The Luna’s Room

1404 Words
{Lilith’s POV} As my three mates looked over at my body while I was buttoning my shirt, I felt my heart skip a beat. “I heard that!” Lucas said walking over and eagerly moving my hands aside to help me button the buttons. Every time his hands grazed across my skin soft mo*** escaped my lips. “Well boys, I think I’m her new favorite!” Lucas smirked bending down and kissing my forehead. “She’s so tiny!” He said giggling and turning to his brothers. I crossed my arms. “I’m not tiny, I’m just not very tall! That doesn’t make me tiny!” I argued. “Sebastian..” I said looking over to him. He perked up, “Yes my sweet?” He asked, grinning between me and his brothers. “Didn’t you say I have my own room? Can I go there? I think I just need some alone time.” I said looking down at my feet. “Of course Princess, our movers should be here soon with your things, so I’ll go ahead and take you to your room.” He said standing and taking my small hand in his. He walked down the hallway to a large door with “Luna” written on it. “Here you are Lilith, home sweet home!” The room was magnificent, the walls were light grey, and there was a black canopy bed with white sheets, and a grey and black comforter. There was a grey brick fireplace in the corner next to a bay window with its own sitting area. There was a black bookshelf built into the wall beside the bay window, and two chairs positioned on top of a furry white rug, in front of the fireplace. A large, black dresser stood in between two doors, both open. I could see one was the closet dnd the other the bathroom. The walk in closet was amazing, but it was nothing compared to my bathroom. A huge jacuzzi tub was on the right corner wall. Next to it a massive walk in shower, it has shower heads all down the sides of it and up on the ceiling. I walked to the mirror, a large sink, with a wall length mirror looked so delicate. I looked around, then walked back out to the bedroom. Levi, Lucas, and Sebastian all stood in the entryway looking over me. “All of this.. is really mine?” I asked looking around in awe. “Of course, you’re our mate!” Sebastian said. He smiled before he tuned and exited the room. “Be back in just a second love!” Lucas made himself at home on my bed, meanwhile Levi walked across to the fireplace. I walked over to the bay window and sat down in it. I looked outside to see Sebastian walking outside and meeting with a moving truck. “Oh! My stuff is here!” I said looking over my shoulder at Levi and Lucas. I peered back down to see a woman stumble out of the house we were in. She threw her arms around Sebastian and kissed his neck. I growled, like actually growled like an animal. “What was that?” Lucas said, sitting up and smirking. I stood from my place in the window and opened it up. “What are you doing?” Levi asked, standing from his chair. I peered down, and looked around. Down and out.. I ran out of the room and down the closest staircase I could find. I quickly found my way down to the main floor and saw a double door open. I ran to it and could see Sebastian trying to push her off of him but she had a death grip on him. “Come on baby, just take me back to your room like last time!” She spoke lustfully in his ear, kissing his neck. “I said no Atlanta!” He said trying to push her off without actually hurting her. I walked over grabbing her by the hair and tearing her away. “Stay away from my mate!” I yelled in her face growling. She fell backwards down the short staircase and landed on her butt. She was tall, around 5’10, her hair was cut into a long bob and was dyed blonde. Her eyes a deep brown color, they stalked over my body in a condescending way. “Your mate?” She sneered. “No matter who he mates he’ll always take me to bed with him. Get used to it, you’re not so special!” She spat at my feet. I gave her a glare to warn her, but my patience was already thin. Seeing her hung on him and kissing him, and him not really fighting back I quickly stalked down the staircase kicking her in the chest, sending her to lay flat on her back. I placed my foot on her throat and leaned down. “No, he will not be taking you to bed, he’s mine! They are mine, and you can’t have them, and if you so much as look at any of my mates I will tear your throat out myself!” I growled in her face. She smirked under me. “I’ll be back for him, and now I’ll sleep with all of them just to pi** you off!” She snapped. That was all it took, my heart suddenly beat heavily, a deep thud in my chest. “Ahh!” I yelled doubling over and grasping my chest. Sebastian ran to me, Levi and Lucas following him. They all circled around me, and the pain kept getting worse. I fell to the ground on my hands and knees and began feeling my bones break. “AHHH!” I screamed out in pain. “Sh**, she’s shifting!” Lucas said trying to get me to look up at him. My body ached as I felt Kyra coming forward, I kept trying to push her back but I couldn’t win. She was so angry, just like I was. I fell over on my side whimpering. “Please! Make it stop!” I screamed, “It’s Kyra, she’s trying to come out!” I shouted. “Okay love, I can help, but it’s going to be very painful, but then it’s over!” Sebastian said. I nodded not really having the strength to answer. He looked down. “I’m so sorry about this, Kyra, SHIFT!” He yelled his voice shaking the ground. Suddenly I felt pain I never thought possible. Then it ended, and I was covered in fur, my hands and feet now paws. I slowly stood up getting my bearings. I looked down at my paws solid white, and massive. “She’s beautiful!” I heard Levi say. “She’s huge!” Said Lucas. “Bigger than any of ours maybe even Silas’!” Sebastian finished. “And solid white.. there aren’t any solid white wolves are there?” He asked looking to the other two. Kyra was focused on one thing and one thing only, the sl** that had her paws all over our mate. I stalked towards her, baring my fangs at her, and snarling. “W-Wait!” She cried out, her body shivering. “I told you to keep your hands off of our mates! Then you honestly thought you could taunt me, and say you’d sleep with all of my mates? I’ll kill you!” I growled. “She can talk?” The girl looked more horrified by my wolf. “No!” Levi said running over and grabbing me tightly. “Listen little Luna, we’ll get rid of her, but you can’t kill her, you would get in trouble with the pack elders!” He said running his hands through my fur beginning to calm me down. Sebastian walked over looking down at the pathetic woman on the ground in front of me. “I Sebastian McNeil, Alpha of Dreadmoon Pack hereby banish you, Atlanta Dodson! You lose your title, and are now demoted to a rogue! Get off of our pack lands before we send the guard after you!” Sebastian said, his words fluent. “No please, Sebastian!” She cried out. I growled out at her, “He’s not yours, now leave or I’ll tear you from limb to limb!”
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