, but I'll come again..." said the young man confidently. ''Halvir!... I will chase you... And you will admit me... " said the young man, continuing to say. After politely saying goodbye to Halvir, the young man then left them, proudly. Halvir stared intently at the back of the reckless teenager, but the corners of Halvir's lips, though faintly, were curved with a look of pleasure and satisfaction in his eyes. As a village official who is highly respected and also as a very mature person, Halvir feels very proud because, as a person who is full of experience, he sees the great potential of the raw teenager who has just challenged him. Not far away, several people were watching them from a distance, only they didn't want to show themselves right in front of Halvir, except for the young teenager just now who had above-average courage even though he was only a *Diamond rank. ''Is he your friend?'' asked Anindira, while continuing to chew her food again. ''Who?'' Halvir asked back. "Hm?!..." Anindira frowned at Halvir's unclear answer, "The one just now?!..." Anindira continued, with her mouth still chewing food. ''No'' replied Halvir curtly. ''No?!..." exclaimed Anindira parroted. “He likes you…” Halvir replied flatly. ''HA!!..." cried Anindira with a surprised squeak. She stopped eating and looked at Halvir with a stupid face. ''He came up to me to let me know that he would approach you'' Halvir said casually explaining, ''Do you like him too?...” Halvir asked, continuing his words. "Halvir..." Anindira called with an annoyed expression, "I didn't know him... We just met... We are just talking for the first time!..." Anindira said in reply, sentence by sentence in her dictation while grumbling to answer Halvir. "Eum..." Halvir said, answering Anindira briefly and nonchalantly, "It's almost dark, we should go home..." Halvir continued, smiling at victory. Halvir cleaned up their leftovers, washed their hands, then picked up Anindira and brought her home. When they got home, it was already dark and nothing could be seen. After changing the animal hair sheets which covered the straw, their sizeable bedding measured three by three meters, about fifty inches thick, which suddenly shrank as they both sat on it.
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